Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 992: Hands Reached Out ①

The second semester of the Valentine's School of Magic for Women began.

At this inaugural ceremony, for the Oreries sophomores...

It appears to have passed a long, short, three-year turning point in student life.

After the commencement ceremony, the students return to their respective classes and have a homeroom.

But today, the ceremony doesn't just end.

Most schools in the kingdom will only hold ceremonies on the first day of the second period and will be treated as if they were going home soon.


The School of Magic Girls is more cynical in that regard than any other school.

Because after enjoying the long summer break 'reunion' again with the classmates we will meet a long time ago, the second half of the class begins quickly.

From Fran, who has also served in Group C for two years, when the voice of the end of the homeroom hangs...

Orelly immediately stood up and blinded himself to Josephine, Lilya.

Naturally, Josephine, Lilya also said, "I got it!" and nodded loudly all the time.

The third time-limited class they will take today is a specialty subject that begins at 11 a.m.

It is only natural that Luu should be in charge of the magical attack B group.

Already the two faculty members are not in the classroom, Lew for the subject and Fran for the deputy.

I'm out to get ready for class.

This time, the place to take a magic attack technique class was not this school building classroom.

It's a huge outdoor arena just a short walk from the school building.

The three Oreries were upstairs in the locker room, hurried to change into a sports coat and left the school building.

Then, by the entrance and exit of this school building, there stood one student who had also put together his exercise coat.

... is Manon Carlier, chairman of the Grade Committee in Group A for two years.

Manon waves loudly toward Orelly and the others.

The previous dangers disappear and the expression is calm.

Instead of calm, he had a full grin.

"Mr. Orelly, Mr. Josephine, Mr. Lilya"

"Mr. Manon, what is it?

"Puffy," Manon swelled his cheeks as he rushed over to ask.

"There's nothing wrong with you or these things! We've been waiting for you, haven't we?"


Even if they say it's decided... nothing, I haven't promised to meet you...

Orelly stopped trying to argue that way.

Because Manon's character was gradually understood.

So I honestly apologized.

"Oh, I'm sorry!

"You just have to know. I'll be with you most of the time for the next semester. Let's go."

"Yeah, let's go"

"Then I, Me, will lead the way. Follow me, everyone."

O'Leary thinks.

Again, Manon said he likes to take leadership.

Of course I'm talking and always want to take the lead right away, I'm still leading the way and walking away more and more.

Walking thoughtlessly back and forth is like a Royal Army commander cutting ahead.

While walking to the outdoor arena, Orelly hands-on her memories.


The three invited to study and eat, Olerie, Josephine and Lilya...

Manon, Poretto, Stephanie.

When it came to the content of the questions, it was mainly about the content of Luu's classes.

Sure, Lew was telling before his summer vacation.

"My classes are based on breathing and physical training, and I will learn the magic of physical strengthening and attacking magic to suit my attributes. Anyone who can exercise defensive magic, by the way, will be instructed to combine offense and defense if they wish."

As the word goes, the next class Lew gave was breathing training.

That's why today's Lew class is supposed to be... physical exercise.

The Wizard of the Kingdom of Valentine in the first place is rare, such as he who proceeds and exercises his body.

If I had time for that, I would normally remember one of the magic ceremonies and think that it would be far "done" to improve my activation skills.

But in Lew's class, if physical training is required, it's not the story.

Something must be done to take the unit.

While Manon and the others regret the 'rivals'...

Competitors...... i.e. I was assuming that Olerie and the others, Luu's wife, had already received his' hand-warming ', including magic, in full.

Therefore, Lu tried to find out beforehand how to train his body, which he would do in class.

In the first place, Lew's classes are as different as traditional magic girls' school stuff.

Because the Manons experienced and fully recognized it in their pre-summer vacation classes.

By the way, Pollet and Stephanie are not here right now because they take Lew classes in another set of C's.

Shortly after his summer vacation, Orelly told me about his usual training.


Orelly didn't tell the whole 'truth' story.

Because I'm family, I have something called 'secret'.

Exactly. We can't tell Manon and the others' everything 'yet.

Therefore, regarding the training, I only communicated the contents without obstacles.

What I told you… is so-called stretching and flexible gymnastics.

To Orelly and the others, Manon and the others anticipated "doing the interview," which was the "countermeasure" put in place by Luu.

When we spoke in the student cafeteria this morning, Orelly told me that

"I might do plenty of stretching and flexible gymnastics, as we talked about before the holidays"

I heard, the Manons stood colored.

Predictions have come true! from.

After breaking up with the Oleries...

It goes without saying that Manon played "High Touch of Joy" with Pollet & Stephanie.

During their summer vacation, the three of them believed in Orelly's words and played stretch and flexible gymnastics.

In fact, Manon was surprised to find out.

Stretching and flexible gymnastics can help wizards improve their abilities.

The book that Manon read said no after saying "it's only the author's theory" and it had a lot of effect.

Relax your body, of course...

And more......

You'll be able to breathe without having to.

Better circulation of blood, that is, better circulation of magic flowing with blood.

It works to increase concentration.

Better physical balance.

Injury-resistant etc...

Oh, my God!

All effects are positive for wizards.


Once again, I fell back in love with Luu's focus, and my "measures" were perfect, and Manon was in a good mood and uptight.