Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 1,015: Fall in Unfulfilled Love (7)

In front of Lou......

Two beautiful southern country fairy (nymph) girls held each other tight in tears of joy.

One is Arseis, born in the deep green forest, Elena of the wooden spirit Aco, and the other is Lisetta of Naias, born in the deep fresh spring.

For thousands of years, the fairies of the two southern nations (nymphs) had been cursed by the doomed goddess.

Elena is a valley in the North, far from her homeland, closed to only one other realm...

Lisetta was another temple of the other world that no one would ever visit, and had been transformed into a strange figure that looked nothing like her original beauty.

Eventually, when Lisetta leaves Elena...

I cried and turned my bright red eyes to Luu.

"Dear Mr. Lew..."

"Lisetta, let's talk in a nutshell"

Still mad with hatred, it is good to say that in this temple dominated by the remnants of the Goddess's soul, every step of the Lu 'u 'ers is seen.

To avoid being asked extra things, it is only natural to use pronouncements.

In addition, it would be a request that Lisetta share all the information on the temple that she can find out with Lew.

Is it a good idea, Lisetta read Rue's intentions in an instant?

'Yes, yes!


One, Elena watched in silence.

What the hell does Lisetta want to say to Luu, who was a prisoner "Torah"...

Good... I get it.

'If you don't mind, let me know. Does Master Lew intend to save Lamia?

'Oh, that's why I'm here. But, Lisetta, it's good to be able to save you first. "

'Yes, yes! Thank you so much for your help. But...'

"Something to worry about?

'Yes! There are still guardians in this temple. There are unparalleled, scary immortal monsters like the Sphinx I was incarnated with.'

Listening to Lisetta's words, Lew nods.

'Oh, I know. I've been feeling signs ever since I walked into this temple. Awesome poison and temper...'


"Okay, Lisetta. Let's hear it. Who's your protector, Hydra?

'Yes, yes! Exactly. Could it be that you knew?

"Oh, it's his magic wave, Aura... it's incredibly poisonous, and whether he slashes his neck with a sword or slashes it, it's a monster that keeps regenerating." [incomprehensible]

The monster Hydra...

Born out of Goddess resentment, he is a monster of giant snakes.

It has nine necks that grow from a body covered in hard scales.

And Lu is right, the fluids are poisonous, as is the exhaling breath.

Hydra is even more troublesome because it is said that it is impossible to detoxify the poison she possesses.

Once again, Lisetta speaks of horror when she learns that Lou is familiar with Hydra.

'If you know that much, you don't need to explain it in detail. As I said, that monster is made of everything in his body, isn't it? Of course there is no such thing as a nymph. He rots all those who approach him.'


"On top of that, Hydra is a complete immortal monster."

"Immortality? Sure, I heard a demigod demigod brave man called a hero knocked him down..."

'No! It is false that an ancient' No 'hero burned and defeated a decapitated wound. He didn't die simply because he was in a state of provisional death.'

'Wow! Then you can't burn the wound and prevent it from regenerating?

'Yes! And the goddess built up Hydra far more than the hero did when he fought. It invalidates the magic of a half-breed fire.'

"Ha ha, the magic of fire doesn't work, that's troublesome"

'No more! It's not funny! The only way for Ramia to get to the closed room is to defeat Hydra. Besides, if you are lucky enough to defeat Hydra and see Ramia, can you save her or not...'


When Lisetta's story reached Lamia, Lew silenced.

A little, he's putting his mind around it.

'Because Lamia, who became a monster... has, of course, become desperate for all this world... you will tell her to kill herself first...'

'Well, then, Ramia's persuasion seems difficult, I'm in trouble...'

Changed from a gentle smile earlier!

In a wrinkled and troubled luau between the eyebrows, the monster Hydra looks completely out of her eyes.

Listening to Luu's words, you're cut, and Lisetta's brow hangs.

"Master Lu! More than Ramia's persuasion, get Hydra first! How do we defeat the immortal monster first?

Risetta got so excited that her spit was about to fly.

Too much, I hear Luu looks like a potent weather.

Of course, when it comes to Lew,

'Oh, I'm sorry. I guess Lisetta's worried about me, huh?

'That's right! But Elena is more worried than I am! Here! Look at that. I'm about to cry!

"Huh? Me?

Suddenly she shook herself, and Elena turned her eyes round.

Lisetta says, but Elena is not crying or anything.

As a matter of fact... Lisetta is lying to Lew for reflection...

But it's not just a lie.

Lisetta was immediately discerning Elena's feelings.

'Yes! Because you are!


"You really like Lew for helping you, don't you?

"Ha, yes ~!?

In the great hall of the quiet temple, Elena's "flesh voice" was echoed by surprise.