Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 1,081: The Peace of the Breval Family ③

St. Helena, King Valentine's capital, the Duke of Breval family in a painting of the aristocratic neighborhood.

Cardinal Andre Breval, a heavy town of the Church of the Genesis God, now holds the presidency in the prestigious setting up of the stream of Laurent Breval, one of the knights of the round table who followed Bertcreed Valentine, the founder of the kingdom.

The mansion is one of the most vast mansions in the aristocratic neighborhood.

He also lived here not only with his lord Andre, but also with his one son, Mr. and Mrs. Matthias, and their two daughters.

Matthias' two daughters here...

Needless to say, I am Stephanie, a Group B student for 2 years at the School of Magic Women, and my sister Anniez, a prospective enrollment student for next year.

The night after Luu received the report from Moral…

After dinner, Matthias had offered his father Andre a very important consultation.

The two of them are now in Andre's study, sitting on the couch facing each other.

The expression contrasted, with Andre smiling, one or Matthias full of distress and wrinkles between his brows.

I sighed loudly and opened my mouth first...

It is still Matthias, who has held consultations with him.

"Father, I have trouble with Stephanie and Anise."

"Trouble? What happened to those two?

To his father, who asks in surprise, Matthias says, "I'm frightened! ♪ throw up like that ♪

"Lately, whatever you like to say,... I noticed the color weirdly"

"Well, Stephanie and the others finally became maidens in love..."

"No, no, Father, what do you say to relax! It's totally early for those kids who are still young, like love!

"Hmm, still young? Fulfill it, huh?

"Yes! Those kids are just kids!


"It's not funny, Father! It depends! We both missed out on bad civilian teachers."

"An inept civilian teacher? Oh, you still mean Lou Brandell?

Andre heard from his son, "I noticed the color," and came with a pin,

"Civilian teacher," he continued to hear, convinced.

Meanwhile, when I saw and heard my father's reactions, I said, "Very surprising!" Matthias with the expression.

"Oh, well, yes! What is it again! Also, if Father, did you know Lu and I did?

"Oh, we met once and talked carefully. He's a good young man."

A good young man?

What does my father say?

Matthias gets angry and rolls all at once.

"A good young man? On what basis does Father say such things? There seems to be no doubt that he is a human race, but it is unclear where he is from, and his previous background… rumor is that he was raised by the Art for about 10 years, etc."

"Uhm, sounds like"

Andre, as always, is calm.

My granddaughter is in love with a civilian or something, but she doesn't try to see it as a problem at all.

Such an attitude became as if to anoint Matthias' burning flames of anger.

"What! Apparently, and so on! Father! No way!

"No way? What?

"Do you know more about Lew?

Shocking facts were revealed against Matthias eating down on Andre.

"Oh, I know Lu very well."

"You know Luu well? Father! Why!"

"Uhm! Non anticipated his talent, temporarily trying to get into the Church of Genesis."

"Nah! Take Lew to church? Then, stupid!

Matthias has no choice but to say no more.

The Cardinal elects a man who knows no horsebone to enter the Church...

My father in front of me also thinks he's gone crazy.

But Andre is extremely calm.

"Say what, Matthias. I'm not stupid. I actually talked to him, and before I met him, I did a lot of research on Luu from behind."

"Hey, investigation?

"That's right! I checked it out with care. As a result, we anticipated his extraordinary talents and extraordinary connections. My church needs talent."


"Matthias, listen. Non also met with Dear Philip and Count Dumaire on the matter and offered the terms. I asked Luu, a temporary teacher, to pull me out of the School of Magic Women. As a preemptive root."

"Hih, pull out!? Root? Conditional presentation? Oh, no! Father expects Luu to be that far!? Oh, that's impossible!

"Whatever you say, believe it or not, it's true... well, from the two of you, I just said no"

"Oh, that! Phi, even Master Philip is expecting Lew! Ah, gu... na, why! Such a guy..."

"Hmmm... that's how it goes... did you check on Lu too? I suppose you asked Ektor to do it anyway?


In response to Andre's question, Matthias silenced.

Indeed, Matthias ordered Luu's investigation into Ektor Buldarias, head of the childhood friendly and friendly Knights Temple.

Andre can tell right away that silence is a 'testament to affirmation'...

"Matthias! If you looked it up too, you'd know as much as Lew wives the daughters of various aristocrats... For example, I heard Lord Francisca, the courtier of Count Dumaid, was inspired by Lew's help..."

"Yes! Yes, I know."

"Hehe, even our Stephanie is no exception. I also know you're going to like Lew."

"What? Yes ~ Huh????

Can this father understand that his beloved daughter Stephanie will like Lew?

Matthias, the stutterer, was completely frightened, and opened his mouth gently.