Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 1,124: Who's the New Student Chairman?

Lew brought the three Gremolies...

It is a warehouse in the corner of the School of Magic Women.

Naturally, it was locked, but without unlocking it, Lu and the others went inside using metastatic magic.

Late at night, the magic light was also cut off, and it was dark in the warehouse.

But there is no obstacle at all to the four people who have a clear vision even in the pitch-black darkness.

As in "the place of destination has already been decided," Lew walks away without a scratch.

Next to Lew, Gremoly leans in, immediately Uval continues, and Moral slowly walks away from the rearmost.

The warehouse is quite large.

I walked for about a few minutes and the line reached a painting loaded with crates.

Each crate is labeled with a date.

Apparently, the crate is in the paperwork.

But it was strange.

Some boxes are glowing lightly.

No, it's not just luminescence.

The fluctuation of "mindless!" also comes through.

Lew points to a glowing crate,


I called.

Françoise, Gremoly leans her neck with a cute trick.


"He was student chairman before Gisele. You know what's in the crate, right?

When Lew asks, Gremoly answers softly.

"Naturally, the contents include a petition from a student posted to the opinion box, which was also rejected because the contents determined that it was not necessary to consider."

'Right. So, do you know why a wooden box with mere pieces of paper is glowing?

'Ugh, somehow... but I want you to tell me from Lew. You're gonna tell me some funny stories together, aren't you?

'Okay. This light... is a form of magic. In the end, it doesn't come true, it's gone. Wishes are a negative force. "

When Lew answers, Gremoly reacts like a teacher on the contrary.

'Ugh, correct!

Hearing Gremoly's words, Lew nods.

'... I regularly recover this power. I realize the existence of this negative force, and if someone abuses it, I'm in trouble.'

"Ugh, that's great, Lew is"

Gremoly smiled slightly.

In fact, she also grasped the existence of this negative force while attending the School of Magic Girls, since becoming student chairman.

But if you leave it alone, it can eventually disappear...

Unless it was harmful to me, I was basically indifferent and left alone.

"For now... let's just do what we do"

When Luu said so and stood up, he waved lightly to the crate that was glowing nearest him on foot.

Then the crate lost its light, and the fluctuations disappeared.

Lew heads to the next crate and can wave again.

The same thing has been repeated several times...

All the luminescent crates returned to their normal crates.


After the warehouse, the four of them were on the campus lawn.

Moral and Uval sit down, and Luu and Gremoly sleep on their backs.

By the way, he's disappearing, so he won't even notice the patrol king's capital knight passing by.

'Hey, Lew... you know what the opinion box is all about, don't you?

'Oh, I know. It was set up at the School for Magic Girls so that students can learn magic comfortably and efficiently so that they can easily make requests and suggestions for improvement. "

'Exactly. What the student council could handle by scrutinizing what was written was the student council, and what couldn't be resolved without the school responding was given to a senior staff council of three people, President Adelaide, Acting Principal Francisca, and Head Kelturi. "

"However... requests from ordinary students were not necessarily just for schools to improve the students' learning environment."

"Well... Gisele, I've spoken well with Nadia... about the request sent to the opinion box."


'I think it was because the name was optional, but especially so when it was bearer... there were overwhelmingly many private favors that I could tell there was no room to consider just looking at the written text'

'Well, I guess...'

'Yeah, I want a boyfriend, do something about it... thrilled with cool boys, merge them with Magic Boys School because I want to have fun studying every day and make them coeducational, or completely ban part-time work because I want to wear cute work clothes...'

"As long as it takes..."

"Please make a special menu that you can absolutely diet on to a learning meal, or buy a popular romance novel in the library...... there's no way that such a request can be resolved by the student council, and this one seems to be kidding me about going up to the senior staff council"

"Yeah, well, Françoise is right."




"My thoughts are different."

Unexpectedly, Lew spoke differently, so Gremoly was surprised.

"Huh? How is it different?"

'The wish I just heard, from others, is boring, crap, it looks and feels like it. And joke it, whoever posted it in the opinion box, whether it was out of seriousness, did have a wish'.

"Luu, what are you trying to say?

"Oh, it may not be possible to meet all the demands, but it would be better if we could take the sincerity of the contributors behind the words and respond to them"

"Huh? You don't have to take that request seriously, do you?

"Fulfill it. Will it? I think it is necessary to reconsider what the student actually wants, rather than rejecting it simply because it is unrealistic at all or because it is private. And even if it wasn't what you asked for, I thought it would be better if I returned some results."

'Haha, I can't. It's a pain in the ass! Nobody's ever done such a hassle-free thing.'

"Well... let's hope that the new student chairman who will take office will spare no effort for the students."

After all, the opinions of Luu and Gremoly were parallel lines......

It was not an argument.

Because I know that Lew doesn't deny the other person's opinion and when we cut the debate.

Gremoly smiles slightly when she sees the stars of heaven spreading over her...

She could not immediately endorse Luu's idea.

But it's not bad for a student's whispering wishes to come true in some way...

It was slowly beginning to feel that way.