Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 1,363: Dreaming Manon ②

"So I picked up some power stones with my own arbitrariness and prejudice."

A few power stones to Lew's arbitrariness and prejudice!?


Along with the other students who listened to the class silently, Manon was drawn to the class and stepped forward.

"There are really many fascinating power stones." It's a very long day, and I'm not finished with one lesson. "

Lu, smiling, began to preface and talk.

“Let's weave together the power stone features and the legends surrounding the stone and tell them to everyone.”


Starting with Manon and O'Leary, the students are silent and listening to Lu.

First, let's talk about amethysts.


"Amethyst is a kind of crystal called purple crystal. Glass gloss, color variations range from lilac to dark purple."


"The jewel words are honesty, peace of heart, attentive heart, deep innocent love..."


"The word 'amethyst' itself has the meaning of not being intoxicated by alcohol. Even in ancient times, it is said to be effective in preventing drunkenness."


"If you add heat artificially, you can make it yellow crystal (citrine)."


"Amethysts prevent drunkenness, so to speak, suppresses arousal and corrects bad thoughts. In other words, it can be said to have the effect of bringing stability to the mind, sharpening intelligence, and increasing insight."


"If you put the Amethyst ring on the middle finger of your left hand, it's said to be highly effective." It's said to be resistant to poison and plague. "


There are also other things that are said to prevent harm from bad words, mischievous magic, and locusts.


Next, let's talk about a legend related to amethysts.


There is a legend that the Amethyst is a maiden turned into a jewel by the goddess of the southern moon.


At one point, the god who drank among the gods of the south went out for a walk with his fierce beast in a grumpy state.


I was unlucky enough to meet a spirit maiden named Amethyst on my way to the Moon Goddess.


Is it possible that the grumpy, insane god of alcohol sent the ferocious beast he had with him to the amethyst?


"The toothed demonic beast attacked, and just on the verge of biting off the amethyst, the goddess of the moon changed her hair into a jewel... the amethyst was turned into an untold stone."


“The god of liquor has returned to his senses and given his blessing to the jeweled amethyst.”


"Since then, those wearing the Bao-yu Amethyst have not been intoxicated by alcohol... thus suppressing their arousal and correcting their bad thoughts." In other words, it has the effect of bringing stability to the mind, sharpening intelligence, and increasing insight... that's all for amethyst. "

When Lu finished speaking, Manon tried to ask questions.


However, rival O'Leary raised her hand first due to the difference in touch.


"I'm cumming...."

Instead of the regretful Manon, O'Leary stands up and lets go.

"Dr. Luu"

Oh, O'Leary, do you have a question?

“Yes, I understand the outline and specs of the Amethyst.”

I see. You're quick to understand.

"No, not really..."

Hmm, you're so humble.

"No, more than that..."

More than that?

"Yes, I'm more concerned about the legend of the ancient [Ancient Ancient] that Sensei Luu told me about."... or rather, I felt a furious rage from the bottom of my heart. "

"In the legend of the ancient [Ancient], from the bottom of my heart, I feel fierce anger... well, I guess so."

After hearing O'Leary's words, Josephine, Lilia, and Manon

I nodded heavily and vigorously.

"It is foolish for a godly being who is honored and revered to lose his sanity from grumpiness, and to incite a fangless demon beast to an innocent spirit maiden. A despicable, lowly being!”

The accusations from O'Leary were totally unforgiving and very harsh.

However, none of the students were against O'Leary at all.

Recently, O'Reilly heard from Lu that she had solemnly cleared the number two of the southern gods, the Sea God King and his wife, Ampitolite, and she felt great sympathy for the pathetic nymphs who had fallen victim.

The remaining fire must have been torn and ignited by the current conversation.

"Rest assured, O'Leary... and everyone."



"The gods of the south forgot their duty to be gods, and used their authority and abilities for their personal desires.... as a result, it was destroyed by Genesis. Everyone is falling into the underworld."

As Luu said, there are no southern gods, there are only a few traces left now.

Here, Manon says, "Yes!” He raises his hand.

"Oh, Manon."

"Yes, we are all satisfied with this matter, so please give me a lecture on the next Power Stone!"

With a sunny expression, Manon asked for the continuation of the lecture.