Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 1,191: School Festival ①

This is the Student Council Room at the Royal Magic Women's School of Valentine's...

Until recently, it was a conference room where education intern Françoise Grimall provided special counseling.

Not long ago, the educational internship was successfully completed.

Educational intern in beauty, OG 'Genius' Francoise at the School of Magic Girls is...

The practice of the class was, of course, particularly highly appreciated by Adelaide for the two projects she had devised: Counseling and Masked Charity Bazaar.

If nothing gets in the way, if you don't change your mind...

Françoise graduated from college next spring,

As a new teacher of expectations, he should go on a glorious assignment.

It must give the school a lot of boost, along with fresh freshmen as well.

In place of Françoise, who left the school to graduate from the University of Magic...

In this conference room now, not long after taking office,

All five members of the new student council were assembled.

What are those five...

Student Chairman Olerie Bowe.

Vice Chairman Manon Carlier.

Secretary Poretto Buquet.

Accounting Josephine Galois.

And a total of five PR Lilya Alefyev.

By the way, Orelly, Josephine and Lilya pass by their maiden names at school.

Teachers were also added, and meetings were held with student council members.

Francisca Dumaille, acting principal.

Again, Fran uses his maiden name, just like Orelly and the others.

And head teacher Kelturi Eiltvara.

They are senior staff and executive teachers in the management of the school's operations with board chairman Adelaide.

And the paedophile work of Gisele and Nadia, former student chairman and vice chairman,

Lou Brandell became a student council advisor at some point.

3 or more.

This agenda is…

A regular "School Festival" at the School of Magic for Women, held every late fall

By the way...

The School Festival of the School of Magic Girls prohibited the admission of ordinary people who had nothing to do with the school.

A special event in Francoise's proposal the other day,

As with Masked Charity Bazaar, it's a priority for school students to have fun first.

Only relatives of students were allowed to enter and were being held.

Exactly. Only the budget is provided by the school...

Because of the importance of student autonomy, it was a tradition for the operation itself to be student council-driven.

I mean, executive committee equals, they take the form of student councils.

Naturally, "Chairman of the School Festival Executive Committee" means Orelly, the student chairman.

This year is a little later than usual, and the implementation time is a bit late.

For this reason, regular and special events were included on instructions from the school side.

What is that special event......

The student council members were abruptly reported by Fran on this occasion.

"This year's rivalry will be one of the school festival events"

Confrontation is another magic girls' school routine event.

It is an exhibition match between the student representatives of the Magic Boys School, a related school, and the magic skill.

The referee will be the president of both schools, and the referee who will make the final decision, to mark fairness.

It is to be held by the Cardinal, the head of the Church of the Genesis God.

It was Orelly, the student chairman, who listened and reacted to Fran.

"Dr. Francisca, are you going to play the game against the School of Magic Boys in conjunction with the School Festival?

"Yeah, that's right, Mr. Orelly. I just heard from the magic boys' school side. The main event at this school festival is in the name of getting a lot of attention from each other."

"As long as it takes..."

It was Orelly who was calmly listening to Fran...

Suddenly I am told the facts of the shock.

"Besides, to make the game the best, it was also confirmed that the student chairmen would play games with each other."

"Yeah!? What about student chairmen?... this one, wow, me!? Do you mean I'm the one who decides to compete?

"That's right, Mr. Orelly. The magic boys' school board president, you've just been nominated."

"President of the Magic Boys School..."

"In the meantime, I only decided on the contestants. They're going to talk to each other about game formats, etc. and fill in the details."

"Hey, so much for being..."

"In parallel to preparing for the school festival, it will be hard to prepare for the game, but not just an official game, just an event. Exhibition matches only. Mr. O'Leary... good luck as a student representative anyway."

"Yes. … I will do everything in my power"

"So let's get down to business."

Yes, as Fran said...

The game against the Magic Boys School is only an exhibition match.

In other words, it is a friendly match.

Match results are not reflected in academic performance, and ostensibly are not focused on competition.

If you lose, it will not be a disgrace to the school.

Because school festivals are more predominant as official events of the school.


The School of Magic Women is in the midst of winning a series of rivalries with the overwhelming strength of Francoise, Gisele and Historical Student Chairman competing.

There is an atmosphere in the school that you can't just lose......

Maybe the Magic Boys School side did a background check on Orelly.

Not Gisele, the previous student chairman comparable to Françoise.

Perhaps Orelly, who became the new chairman, thought it would be easy to organize.

So, if not, on purpose, the side of the School of Magic Boys nominates the current student chairman to

I can't think of a confrontation.

In the first place, Orelly is better at defensive magic as a wizard.

I am aware that it is not suitable for combat.

According to the opponent, if 'Mock Battle' is put into the match item,

There is no denying the disadvantage.

O'Leary thinks again.

Confrontation between student chairmen......

Awesome heavy pressure coming...

Besides, I can't believe the school delegates wanted a complete victory...

Feeling a tremendous amount of pressure, Orelly can't hide her upset.

The other conference attendees were worried about Orelly.