Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 1,203: School Festival

Moral, Ulla and Paula numb at Concursio, a cafe near the School of Magic Boys...

No, when I was doing a background check on the president of the Magic Boys School and the student chairman...

At the Office of the Student Chairman of the School of Magic Girls at the end of today's class,

members of the student council, the chairman, Olerie, and others, all gathered to

I was being chased to prepare for the school festival.

Opponent's Magic Boys School student chairman Yurlish Bigal said he was confident in winning.

Orelly had great anxiety about his summoning battle with him.

Orelly specializes in water magic with the protection of the Spirit of Water (Undine).

And it's the magic of healing.

But there's daily classes and studies, practice as student chairman, plus preparation for the school festival.

End of the day...... I didn't have time to worry about it because of the busy times around me.

On top of that, one information after another came into my ear from Lew and Fran that would reassure me of Orelly.

As the family Theodora's on-campus guards took office and conducted advanced subpoena classes from Luu to the other world, expectations grew higher and higher than anxiety.


Today's agenda is a refinement of the offerings, or events, that will be implemented everywhere.

The first person to open his mouth was Manon Carlier, vice chairman of the MC facilitator.

"Orelly Student Chairman"


"Each class, department, sorority, aspiration, etc. has been submitted for the desired implementation event and the content has been scrutinized."

"Good day, Vice Chairman Manon. I've seen it all, but as usual, it's very diverse."

"Yes! I personally look at food and beverage, entertainment, mini-game, show, exhibition, etc. Inside? There were things like that."

"Hehe, right"

"Submit this narrowed down list to the Senior Officials Board for final decision by the President"

"Yes! Confirmation!

It was Josephine, the accountant, who raised her hand here.

"Yes, Mr. Josephine"

"Our... Our student council offering is good with the seven-planet talisman magic proposed by Chairman Orelly, right? We agreed unanimously and without complaining."

"Yes, I agree with you without complaining either. It's also very nice to sell the talisman you made and spend the proceeds on a charity fund."

Manon also smiled and agreed with Josephine.

There was a reason that all of Orelly's proposed "Seven Planet Talisman Magic" project was unanimous.

Because Lew, the student council advisor, oversees it.

Naturally, there is instruction from Lew when producing the talisman.

He said he could take a "class" in magic defense techniques he'd never taken before.

On the contrary, on the contrary, there was even a fervent hope of implementation.

Also at the suggestion of education intern Françoise, the aftermath of the recent special event Masked Charity Bazaar remained, and everyone was burning to make their event a success.

Brandell's family has been going to the orphanage for a long time...

Manon and Poretto were also invited by Stephanie to make contact with the children,

I'm totally awake.

The fund, which plans to donate revenue, has provided substantial assistance to orphanages,

It was motivating.


After the conversation, cumbersome administrative tasks, contacts, etc., have occurred.

It was over, it was already around 5: 00.

distracted Lilya and Poretto brew warm, aromatic tea,

The members were full of relief and indulgent when the work had been successfully completed.

The story became the subject of nature and the student council's offering, The Talisman Magic of the Seven Planets.

Each of them had conducted a preview of the examination…

By way of example, it was Manon who was most in the mood.

The magic book that was at home, of course, went to the bookstore street in Wangdu last weekend on holiday,

It's like putting in enough heat to go looking for new materials.

Manon clouds his expression just a little bit.

They have a little concern.

"I looked it up yesterday and found out. The specifications of the talisman are also characteristic, but there are many ingredients when making them."

"The ingredients that make the talisman? Is that so much?

And it was Lilya who asked the question.

In contrast, Manon reacted immediately.

"Yes! There is a set of tools for metal finishing, which is obviously necessary, because the materials you make for each planet are different"

"For each planet? Seven planets, yeah..."

"Mr. Leelya, it's the sun, the moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn."

"Yes! You did, didn't you?

to Lilya, who didn't immediately think of it and laughed bitterly,

Manon speaks clearly.

"Common sense."

"Yes, reflect and remember firmly"

"Fine! … back to the story, for example, the sun's talisman comes completely different from the gold plate, laurel tree, cinnamon, saffron, etc., the Venus talisman comes completely different from the copper plate, olive, smile, rose, etc."

"Wah! That's it! Seven pieces, certainly a lot! Too many, huh?

"Yes! Quite a lot. Well, I'm sure Dr. Lew will follow us, but we'll have to have the ingredients ourselves."

"Oh, the budget's okay, isn't it?

And now it looks worrying, Orelly asks.

But it was Josephine who poked his fist up high.

"Yes! No problemo, I'm the accounting guy!

Listening to Josefino's words, Olerie and the others nodded loudly,

He regained his temper.