Helping with Adventurer Party Management

Episode 454: Capturing the Cannibal Titans

After a short walk according to the leading members, they are all instructed to crouch.

The baron, instructed to come with his posture low, proceeded to the guide, making sure to follow Jilboa and crawl.

"It's behind that big tree."

Looking at the place pointed out by the leading group, there is a circular mass made of a combination of branches, even in the forest, at the base of an international large tree from around.

The chunks are blended into the landscape because of the materials they use, even though they are quite large, and you may not realize that they are artificial if you don't stop so close.

"Is that Auga's address?

"I did see a man-eater giant move in the shadow of that chunk," replies the member who was on the reconnaissance in response to Jilboa's query.

"What do you think? What is that?

Jilboa asks the Baron for some information.

It will be my first experience to discover the residence of a cannibal giant as well as Jilboa.

Originally, the strength of the Sword Tooth Corps was its ability to fight, not search.

When fighting a cannibal giant, he has fought with a fighting policy that lures him to an open place and smashes him from the front.

The more information you can find helpful, the better.

"It looks more like a tent than some kind of dwelling. I wonder if we're going to combine the branches and try to raise the rain dew."

"Is it possible that people are using what they make?

"That's a pretty big one. It takes too much effort for humans to make it for just a tent. Besides, there are very few groups of cannibal giants traveling in the back of these woods."


I don't know exactly because there is a distance to what looks like a tent using natural branch leaves, but it seems likely to be of such a size that there is no infirmity in and out of the cannibal giant. Humans still have no reason to make something that big, so it would still be reasonable to think of it as a residence at the hands of a man-eater giant.

"Nevertheless, I didn't know they were intelligent enough to make their own dwellings! This is a tough find!

He pushed and killed the excitement, and the baron whispered in the smallest possible voice.

"But if you think about it, you've got two hands, you've got fingers, you've got the wisdom to just wield a stick. As much as collecting branches to make a place to live, it may well be possible. And it's a big discovery. And then, what kind of individual are you over there? That's what bothers me. I want to catch him somehow without killing him."

Gilboa also answers the Baron's request with a low voice.

"Hopefully, yes. Maybe not just one head. And if you inflict pain halfway through it, you'll go mad and you'll still die."

"But! I would have talked about the importance of the guy in that dwelling! Can you handle that?

"We might be able to figure it out if we prevent the man-eater giants from going wild. Any thoughts?

Asked by Jilboa, the Baron contemplates with his gaze upwards and saying bumps, but that solitary did not last long either.

"Right. Do you have any pain meds?

"It's... Heavy Squad is better prepared, though"

Jilboa asks in surprise at the baron's words.

"I want to tap on the pain meds and shoot them in. Paint that spine-grown stick weapon as well. So we might be able to curb the frenzy."

If the fear of pain and death causes madness, we just need to alleviate it.

Jilboa reviewed the baron's idea of using drugs, not poisons, for weapons.