Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Volume One, The Origin of the Sword Chapter 48 Don't Forget Me But I'm a Scumbag

Biquge, the fastest update of Jianxian in this latest chapter!Lin Beichen held his head and tried to pretend to be a "I am serious" expression, saying: "Okay, so please, what do you want to connect in series?"

Ding Sanshi felt that his high blood pressure was almost guilty.

Communicating with this prodigal child, there is always the possibility of a blood vessel burst.

But when I thought of the grade director Chu Chen's repeated orders in private, I thought of my expectations for Lin Beichen, and the glory of the Third Academy...


Rubbing his face hard, the old teacher tried to calm himself down.

"Actually, the camp’s purpose of organizing this campfire is not just to feed everyone, but not just to relax everyone, but to let the students take advantage of this opportunity to know each other and communicate with each other. Able to reach some alliances, cooperate with each other, and maximize the benefits in the next ten days of competition.

"The qualifiers are not about personal force."

"It's testing your wisdom, your leadership and adaptability."

"Testing your ability to live and adapt in the group."

"Your actions, words and deeds are all under the watch of the three giants in the camp. They look in their eyes and keep in mind."

Ding Sanshi explained patiently.

Lin Beichen wiped his mouth with a handkerchief: "You mean, in fact, the real competition has already started from the moment the party started."

Ding Sanshi shook his head and said: "No, to be precise, the moment you stepped into the camp, it has already begun."

"It turns out that the so-called campfire party is not for everyone to have a meal on the road. In fact, it is to give everyone an open opportunity to find partners with each other, team up temporarily, secretly hook up, be embarrassed, perverted, foolish... is that true? ?"

Lin Beichen suddenly realized.

Ding Sanshi heard messy in the wind.

Your sister's meal on the road.

What I said at first was quite right. Why is it more strange later?

But the meaning is barely right.

He gritted his teeth and said, "That's right."

Lin Beichen looked around.

No wonder the three guys Mu Xinyue, Wu Xiaofang and Yue Hongxiang had no shadow at the beginning.

"In this way, Mulucha and Wu Liguo have gone to hook up with other college geniuses?"

Lin Beichen said.

Ding Sanshi was even more messy in the wind.

The name of the classmates... too... rough.

"you still need to ask."

He said irritably: "Do you think everyone is like you?

Lin Beichen took a sip of fruit wine and said, "No, generally speaking, shouldn't students from the same school unite sincerely and win glory for the school? Why are they going to hook up students from other schools? Why don't they come to hook up with me?"

Why not hook you up, don't you have a bit of force in your heart?

Ding Sanshi was unable to vomit.

"In fact, the exact opposite."

Ding Sanshi said: "Students of the same school must be competitors in the school. There is a conflict of interests that cannot be reconciled in the short term. It is difficult to cooperate completely. Since the past, students still prefer to cooperate with people from other schools. , To exchange information and maximize the benefits, you can keep your basic school in the school."

"And, any student, as long as he can enter the primary election, also wins glory for the school, like this kind of thing that can suppress the competitors of the same school and be famous, who is not willing to do it?"

Soude Temple.

Lin Beichen thoughtfully.


Selling acquaintances is easier than pitting strangers.

The profiteers always like to kill, which is not unreasonable.

It hides the wisdom of living in the world, traveling at home, making money and killing lives, killing people and setting fire.

"But those geniuses like the National Royal Junior College, should disdain such a gang formation," Lin Beichen said again: "They enter the Tianjiao hegemony competition, there should be no suspense, if they hold a group, other colleges do not have Win machine."

Ding Sanshi shook his head and said: "It's not like this. There is only one genius in the 100-person roster this time. It is disdain for this kind of battle. It can win 100%. Just like standing tall, no one can threaten him, as for others... …You remember, there are competitions for students at every level, ordinary students have competitions for ordinary students, geniuses have competitions for geniuses, and among the geniuses of the National Royal Junior College, competition is more intense. Imagine if competition can be allowed Opponents collapsed in the qualifiers, why not do it?"

After listening to Lin Beichen, he realized that his previous thoughts were indeed too simple.

Competition is everywhere.

This training camp is not just a simple qualifier.

More like a brutal calculation, intriguing war of survival.


Isn't this training a bitch?

Lin Beichen secretly slander.

The approach taken by the Yunmengcheng Education Department is a bit like raising a Gu.

Not talking

Again, the Beihai Empire attaches great importance to grass-roots education. Obviously, it is not simply to cultivate a strong man with high military value, but hopes that through various means, he can get more talent, strength, leadership, and flexible synthesis. Quality talent.

From this perspective, the training camp qualifier mode is indeed painstaking.

Lin Beichen nodded and smiled abruptly, saying, "Oh, hey, hey, the really talented genius you just said, wouldn't it be me?"

Ding Sanshi said: "You're thinking about fart eating, of course not. I'm talking about the morning girl in the top of my personal rankings."


Lin Beichen said uncomfortably: "I understand then."

Then he turned around again and began to enter the battle with the food.

Ding Sanshi waited for a moment and couldn't help saying: "And then?"

Lin Beichen said: "There is no more."

"Then I said so much to you... Am I playing the piano to the cow?"

Ding Sanshi suppressed his feelings about to run away.

"You still haven't figured out one thing, Ding Jiaoxiong, you told me so much uselessness," Lin Beichen said: "The main contradiction at this stage is that my reputation is now too bad, notorious, and tandem uselessness, Who wants to team up with a scum scum?"

Ding Sanshi dumbfounded.

What the fuck said makes sense.

It was speechless.

"Then you have to try hard."

Ding Sanshi's momentum has declined significantly.

Lin Beichen said while eating: "Aren’t I preparing? I must eat and drink first to be able to be energetic, and then to be able to hook up... No, it’s a tandem, do you believe it or not, wait for me to eat and drink , I directly took Miss Chenchen who ranked first in the personal combat rankings, hehe."

Ding Sanshi gas said: "If you can form an alliance with the early morning, I will eat this table."

"Lying trough, teaching, are you such a despised person?"

Lin Beichen retorted dissatisfiedly: "Don't forget, I am a scum man, or a handsome scum man with a special look. I am very capable of dealing with the little girls who are not involved in the world..."

The voice did not fall.

A sneer came: "I have never seen such a brazen person."


Thank you Fang Yiyan for your great support.In addition, I am leaving for Beijing tomorrow. Are there any book friends in Beijing?This time until about 21st.