Hero without Blood or Tear
[21] A Nightmare for the Demon King. (2)
We made a commotion in the abbot's bedroom and headed for the secret underground seal of the convent. Margareta leads us first.
“Marie, where are you going? ”
I think I came down quite deep, but I think I still have more.
“Seals are supposed to be deep. ”
Suddenly, it was Margareta who came down to the basement. It's because she said she would pay for helping herself and the nuns.
“You know it when you go. ”
I got a lot from Balfur this time at the convent. Ranked top of the command line and acquired a quest to recruit Margareta, the southwestern most powerful of the empire. There, the full promise of support for the Valfurga sisters and the trust and affection of Valfurgis and Angela are random.
I honestly don't want anything more from my perspective. Margareta was determined, despite her humility. According to her, the reward is to be done materially.
Well, if you can get me something useful, I'd love to. But there was a problem.
It's because the objects in this convent were a secret of the sacred family. It is a sacred thing with a castle, a castle, a castle, and a castle, such as a sword, a glove, a castle, and a castle.
It was a blurry thing for me to use when I stepped foot in commandery. I won't be able to use it, but I won't be able to use it with Debuff. That's why I came all the way down to this underground seal. Marcaretta smiles cheerfully, forgetting about her illness.
“Hahaha! It's a great idea even if you think about it. If you are bitten by darkness, you can give a sealed object to the parliament long ago! Rewards and garbage disposal... ”
I think I heard a murmur I couldn't hear...
“To add cursed objects to a cursed person. What if I get eaten by evil? ”
When I think about it, Margareta stops, and she opens her worthless breasts as much as she can.
“I don't think you're that weak. If that's the case, return home quietly, as it is not fit to pierce Pezamut's ass. I will find a way to break the curse and contact you. ”
“Hey, don't tell me the nun's mouth pierces your ass. ”
“It's all right. It's only a matter of time before I get mad." You can get married if you pay me back. It's not bad! ”
No, then your life as a nun is over.
“I met a guy who looked like a mom. ”
Margareta looks at me and smiles. But that was a joke to everyone. I smiled and looked at Valpurgis. The innocent girl soon got caught.
“Sister Marie. Show me the way."
Valpurgis' voice rises out of nowhere. Then Margareta looks stunning with an exaggerated face.
“Oh my! Sister Marie smiled at the man I liked, following her around like that! It's no use raising a daughter! ”
Valpurgis is a stickler for that.
“Nu, Nu, who said you liked them! Don't be rude to Balor, he's a customer! No, before that, the adults of the nuns are conscious and guarded! ”
“Well, I don't think our little angel drooled on it, but if I make it real... ”
“Please! Make a hole with your finger and don't stab it with your index finger! ”
Suddenly, in a quiet and solemn basement, it turned into a marketplace. The saints and archangels in the basement looked down at us and seemed to be confused.
The shadows of Margareta and ValFurgis, reflected in a magic lamp, are moving as brightly as a shadow play.
“Balor, I'll show you. Ignore them both. It's basically a dumbass duo. ”
“ ……. ”
He is the successor of Taesan North Du and the esteemed Bavaria, who guard the southwestern part of the Empire. Two big girls walking around here like idiots. How can truth always be so far from heroic dignity?
“Come on, this way. ”
The only one I can trust is Grandma Angela. I abandoned the fool's forge and moved with her. After a further five minutes, a sealed door appeared.
“This is it.”
Angela places her palm in front of the sealed door and the light flashes slightly. Then the door began to open with a heavy sound.
Inside, there were all kinds of weird stuff. They have something in common, something sinister and mutual. All the things Valpur had collected from the convent were inside the seals.
“That's all there is to it. ”
Let's take a look at one of my extraordinary swords, and Margareta answers instead of Angela.
“Leave the knife alone. It's useless. Sharp, but increasingly effective at driving owners crazy. ”
“Are you done arguing? ”
“Puha! Who said anything about fighting? Little angel and I are as good as water and fish! ”
As she looks at Valpurgis, she turns her head in a daze. And then Margareta gets upset.
“Hey, you rascal! How did I raise him? ”
After another fight, Angela finally said she was going to kick them out, and it was quiet.
Margaret looks around and explains that she had a mild cough.
“It's full of all kinds of dangerous stuff. Balor, I can give you anything you want. But most are useless, full of curses and malice. ”
Then Margareta grabbed my wrist and dragged me inside.
“But there's rarely anything decent. There is always the premise that you must overcome the darkness within the object. Okay, that's it. ”
Margareta pointed to a beautiful pair of armor. It was a black oxidized object with extremely sophisticated form. A lot of steel plates were assembled to maximize a wearer's mobility. It seemed that the black color was really brilliant, not just iron sheets, but cut the night sky into armor.
“A dwarf.”
“You recognize me. I can't do this without a dwarf." ”
“What is the name of this? A noble object like this must have a name. ”
“Cursed birth. The last person who wore it told me. ”
“ ……. ”
“For the record, he's the 17th owner! Everyone who's worn it so far is dead. Isn't it wonderful? ”
Somewhere nice. But Margareta wouldn't have offered me this artifact without thinking. Maybe you thought you'd be okay considering the dark forces that rest on me.
“Nothing to worry about. No matter how great this armor is, it's nothing compared to the power in your body. Bad power is suppressing it with bad power. ”
The curse of the dead incarnate on my body is so great that it cannot exert its power on this armor. Okay, then I'll take it.
I reached out and checked the item's abilities. And I was pretty surprised. It's a Class S magic item! I can't believe you got a Grade S magic item.Even a warrior wouldn't do this.
Cursed Birth
Class S magic item.
This perfectly constructed piece of armor is said to bring death to those weaker than you.
The Dwarf craftsman who made this armor offered a friend to the altar to enhance the armor's magic. Since then, this armor has been cursed.
DP +789
HP +654
Darkness +122
Strength +32
Cursed Immunity - nullifies curses at a level lower than the power of 'cursed birth’.
Shadow explosion-generates a powerful shock wave within a range of 5 meters in diameter around the user.
Aaaah, Specs is amazing.
However, when we looked closely, it was originally effective in reducing health or charisma. And probable to strike a curse that triples the damage inflicted on the enemy.
That's why the owner was dying. But I am a man without blood or tears. The curse of this armor is the highest position that doesn't even work.
“I'd appreciate it. ”
“Glad you could help. I'll let you know when I find something that will help you in the future. ”
Margareta nods as if it's fine with me as I like her. The picture of a priest recommending a cursed object is odd, but that's how rational she is. I thought I'd make a good ally in the future against the Demon King.
“Balor. Why don't you stay at the convent for a while? I'll even cook for you to repay your kindness. ”
“Appreciate the offer, but I have somewhere I need to be. I'll come back later. ”
“I see. I can't help it. ”
Margareta is very disappointed that she didn't think it would be enough to repay her properly. But I can't help it. Now we have to go get Philipp.
Philip stays in the safe house for three days. I had to go and get him before it was too late.
* * *
Before sunrise. Valpur has left the convent while there is still a blue sky.
Fili casually walks through a dew-dried meadow. He leaves the dirt road to moisturize his feet and moves on the grass. By your side, Valpurgis makes his way out on a unicorn.
For some reason, I felt a gloomy look on her. I felt sorry that I had to break up with this cute girl. Our time together is really short.
Meet on April 12 and break up on April 14. It was only two days. But there was too much going on between us.
“Thank you for escorting me. A proper greeting from here. ”
Valpurgis says she will stay at the convent for a while and return to Bavaria.
“Balor, I'll wait for you at the convent. Why don't you come with me to Bavaria when you have business? I want to repay you. ”
I wanted to be with her, but I couldn't help it. I had a lot to do before the Great War. I won't see Valpurgis for a while.
“I'm sorry, I've got work to do. ”
Valpurgis nods, regretting.
“I see. Don't block the meaningful man's path. I assume you have a mission. I hope Moody is with you. ”
Thank you for understanding.
“Well, I'll see you again. May the Moors be with you.”
After nodding, Valpurgis calls to turn the horse's head.
On horseback, she reaches out and grabs me.
“Have you forgotten something? ”
“No. But there is something I must be honest with you about. ”
I don't think Valpurgis lied to me or anything. What are you talking about? Something unexpected happened. Valfurgis suddenly began to unhook his helmet.
“Oh, no! Sir!”
I was surprised.
I was really surprised.
Valpurgis is a woman who would rather die than take off her helmet. I've spent a lot of time with her and I've never seen her under that helmet. No matter how much brotherhood you accumulate, you have no enemies to show it to.
And now you're trying to take it off? It was definitely not just because of the favor toward me. Favors and favors have been built deeper before.
“… why? ”
My question contained a lot, but I could only hear the sound of the helmet's connection snapping instead of answering it.
Like a waterfall in the morning, sparkling golden hair pours down.