Hero without Blood or Tear
[58] Knight's Territory. (3)
I couldn't keep talking in front of the palace, so I went inside. Bavaria has been staring at me ever since. If you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to get a hole in my face...
“Ser Balor. ”
“Yes, Your Majesty. ”
I was formally knighted by Valpurgis a few days ago. He is now a knight serving Earl Niederbayer as a monarch.
Therefore, Bavaria looked at me closely and called me Lord and changed his tone. If you ignore his knights, you ignore your own nephew.
“I hear you're leading the charge. ”
“It's not enough, but it's helping. ”
“Tell me how you did it. ”
The nobles of Bavarian around me were also curious.
“I understand, Your Grace. Once we had identified the cause of the fight, we tried to clear out those who stood behind the Lighter Knights. ”
He told me about the emperor's removal by diplomatic warfare in Vienna. Since then, the Leiter family owes money to the Velia Merchant Guild, which also informs us of the preemptive situation.
“In the end, the Writer family became an outcast kite. Now that there are only 300 mercenaries left, they tried to help Earl Niederbayer with his subjugation. ”
The nobles around me who had been listening quietly were amazed.
“Oh! Truly amazing! ”
“I heard Lord Valor fought the Demon King as well. But you're also good at diplomacy. ”
“Your Majesty! A truly remarkable young man has appeared in Bavaria! ”
“That's right. It's your pleasure. ”
The nobles say that Bavarian preemptively snorted.
“Not bad, but not enough for Earl Niederbayer. ”
I've made one suggestion to make sure I didn't like it very much.
“I'd like to see your military force on this occasion. I'll give you as many men as you want. Can you go and subdue the Writers? ”
I could see that Bavaria wanted to test me. I had no reason to hesitate.
“Of course, Your Grace. I won't let you down if you let me. ”
Then Bavaria nods as if she was doing a good job. As expected, he seemed to like a bold and manly figure.
“Fine. If that's the case.... ”
But his words didn't go all the way.
“Your Majesty!"
It was because an officer came rushing in from outside.
“What's going on? ”
“A knight has just arrived from the Lighter. He has something to tell you. ”
“Really? Send it this way. ”
Prior to Bavaria, I was very curious. Not only that, everyone here was curious about what information the knight brought with him on the terms of his surrender. Soon an unarmed young knight enters the room.
“Your highness. Thank you for letting me take your egg. ”
“Good. What have you brought me? ”
“I am here to inform you of a sinister plot. ”
The story of this young knight was astonishing. The Writer's heir intends to capture Earl Niederbayer and then force him to commit it.
After forcibly creating a child, I was going to negotiate my marriage with Bavarian priesthood as an excuse. As I was listening, I burst into flames.
You crazy bastards. It couldn't have happened in the first place, but it felt so bad to just think about it.
“How dare these bugs! ”
The Bavarian Pre-Election I heard exploded. He turned his eyes upside down that he had made such a plan for his nephew, who was raised like his biological daughter. He's my uncle, but he's practically my father. It's like he said, it's gold, it's ok. it was raised.
That's why his eyes are turning like that. After Bavaria, he got up.
“Change of plans! All forces! We're going to the Lighter! I'm gonna go castrate all those sons of bitches and rip their tongues out! ”
This is bad. Pre-Elect Bavaria is completely spinning out of control. He wasn't always this stubborn. Wise and discreet.
But everyone had disgust. Valpurgis, his heir and nephew, said to Bavarghis after Bavaria.
But at this rate, things get complicated. If I follow my plan, I can deal with 500 militias. If Bavaria preemptively sets sail, things will get more difficult. I stood in the way of him trying to escape right now.
“Your Majesty! The more you do this, the colder you have to be. Just give me 500 militias. Let's wrap this up in three days. ”
“Shut up! Get out of my way! Stay with me! Don't you ever get mad at your precious little bitch for talking to you like that? You bastard! ”
He shoved me and ran away. Then Gazindan followed.
“Well…. ”
This is not good. Honestly, it's not that I don't understand the pre-Bavarian heart. How could I not be angry? But judging by the experience of the last 100 years, the more you have to be cool.
“Ser Balor. Are you okay?"
Valpurgis grips my hand as if to comfort me.
“No problem, Earl. ”
“Don't be too offended. He's always like that when it comes to girls. ”
“I understand. It's just that I think it's going to be a little tricky. ”
* * *
Three days later.
I knew it. It worked out just as I expected. When the Prior Bavarian army came, all the Lighters were trapped in the castle.
“You bastards! ”
After Bavarian preliminary action, the situation had already become irreversible with the short-term struggle. The Light Knights' castle was a small but heavenly fortress.
It was built on an island floating in the middle of a small lake. The only passageway, the bridge, was too narrow to move forward. Going there was suicide.
After all, the heavy artillery and magic had to be cast into the castle, but the problem was that it took a long time for the castle to fall.
Cannonballs in this era are not explosive fireballs. It's not easy to tear down walls just by firing iron balls. In the case of a large castle, it often took a year to fall.
Even if you shoot from this side and knock it down, the repairs keep coming from that side, so it really breaks you down. There was at least a miraculous reduction in time.
However, the estimated target duration is one month. Bavaria, who wants to avoid them right now, has a high blood pressure and collapsed.
“Ser Balor. This is what you were worried about. ”
Valpurgis sighs a little. I nod slightly.
“With 500 militias, the Lighters would have been on their guard. Then I cook with my tricks, and that's it. But with this enormous army coming, the surprised ones hid like turtles. ”
The problem is that their last name is made of all kinds of know-how. The Writers have a long history of siege warfare as a fighting family.
The know-how learned in the process was applied to them in the castle. In the attack position, it was a deserving castle.
“It will take me a long time to start shooting, but smash them all. ”
Kuang! Kuang! Boom!
Heavy artillery continues to fire outside. A cannonball lodged in the wall was flying splendid debris, but it wasn't enough to tear down the wall itself.
“It's true that the Lighters are finished. Your Majesty will never forgive me. ”
“But I'm worried that your uncle's anger won't subside. ”
All day long, after the shooting and magic took place, an operation meeting was held in the evening. However, there was no way to take down the castle in a short period of time. It was the only way to negotiate, but Bavaria's preliminary refusal.
“Then you must forgive some! I can't do that. They all have to die! ”
He wanted it to be over in three days. But no one could destroy that fortress in three days. In the middle of the night, we discussed ways to infiltrate the swordsmen and open the gates, but we could not easily conclude that there were many swordsmen in the Writers.
“Is there really no one there? We'll have them dead in three days! I thought you were supposed to be the Bavarian of the world's most talented people! How can you be so dumb? ”
The crowd is calm. No one can accommodate Bavaria's preemptive demands. Everyone just wanted his anger to cool off.
Hmm... I can't help it. I didn't want to use this method, but I'm actually as angry as Bavaria.
“Your Grace.”
As I got up from my seat, everyone's gaze poured out at the meeting.
“Ser Balor. Are you going to say that again? ”
“No, Your Grace. I just want to ask you one question. ”
“That castle. Does it matter if it's gone? I wonder if you want the castle intact, even if you catch the Lighters. ”
“It doesn't matter! If we can take them all out, we can take out 10 of those castles! ”
At that, I nodded.
“I understand, Your Grace. If so, I will solve that problem tomorrow. ”
When they reassured themselves, they all murmured.
“No, Lord Valler. What's that supposed to mean? ”
“Ridiculous! Do not disturb the spirit by shouting performances. ”
“How do you do that castle in one day? ”
Everyone says it's ridiculous, but Bavaria only looks at me quietly.
“Ser Balor. ”
“Yes, Your Majesty. ”
“The Guan hates those who speak nonsense the most. ”
“Tomorrow I will destroy that castle for you. ”
“ ……. ”
After a while of silence, Bavaria nods a moment later.
“Very well. Lord Balor, I'll give you a chance. But let me make one thing clear. If you keep your word, I will allow you to meet Earl Niederbayer and reward you. But don't think it'll end well if it's a lie. ”
“Very well. You'll see. ”
So the meeting ended that day. I don't know what Bavaria thinks, but the other nobles can't hide their insanity.
“Isn't he crazy? ”
“Now I see you're a fraud. Maybe his reputation is a scam. ”
“I feel the same way. It's the same vibe as the con man who used to cheat me. ”
I wasn't particularly offended by that reaction because it was natural.
* * *
The next morning, all the troops from the morning gathered. The misty castle on the lake is peaceful. Bavaria asked me with a solemn face.
“How many troops do you need? ”
Perhaps he thought I'd organize a death squad and charge against him. But I shook my head.
“I don't need a soldier. ”
“What the hell is that? Are you trying to harass Bavaria's preliminary posture? ”
“No, I'm already ready. ”
I said that and stepped forward. Everyone was dying to know what they were trying to do to me. Either way, I stepped forward and put my hands up.
Everyone's gaze poured out. But nothing happened for a while. Suddenly, someone bursts into laughter. Soon, laughter spread everywhere.
“Isn't that the man who lost his mind? ”
“Hahaha. I think you're delusional. Maybe he was trying to cause an earthquake, like the people in the myth. ”
Earl Brightenneg was the loudest. He could not hide his ridicule from me. It was an elongated chuckle with a face resembling a weasel.
“You see all the stargazing. Hahahahaha!”
When everyone was talking like that, suddenly it was dark.
“What's this? ”
“What? What the hell! ”
And it sounded like the sky was falling. The nobles were startled and fell in place or ran around.
“Ahhhh! Ahhh! ”
“Help me! ”
Only Bavaria kept his place like Taesan, but when he saw the sky, he had to open his mouth.
Because there was an unusually large creature flying over our heads. It was a dragon that had lived a long and long time.
Humans have been exposed to the Black Devil, Schwarzetoifel.
The sound of the sky falling is the cry of Schwarzetoifel. He flew all the way over the castle between us and the Writers. And he gracefully flew in a U-shaped shape and began to fly this way.
This little castle?
From afar, he asked me with magic.
- That's right.
- How much do we need to knock it down?
- Just make it right. I'm going to build a new one of my own.
You want me to turn it into powder! It's easier that way. It's more difficult to break properly because you need to control your strength.
A black flame spills out from the mouth of Schwarzetoifel. As soon as Schwarzetoifel passed by, the castle exploded.
Kuaang! Kuaang!
The impact caused all the water in the lake to rise into the air. And it poured down like rain.
It was a very cool rain storm.
Then something fell in front of me. It was the corpse of a charred man.
“You've become very charred.... ”
Why are you bothering someone so much?
I don't know the subject.