Hero without Blood or Tear
[74] A World of Fraudsters. (1)
Then came the tense confrontation with the Demon King. We look closely at each other, but there is little room.
However, it did not take long for a singularity to occur.
- Balor!
- Marie, what's going on?
Margareta's voice suddenly rises. I couldn't help but get nervous.
- We're about to break through the siege!
Why didn't you tell me before? I could have responded to that.
- I'm sorry, because if your army moves, the wily Demon King won't even notice.
- Are you sure you want to win?
Seeing that the surprise was more important than joining the army, Valfur seemed to think the strength of the nuns was enough.
- It's not just the council that's been playing. I summoned the disciples scattered everywhere.
- How?
I forgot something. A teleportation sorcerer inside the abbey, the secret of the unknown Valpur coven.
The enchantment is connected to 11 cities where Mother Valfurga is located. It looks like he's been summoning the strongest through the Magic Gang while he's still nagging.
The cost of teleportation was so high that there was a limit to it, but the Sisters of the Council and their allies came. Now, if you push it, you can definitely destroy it.
It's already past midnight. I felt like I was trying to use the night.
- But there are many enemies surrounding the Sisterhood. They're going to count 5,000 watermarks.
- It's not a normal turn, it's an ambush. This place is full of a hundred warriors, so we can make it.
Approximately 2,000 people go to the convent in Valpur. I thought it would be okay because there were a lot of prominent strong people among them.
Besides, the Demon King is out of town lately. Don't miss this opportunity.
I'll respond when the raid begins.
I am currently stationed in Braizah to stop the Demon King Ahunde's operation of flooding the river and pushing the handheld monsters away. It's not far from the convent.
I've brought 10,000 mercenaries, and I've entrusted Vitenweir's defense to the commander of the Militia, Tilly. Tilly was tasked with stopping the Orc generals across the river with the militia alone, but I believed in his genius.
- That's why I called. If they are defeated, they will want to take their forces back to Rheinfelden. So go get 'em.
- I know what you mean.
Margareta has already asked you to win. After adjusting our details, we finished talking.
- I wish you the best of luck. The battle will be over as we move.
- Hehe, nothing to worry about. Keep up with the Stragglers.
After the communication with Margareta, you assemble the troops immediately. Two hours later, we gather in front of Braizah to prepare for departure.
“Papenheim. It's a waste to be attacked during a night raid. Spread out and scout the perimeter with the Daywalkers. ”
“I understand.”
I sprinkled 100 walkers onto the troop's travel path. You won't get ambushed like this. I took 10,000 soldiers and headed south to the convent of Valpur.
After marching for three hours, I started to hear shouts from afar. Then Papenheim contacted me.
- Joo-gun!
- Report!
- The Demon King's army, which surrounded the Sisterhood, has finally fallen.
As expected, Margareta unleashes the siege! She has been patient for this attack for a long time.
- The Demon King has 1,000 dead and 4,000 are fleeing south.
Head south to the Rhine. They are slow Shamans on land, probably intending to take the river back to Rheinfelden. We had to catch up before they got to the river.
“Whenever you're ready! Balor!”
I explained the situation to her, then asked her to lead the cavalry back to the fleeing enemy.
“Please harass me until I catch up with them. ”
“Don't worry. That's the specialty of the cavalry. ”
“Here, take the crystal ball. Papenheim, my man, is after them. We'll give you a location in real time, so it should help. ”
“Got it!”
With the crystal ball, Valpurgis summons the cavalry. More than 2,000 horsemen depart immediately under her command. Then many torches and magic lights rushed forward like waves. If the enemy who was retreating finds that light, he'll be furious.
But it's almost impossible for the Shamans to outrun the cavalry from the ground. On the other hand, I heard gunshots a few kilometers in front of me periodically. The gunmen who caught up with the enemy seem to be reaching for their pistols.
“We're in a hurry! When they get to the river, it's a bust! ”
I got a call from Margareta at the time and asked if she would join us. But I asked Valpur to keep the Sisterhood safe.
- I'm worried that the Demon King Arunde will attack the convent while Marie is away. because he's not a very cunning person. Or something might happen that we didn't expect, so please wait for Marie. Besides, you spent about four hours in combat.
- We can still fight! It's okay!
- I don't know if you're okay, but you should think about the other nuns. This is enough for my army.
- Tsk, that's understandable.
You leave your rear to Margareta, and I chase after the enemy diligently. Five hours to march like that. I thought I'd catch up soon, but even the enemy was desperate, so it wasn't easy.
Only a short distance from the Rhine can you spot the enemy's trail. It was already time for the early summer sun to slowly reveal itself.
The sky began to appear pale blue, but the fog was so heavy that I could barely see it. However, the lights from the high and shooting still remain on the front.
A cavalry of allies who have been biting at the enemy's back all night is still struggling. Everyone's tired of five-hour fights.
A cavalry officer approaches with a horse as soon as we signal we've arrived.
“Give me a sitrep! ”
“The enemy has given up on fleeing! We are preparing for battle with our ranks intact. ”
Looks like they know we're here, so they decided to stick around. This is why we know that only one-sided carnage is necessary to turn our backs and flee.
“Call in the cavalry. ”
I called in the cavalry ahead of me and began to form a camp for the spin. As I got feverish with the camp for a long time, I began to get warm, summer morning sunshine.
The fog almost disappeared and the front was clear. Then the enemy who was running all night showed up.
“Hmm... about 3,000. ”
Having a long experience on the battlefield, I saw the number of my enemies at a glance. As if the cavalry had been clinging to it like wolves overnight, there were 1,000 fewer.
No, the ground is full of dead Shamans as they march. By the way, when I saw the enemy crowd, I was really shocked.
“That's primitive.”
Other officers have assisted me in my short sights.
“Indeed, it is. Lord.”
“It's a very simple form. The weaker ones stand behind them with their javelins in front of them. ”
It was a simple and effective deployment, but it was really outdated compared to the ever-evolving human military art.
But they cannot be ignored because of their primal power. Especially since that Crocodile can withstand being stabbed in the chest dozens of times. So I had to check the unit a few times before giving the order.
“Forward the regiment! The cavalry must block the enemy's escape route! We will completely eliminate the siege! ”
Of course, I was going to kill them all today.
* * *
At the same time, when Balor was attacking the fugitive Demon King Ahunde, the Water Demon was surprisingly on the west side of the Rhine.
The city of Schletzstadt, precisely, is the home of General Gugušrak of the Orc.
“Welcome. Your Grace, the ruler of Lake Baden is here to see Gujarak. ”
Gugosurak welcomed the Demon King Arande with all due respect. No matter how successful he was, this old Medusa was hard to look at.
I thought you said you were putting yourself on the Demon King's throne. I needed to be able to see it somehow.
“Thank you, General. ”
Inside the building were Gujarak and the top officers who followed him. No one performed the Demon King's amulet alone, but he dominated them all by himself.
“Thank you for meeting me here today. In return for your generosity, let me tell you the nature of the entire kingdom. ”
The words made everyone seem curious. They were responsible for Pezamouth's forces in the Southwest of the Empire, but they didn't know what had happened recently.
“Now, where do I start? First, I'll tell you why that fearsome pessimist had such a peculiar idea about hitting the whore of the rose. ”
Arunde, the fierce Demon King, has always ridiculed Roelin, the whore of roses, for not wanting to see her. The Mages thought she was jealous of Roelin's beauty.
“Actually, it was because the King was beside him impatient. Pezamut hates the whore of the rose more than anyone, but he's also afraid. But it was easy to get caught up in the fact that King Bourne is going to be with us. Then we took an oath of darkness, forcing each other not to invade each other for five years. ”
The Dark Oath is a powerful oath to the Dark Power of the Demon King. A breaker loses the Demon King's throne. This made it impossible for the Demon King Ahunde to go to the Demon King Pezamut's headquarters or to attack the Orc generals west of the Rhine here directly.
“Stupid Pezamut probably thought that oath was enough. But there is one blind spot in this vow of darkness, do you know it? ”
No one answered the Demon King's question. They just thought something was wrong.
“You can use a strategy, not a direct attack. For example, it involves seducing and betraying the opponent's henchman.
The expression on everyone's faces became pale. They betrayed the Demon King Pezamut with the Devil King's amulet. And with her help, I intend to take up residence in the Southwest corner of the Empire.
However, the Demon King Ahunde was making an uncomfortable sound. However, no one could easily open his mouth in front of this absolute strongman.
“Heheh heh. Those who lack wit. ”
The Demon King Aminde laughs at it and continues to talk.
“Look now at the lands west of the Rhine in the southwest of the Empire. Originally the territory of Pezamut, you declared your independence today. He's here to celebrate. ”
“Yes, Your Grace. I don't know why you're saying that. It's a good spot, but it feels refreshing. ”
The Orc General Gu Gu Shrak pounced on the anxiety. It was supposed to be a place to coordinate future alliances with the Demon King, and discuss his acquisition of the Demon King's throne. Then why are you making fun of yourself so blatantly?
For the first time, the Demon King Arunde has set off a fire. It was unusual considering he rarely laughed. Snake-like mouths are ripped from underneath the ears.
“Don't you see? This land belongs to you now, not to the Demon King Pezamut. ”
“Yes. I'm glad you approve. ”
Gujarak trying to make a good end of it. However, the word of the Demon King Ahunde caused his face to turn pale.
“This is no longer the dark oath of King Bourne and Pezamut. Originally, this land was a sacred site of fire the King would not be able to access for the next five years. But your Declaration of Independence changed everything. ”
The Demon King Aminde looks around with his arms wide open.
“Look, you foolish Orc. Where is the King now? ”
I told you so far, but there was no fool who didn't understand. Moreover, the Orc General Gujarak is strong enough to become the leader of his clan. He immediately pulls out his axe.
“That's too bad! I can't hear any more of that snake's talk! Only 100 soldiers led by you! There are 20,000 troops here, so what can you do? ”
As a response to the shout, the Orc General's commanders also took their weapons and stood up. They were old men and old men together. However, all of that seemed foolish to the Demon King Amunde.
“Gujarac. The King has left 5,000 of his soldiers in front of the convent. Do you know why that is? Not only that, but to keep them from caring about what happens here. They're probably turning 5,000 of the King's poor soldiers into blood. Yes, sing the rejoicing of victory. ”
The Demon King Ahunde moves the bottom half of the snake and approaches everyone. Then the Orc Generals and their men are overwhelmed by their actions and flinch and retreat.
“But they will know when they wake up. The fact that the King occupied the entire west bank of the Rhine in one night. King Bourne's plan for the Southwestern peace has already been halved. ”
It was all smoke in the first place. The Demon King Ahunde did not think Valpur could take down the Sisterhood. Bittenbuyer's failure was surprising, but her design was undisturbed.
Her most important objective from the start was the Orc General Gujarak, west of the Rhine. The Demon King Ahunde, who made the east side of the Rhine noisy, was about to fly away and wipe out the west.
“This is a tactical defeat, but a strategic victory. ”
She didn't care if she suffered several heartbreaking defeats. Processes are just the way things go.