Hero without Blood or Tear
[79] Heroes from the Other Side. (4)
After you've discussed this with Callione enough, I've sent a letter to the Emperor. And I waited for the answer nervously.
“Lord, please wait in peace. The answer always comes. ”
Giaccomo Albino recommends a cup of coffee and encourages me to stand around. He doesn't know the history of Jacques the Fire Lord and Predator Trier dying together.
During the past few days, when I went to bed, it got colder. That means there's not much left of that negotiation. I have to take care of things first, so she has to ride.
“I don't want to just suck my hands and wait for the Emperor's reply. ”
I wandered around the Vastony area and observed people. And I could see the anxiety that was spreading throughout this fortress city.
I felt fear and hatred, but I struggled to suppress it in my daily life. One day I asked the old man next to me in the beer hall.
“People here seem to have chronic anxiety, like an incurable disease. Senior Chief, I feel like I'm seeing people who think it's going to happen all the time. ”
“Eek! Don't talk like that. We're not afraid of the Horses! ”
The old man gave me his last name, but he already gave me the answer. I didn't have anything against the Horses in the first place. First, I asked him to buy me a drink gently.
“Of course, I don't doubt the bravery of the people here. But I ignore them by analogizing them to pathogens, but I think they have fear inside of them. ”
“Hah... ”
Eventually, the old man nods with a sad face.
“You have insight. To be honest, there are still a lot of people in this city who remember how Luxembourg was destroyed. I don't know about you, stranger, but life here has always brought terror. Jacques and Trier, the Fire Lord, growl as they say it's a long day away. So we don't know when this Bastogne will turn to ash. ”
Old Man's Words I realized how to attract popularity in this city. Those who hide in this fortress are oppressed by all kinds of negative emotions. So I'll scratch it gently.
I walked out into the middle of a giant beer hall with hundreds of people gathering to drink. Not everyone cared about me, but some were curious.
“Respected citizens of Bastogne! ”
Hundreds of drunkards in the middle of a beer hall stare at me. The commotion, like the marketplace, stopped for a moment. I shouted quickly before one of those drunkards got angry.
“May I offer you a beer today? ”
The drunkards cheered. Who wouldn't hate free booze?
“Whoa! Great! ”
“Thank you! My Lord! Take the drum!”
Everyone seemed to think it was just a jaw of wine that appeared occasionally. When I raise my hand, the bartender smiles and summons the waiters. Hundreds of drinks spread throughout the beer halls.
“Now that you've had your drink, say something! ”
“Did you do something good? ”
Everyone listens as if they will listen to what I say. Usually at a beer hole, there is a slope. But that's not what I'm saying.
“I want to tell you a story about what happened a few days ago. In fact, I am not a resident of this city. I have business to attend to. I'm visiting Bastonho. But I've been having some questions lately. ”
Everyone listens, wondering what I'm talking about.
“I followed the road through two checkpoints. Funny thing is, one of the checkpoints belonged to Jacquere, the Fire Lord, and the other to pre-Trier. ”
Immediately, a complaint erupted from the beer hall along with a strong swearing speech.
“Those bastards! ”
“What are you doing in front of someone else's city! ”
I continued to be satisfied with that reaction.
“They each demanded toll on themselves. In front of this Vastony. How ridiculous is this? In front of the streets of Bastogne, the Demon King and Pre-Establishment are taking tolls on their own against travelers to Bastogne! ”
“Damn it! ”
At that time, someone spit out a curse and threw a beer. The swearing began to erupt from everywhere. The irrationality is what they know best.
“How ridiculous is this? I am not a citizen of this city, but I know that bastards should not be taxed there. ”
A fervent agreement arose.
“You're right! ”
I stimulated them even more.
“Citizens, why must we watch the giants roar in the courtyard in Bastogne? ”
I pointed out the frustration in their hearts. It followed a primordial incitement. I didn't need something sophisticated and brilliant. It was a very simple matter to stab the hostility of those who were oppressed.
“I'm not saying you should do great things. Shouldn't those bastards be setting up checkpoints in front of someone else's city? ”
I have determined that it is only the conscious citizen who expresses justice that speaks cunningly and in anger.
“You should know shame and shame. Otherwise, you wouldn't be calling yourself a citizen of Bastogne in front of a stranger like you. ”
"Damn the horsemen!"
"The same goes for Premier Trier!"
This makes everyone angry as if they were on fire. No one has ever talked about this problem that they usually complained about. Everyone was resting.
However, when someone else came and provoked me to know shame, everyone's eyes turned. Plus, I'm a little drunk. It was a perfect situation to crash into.
“Sir! I don't think you're being too harsh! ”
“Yes! You know what you're talking about! ”
I reacted without losing to those who poured out anger.
“Why are you angry with yourself? Shouldn't you be beating up the checkpoint in front of that city instead of yourself? As long as that checkpoint is alive, your shame will never go away! ”
Suddenly, everyone looked surprised. It was because I pointed out the problem that I had always been thinking about.
“Beat him? ”
“That's fine! ”
“Yes! That's a manly solution! ”
It's all lit up. But inciting people to pick up weapons is not as easy as it sounds.
Wouldn't he have complained about them? Nevertheless, I have no choice but to endure. If I was going to burst because I wanted to buy a drink at the beer hole, I would have burst a while ago.
But I had an absolute skill. It is the post-steel imperial propaganda that can shake the entire empire.
“I beseech you! ”
“Let's destroy the city's shameful checkpoint! The Imperial Court will never ask for your sins! ”
With a fierce scream, the skill grabs everyone in the beer hall. People became tempted. And the skill was determined.
< Empire propaganda was successful! >
When the skill is activated after the Iron Pilot, everyone's eyes turn and their faces change. And then they all woke up.
“Let's go! We'll burn the city to the ground today!" ”
“The streets of Bastogne belong to Bastogne! ”
< Everyone in the beer hall participates in the destruction of the checkpoint as you wish! >
< +30 for your reputation! >
< Empire propaganda advances to Skilled Stage 3! You can incite 2,000 civilians! >
Everyone decided to meet in the square and left in a hurry to get their weapons. Since this was an era, all citizens had their own weapons.
With Halberd, Longsword, Aquabus Gun and so on, the city guards were surprised and marched around. Hundreds of people were excited, shouting for weapons, and they thought they were going to attack the bureau.
The city guards united to defend the important bureaucracy, but the citizens didn't even look at them.
“Let's go! Open the gate! ”
“Smash them all! ”
Hundreds of provoked people from the beer hall attracted their acquaintances and family. Then nearly a thousand armed citizens came together.
That's how many people complained about the current situation. I didn't give it any Empire propaganda skills, but a lot of people turned their eyes upside down. I called out to them.
“Hurry! They might take the money they collected!" ”
That was crucial. When I got up in anger, everyone was motivated to say that I could take a share. It's a good thing to smash things up and earn money. I lightened their conscience a little.
“That money was supposed to be made in Bastogne anyway! We must reclaim it to its rightful owner! ”
“Yes! You are doomed! ”
Then someone shoots a pistol overhead without winning the excitement. Then the citizens rushed out of Ur Castle. The one with the horse came on the horse and posed as a cavalry.
“Kill! Kill! Kill the demons!”
“Wipe it all out! ”
Excited citizens were already unstoppable. I yelled at them.
“All this confusion and confusion can only be solved by violence, ironically! Let's show them our power! ”
The herded citizens were split under my command and stormed the checkpoint with force like wildfire. In the process, several citizens were killed by the reactions of soldiers, which were the act of lighting oil on fire. The citizens who had burst into a rage were completely blinded.
“You bastards! Don't let him live! ”
“Kill him! I'll rip his limbs off and feed him to the dogs! ”
When the citizens used evil, the soldiers rebelled violently.
“How dare you think we are soldiers! ”
“You lowly slaves! ”
But the rebellion of the soldiers did not last long. It was because the number was so different. Citizens continue to curse and kick those who died long ago.
Also, the wooden building at the checkpoint was burned down. Citizens had a fistfight about collecting tax looted from the checkpoints. It was really fun.
I couldn't help laughing. Now their fate will be in my hands.
* * *
The next day, the raid on the checkpoint rocked the empire. Suddenly, a sudden flurry of attention appeared in the west.
The citizens who were like heroes last night realized what they had done and trembled in fear.
He would, too, because Jacquere and Trier, the Fire Lord, were ready to move the army at any moment. Threats to the city have been made on both sides.
Even now, Bastogne was in a state of devastation. But then I was satisfied and drank coffee from Giacco Albino.
“I love the smell of coffee today. ”
“I don't know the master that well. You said the Lord was in charge of last night. ”
“That's right.”
“Why did you do that? ”
“There's a good chance the Emperor's decree won't accept me. So I needed to create a situation that I had to rely on. I told you I wouldn't just suck your hands and wait. ”
Giaccomo Albino was amazed at my work.
“He's a great man. ”
“Senor Capitan. I have more to ask you than a compliment. ”
“Is that polite? ”
I just asked him to assassinate the Demon King Jacquere's scribe.
“Yes, the time has come. Here, take this piece of paper. I've written down the details. ”
The Demon King Jacquere lives in a city called Limes to the west.
“There lives an old witch named Ultu. She's Jacques's purse. ”
“Aren't you with the Demon Palace? Then the assassination will be quite difficult. ”
“No. Only he and his women live in Jacquere's Demon Palace. ”
“Like the Harem of the East? ”
I nodded and expanded the map into the explanation.
“His bureaucrats and generals each built and lived in a mansion around the Palace of the Demon. This is the home of the Witch Ultu. ”
The quest to assassinate Ultu in the past has been done quite a number of times. It is imperative that we deal with her before attacking the Demon Lord Jacquere.
So I was able to give Giaccomo Albino very detailed information. Then he couldn't hide his surprise.
“It's like you've been there a few times. This should be easy enough to take care of. ”
I told him everything from where the Vigilante was and where the Vigilante was staying to the limes. Ziacomo Albino was confident in the assassination.
“Just give me a full day. That's enough. ”
“By the way, Señor Cafetán. If possible, retrieve the Witch's Hidden Treasure. ”
I told him where the Vigilante hid his treasure and how to open the secret door. Giacco Albino said he would retrieve it when he could.
“Good luck. Senor Capitan.”
“Don't worry. I'll have the witch's head in a jiffy. ”
It shouldn't be too hard for someone that good. Assassination is difficult because there is no information about the opposing Pokémon. But I drew a map of the mansion on a map level. Other than that, I gave you detailed tips and tricks from carrying out countless assassination quests, so you could say this was an abortion.
“Good. That's the problem with the Vigilante... ”
While I was cleaning up the matter by myself, I heard a knock on the door of the house where I was staying.
“Max, get out. ”
“Yes, Lord. ”
Max goes out and shouts. And the city guards march into Ur and surround me. I didn't lose my cool because I knew they would come sooner or later.
As I raise my glass to finish my coffee, the light flashes through the layers and the glass breaks. He grunts, leaving a handle on his finger.
“How rude of a gentleman to interrupt a cup of coffee. ”
I saw a man dressed in black who looked like a herd leader. The opposing team is a short mustachioed beauty with a gorgeous feather hat over her head.
“Earl Wittenweir, you must come with us. Sanctuary Burggraf is looking for you.”
“Of course I want to cooperate. But who are you? ”
Actually, I knew who he was. But this is the first time I've seen him, so I asked him. He bows slightly and greets.
“Charles de Bathscatelmore Daltagnan. ”
Unlike the forceful attitude of guarding the courtesy, his eyes were cold and hostile. I thought people would come from the castle, but I didn't think they would come directly. This is going to be fun.
“Good. Let's go. ”
When I got up, the city guards stood besieged. He had the Earl's throne, so he wasn't tied up in a rope, but he was treated as a sinner. Well, it's not that I don't understand that attitude. Because of what I did last night, Bastogne is about to fall into the ground in an instant. If I wasn't an Earl, I'd have a knife in my face, not a cup of coffee.
“Nice weather. ”
However, as he wears his hat, he mutters and winces. I can barely stand the anger.
By the way, it feels good to see the heroic character, Dal Tartan. Often known as the Three Musketeers, the Moon Target is a real person. He was undercover at the age of Louis XIV, the Sun King of France, and was shot and killed in a Maastricht battle with the Netherlands in 1673.
Whether such a reality history is reflected, it appears as a hero with the best spy class in the game. Considering the fierce intelligence that would continue, it was definitely a talent to be recruited.
“Nice hat, you. Where did you get it?”
“Ugh! Shut up and walk. Earl.”
But my first impression was the worst.