Hero without Blood or Tear
[139] This is my honor. (3)
I spit in his face. The Demon Lord Parza frowned upon the unbearable insult.
“Yi! Yi! This…!"
But that was it. He falls down, unable to spit anything out.
The Demon King's fancy wings sag helplessly. I was miserable in front of death like a Goblin or a Demon King.
“Mr. President! What the hell! ”
I ran because I was surprised.
“Is this why you proposed the meeting? Even if they were the Demon King, they wouldn't do that! ”
I don't see why not. He doesn't know because he hasn't been in the Great War yet. Common sense and customs are alive now, but in the middle of the Great War, the price is truly hell. This assassination was absolutely nothing.
“Look at this. ”
I tapped the devil king Parza's fancy wings with my feet.
“This guy is a flying dragonfly. There's no way we're gonna get caught unless we cheat like this. If we want to disadvantage, we can fly away and run away. Who will catch this Demon King in the sky? ”
“But, Mr. President! The Empress will talk about this today. ”
At that, I replied, scratching my earholes.
“It doesn't matter. It's okay if the emperor is desperate to stop me and his reputation worsens." ”
“But for that reason.... ”
I blocked her lips with my index finger because she was about to say something else.
“The moon. Disappointing. You still don't know the nature of power. Who would the world believe? Between the dead Demon King here and the famous Wittenbuyer Change Bag. ”
If you have power, people applaud you even when you talk nonsense.
“If you care about your reputation, you can say you were ambushed first. You were forced to defeat the Demon King Parza in his assault. I'm sorry it was unparalleled, but it was a force majeure, something like this. ”
“Oh my…. ”
“You know, I have power and money. If you use this power, it's not about misleading the facts. The Demon King Parza will become the fierce Demon King who attacked His Majesty's officials. Isn't propaganda my specialty? ”
I keep my mouth shut to make sure that the moonlighting you've seen me do is not an act.
“You're serious. But the wise won't be fooled. ”
“It doesn't matter. You can make them an offer they can't refuse. You're talented in your field. Put a healthy man down and put out your hand. People have no choice but to catch it. ”
“You really... ”
Boom! Boom!
Instead of answering, I spanked him.
A cute girl's voice pops from his mouth.
“Hey, Madmoiselle Daltagnan. If you keep saying things like that, you're gonna be warming up my bedroom. It doesn't matter if you're happy with it. ”
“You have a gift. I'm aware of that. Please, show me those amazing abilities. ”
“Mr. President... ”
“If you can't do that, all you have is a pretty face and a nice figure. ”
He bites his lips with shame.
“This is how you've always driven me. ”
“That's what I'm looking forward to. If you want to give up, give up. I'll get it for you tonight. ”
“… I decline. I don't want to be recognized that way by the president. ”
“Why don't you go clean up my poop today? I hope you know how talented you are at propaganda. I'll let you spend the budget however you want. ”
I gave her one more mission.
“I have a talent for information activities, so go recruit them. ”
“Is that also to test my abilities? ”
“Yes, you're doing quite well, but it's not enough. ”
“Who is he? ”
I introduced him as the best spy. Then moonlighting becomes a face of pride.
“His name is Déon de Beaumont. ”
“Déon de Beaumont? ”
“Yes. A strange contradiction with you. ”
Déon de Beaumont is from Gloria Lumiere, like Daltagnan. The odd thing is, if you are a man of the moon, then Déon de Beaumont is a woman.
“She disguises herself as a nobleman of beauty. But the truth is, he's a swordsman at the end of a man's life. Same as you, but different. ”
“Woman, don't compare me to that punk. ”
Déon de Beaumont has a disease called Kalman syndrome, a man who has no secondary sexual intercourse. So when I dressed up, it was perfect.
“What do you mean," he said? "He's doing a successful espionage because he's good at what he does. I'm better at performance than anyone who's pissed off right now. ”
If I wait any longer, I'll turn around to see if I can't find my home.
“Huh…. I'll be going now. The President has been in an accident, so he must be busy. ”
“Yeah, go to work. ”
I waved my hand with a smile, and suddenly the moonlighting stopped. Then he turns around and comes at me.
“Why? You forgot something... ugh! ”
I was going to ask what's going on, but I was stuck. It was because I grabbed the collar and kissed it as if it were a raid.
It seemed like electricity ran through the trunk of my neck because of the excitement. Behind me, her scent caught my attention. His lips melted and smoothed like candy.
“Hmmm... ”
My heart leapt in the groaning of the Dal Tartan, which he dug into his ears. This is what she sounds like when she does this. As soon as I tried to get drunk and hug her, my lips fell off and my chin was pushed away with my bare hands.
“I failed you today. ”
“... I'm going to expect you to make mistakes in the future. ”
“This is the last woman I can give to the Lord. I hope you don't have any more. ”
All I have to say is that the moonshine is gone. I felt the same way about Calliope as I did about her.
I feel like I'm secretly making the most beautiful and sharp sword in the world.
Both Callione and the Talon are heroes with tremendous potential. And it's growing differently from its original history, being influenced by me.
Secretly training a sword that everyone would envy someday would cause me to fall into a truly peculiar heart.
I wanted someone to hold onto me and boast that I have this wonderful sword in my arms, but at the same time I also wanted to know the beauty and value of the sword all by myself.
It was a strange ownership and monopoly.
“Mr. President.”
Then came General Tilly and the lords of the Golden Alliance. They were waiting for my command. Everyone's eyes may fall towards the fallen wall.
“What do you want me to do? ”
General Tilly's question points to the wall that Beowulf destroyed.
“There's a hole in the ground. Wipe it all out.”
The kings of the Golden Alliance cheer. Everyone was excited about finding the report on Marwan Castle and getting their share.
Soldiers march forward as the trumpet sounds. With my army led by General Tilly and the Golden Alliance, there was Baglebagged ahead of Castle Crane. The horses were repairing the crumbling walls, but they were already pouring heavy artillery over before they entered.
The horses, who were trying to repair the walls, burst out with the materials they had brought. When the cannonball is inserted, there is no room for screaming and fog.
“Mr. President!”
As soon as he left, Max was temporarily reinstated as deputy.
“Anything to report? Max.”
“Yes, sir! A flock of knights are asking you to join them! ”
My army and the Golden Alliance are not the only ones here. The Knights with the Emperor's Private Naphon License have gathered with them.
They hid and looked at the situation and said they would intervene if it seemed like Prince Charming was going to collapse. Jab, Jab, Jab, but not bad.
The Demon King died and a hole in the wall was pierced. However, the Demon Castle was still holding out with enough troops. Even during the raid, the proposal was not bad, considering the expected death toll of quite a few soldiers.
“You're drooling over the loot. ”
“I think so. Do you want me to chase him away?”
“Never mind. I'm not chasing a guest at a party. That's what people do, right? If something good happens, we'll share it, help each other out. ”
“… the good things you say are a bit odd. ”
Instead, I placed clear terms for joining.
“On the condition that the Demon Lord Parza attacks me first. I didn't do anything wrong. The Demon King Farza has been thrashing me. ”
“You've offered terms of generosity as a consensus? ”
“What the hell? I thought you said three years of gospel would be perfect. ”
“I don't know what that means, but I do know that your predecessor was right. ”
It doesn't really matter what the truth is. It's just what people say.
Cannons, magic, and musket guns have been battling. Around the perforated wall, gunpowder smoke sprays like fog and the ledge protrudes from the smoke.
Gunpowder fog and chandelier forest, indeed. I nodded in awe.
“I'll make some money. ”
* * *
The Demon Lord Parza's Castle has been completely destroyed.
All the Horsemen were enslaved and their wealth plundered without a penny. And the rest of the castle collapsed in flames. Only half the ruins are left after the chaotic burn. It was very ugly.
“Look, it comes from digging. Gold isn't just in the Gold Mine. ”
I joyfully rolled over the 800,000 florins I received as my share.
“Go spread rumors about the Empire. The Wittenbuyer Change Bag lives on gold coins like a dragon. Kuhahaha!”
Max wants to get away with it now. I'd give you a rotten look before, but you're a boring guy.
“Bring some food over here, too. I think eating on top of Doubloons will help digest it. ”
“Keep your composure. ”
Even though he said that, Max eventually went to get bread and wine. In the meantime, I opened the Statue Window, teased by a massive pile of gold coins.
“Well, that's two levels up. ”
I killed the incarnate last time, and I also killed the Demon King Parza this time. In the meantime, I got up to level 2.
[Monster Hunter Level 32]
[Blood and No Tears Lv. 7]
[Wandering Crown Seeker Level 1 - > Level 3]
[Anthropologist Lv. 5]
HP: 8,490- > 8,890 (Cursed Born +654, Mandrake +200, Ljublana +310, Boiling Abyssal Blessing +1,000, Enlightenment +1,500)
Magic Power: 6,090- > 6,600 (Magic Magic Bone Wand of Karka +50, Spirit's Tear +250, Bracelet +1,500, Enlightenment +500)
Darkness: 3,840- > 4,320 (Born Cursed +122, Magic Rod of Magic Carca +70, Enlightenment +500)
Strength: 980- > 1,150 (Born Cursed +32, Ljublana +120, Enlightenment +350)
Intelligence: 581- > 610 (Bracelet +96, Enlightenment +50)
Agility: 694- > 724 (Enlightenment +300)
Health: 900- > 950 (Mandrake +40, Ljublagna +120, Enlightenment +200)
Charisma: 950- > 1,050 (Magic Bone Wand of Marmalade Karka +13, Ljublanya +110, Enlightenment +300) Reception Only +400 (Bracelet)
Magic Resistance 70% (Bracelet +12%)
Physical Resistance 28% - > 35% (Boiling Abyssal Blessing 25%)
There were two levels of people who wandered around looking for a crown, but this profession was characterized by a lot of strength and increased physical resistance.
There are also 2 Grade S skills.
[Brainstorming], [Form Modification].
Psychic forces are often called superpowers, which allow you to exert your physical power without touching it. This exerts great strength in combat. In the future, it will be possible to utilize a variety of skills.
When I read the skill description, it looked like this.
[When you reach Skilled Level 10, you can lift several church-sized buildings.]
“That's amazing.... ”
[Form transformation] was also a very useful ability. This was also the power of the Doppelgänger, so it was able to change its appearance to what it desired.
It was the right ability for me to conspire and scheme. The higher the skill level, the harder it is to detect with magic or other abilities.
The power of the boiling Abyss is strange. I liked it all. I was thinking about how to use these skills in the future, but Max hurriedly came back.
“Mr. President!”
“Why? What's going on? ”
“Emperor's envoy is arriving! We should be arriving in half a day! ”
At last, I thought something was coming.
“What's going on? ”
“It's not accurate yet, but it says he's going to make you a duke. I'm resigning from the capital, Vienna, and I think he wants to come. ”
If you go, you'll die. It's obvious enough. But it was also the most effective way. It was an offer I knew I couldn't refuse.
I'm not sure if I can come back. But if you refuse, you are truly unstoppable. The Emperor will use it as a scabbard to take the next step. Squeeze your breath one by one, and the Empire waves will finally fly.
But more importantly, there are rumors that I was afraid of the Emperor and couldn't go to Vienna. I've been using the power of fear to my advantage. I've pressured my enemies and turned them against each other.
However, if I show them that I am scared, I have a problem with the various control forces that have been used so far. Rumors of cowardice were far more deadly than rumors of fraud.
The emperor knew all this and came out of the hole. You know you're going to win if you go head-to-head anyway.
“I'm in the palm of my hand. ”
I thought it was a dragon. That I would kill him publicly instead of some filthy scheme.
But some say the cunning rabbit digs three oysters. It would be a big mistake if you thought I was going to die like this.
“Tell him to get ready for the X.O. ”
“Yes, Mr. President. ”
As soon as Max left, he locked the visit and took out a crystal ball.
It was time to finally take out the hidden hidden hidden card.