Hero without Blood or Tear
[142] Where is this man going? (2)
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Franz IV, Emperor of the Empire.
He wants the balance of the empire. One thing doesn't make him a good monarch. If the balance is unsatisfactory, many people have provoked death without hesitation.
In fact, many of the tragedies that will remain in history have reached the breath of the emperor. The emperor was a ruthless monarch. I was just trying to stay the way I wanted to be.
“Bittenbuyer Change Bag. He crossed the line. ”
The Grand Chamberlain bows his head and sympathizes with the Emperor's muttering.
“You are absolutely right. Your Majesty."
“Do you think Jim can subdue him? Grand Chamberlain.”
“Of course. Even a rowdy bull can't move when there are multiple ropes. ”
The emperor is blatant, but has prepared a way to work well. I knew I was going to get hurt.
“But he's cunning. ”
“Don't worry, Your Majesty. We're only human after all, right? The pressure is just the beginning. ”
The emperor was already looking ahead. I was expecting the Wittenbuyer Change Bag to be married to Pre-Election Bavaria in the next number.
“The change bag will believe her fiancée, but not a chance. Jim will stop her pre-emptive succession if Earl Niederbayer tries to get married. ”
The emperor intended to threaten Earl Niederbayer if marriage was to be pursued.
“I will question in the name of the emperor if it is right for House Vitelsbach to inherit the Bavarian priesthood as an excuse for Bavaria's death. And if her successor summons an imperial council, it will be as Jim intended. ”
The Empire's Post-Earth Conference is a pre-emptive and emperor agreement that determines the Empire's ambassador. The predecessors of the empire were as follows:
- After Trier.
- Pre-elect Mintz.
- Pre-elect Quillin.
- After Brandeburg.
- After Bavaria.
- Pre-elect Pfalz.
- After Sachsen.
Among them, Bayern and Sachsen are currently vacancies due to succession issues. The emperor had a strong influence over the other five, so it was not a matter of stopping Earl Niederbayer's succession.
“Khhh, even Earl Niederbayer knows he shouldn't be voting on his succession. Eventually, I will have to break off the engagement. ”
Of course, this is a prediction made by the Emperor because he does not know the nature of Valpurgis. If she wanted to protect her fiancée, she would have thrown out a preliminary position. Things will not go as comfortably as the Emperor intended.
It is clear, however, that the threat of the Emperor will put her in the crosshairs. If the Vitelsbach family is pushed out of Bavarian positions, their relatives and relatives will not stand idly by.
“I'm just amazed at your desire. ”
The emperor was preparing for work by looking ahead at the number of Vitenweir change bags. I'd say it's a dragon. But there was one part of his concern.
“If the change bag brings an army with an excuse to come to the Imperial family, it will be difficult. It can be a disgrace to carry your burden on the road. ”
No matter how great an emperor gets stabbed, he'll have to flee. And not to mention, it would be a huge blow to the dignity of the Imperial Zone.
“No matter how much the change bag is grass or slaughtered, there is a gaze of the empire. Would you do that?" ”
The Grand Chamberlain shakes his head.
“I don't know. You have to be careful enough to see what he does. ”
The emperor knew that the Vitenweir Change Bag had won many victories with a radical audacity.
“He might attack the Imperial family. It's a parallel between propaganda and propaganda, which is a major feature in this city. ”
“I will not be beaten. This is the heart of the empire. How can a worm like that run wild when His Majesty is holding out? ”
“Hahaha, the popularity of the burden is somewhat lacking to believe that. ”
The elaborate schemes he uncovered to balance were seen as mere realities on the outside. In fact, even the profound Wittenbuyer changebag was considered incompetent until he knew the nature of the emperor.
So the support for Emperor in Vienna was not so strong.
“Haven't you recruited and set a trap to prepare even that?" ”
“Yes, it is. ”
The emperor was most concerned that the Vitenweir Change Bag would lead a full-scale military force. While the Wittenbuyer Change Bag may become invulnerable, the balance the Emperor desires will surely be broken.
“A cunning change bag may choose to die together rather than wither. ”
With this time, the emperor was convinced it was his own pace. The user is confident of cutting off the opposing Pokémon's hands and feet with all its political and diplomatic power.
“Don't worry too much. With meticulous maneuvers to catch prey, there will be no mistakes. ”
At the Grand Chamberlain's words, the emperor was relieved and smiled faintly.
“Heheheh. You have to fly and crawl to find it in the palm of your luggage. ”
The emperor was convinced of victory. As always, a fierce and strong enemy will kneel at his feet this time.
“Dragons always triumph. ”
The Grand Chamberlain looks down as if he agrees with the emperor.
“You're in a hurry!”
At that moment, a messenger jumped into the battle. It seemed like it was unusual for me to pour out my clothes and sweat even though I was a solemn emperor.
“You bastard! Can't you straighten your clothes? ”
The Grand Chamberlain, who cares about common courtesy, frowned immediately.
“There you go.”
The emperor shakes his head and asks what happened. However, the messenger's words were shocking.
“Your Majesty! Your succession has been ravaged! ”
The emperor, who was clutching his chin at the back of his hand, was startled and asked again.
“What did you just say? ”
“Graz, Leibniz, Glysdorf and Maribor have been completely destroyed! The line of refugees who have escaped is rushing to the eclipse! ”
Suddenly, the emperor rose from his throne. The emperor couldn't believe it. Who the hell dared to touch their job description?
I think of the opponent who is facing the border with the head office.
“Holy cow!”
The Holy Ghost was the second-place Demon King and had land just south of the imperial territory. But the emperor soon questioned his reasoning.
It was because I had a smooth relationship with the Holy See. The Emperor and the Second Demon King knew each other well.
The fact that the Demon King is a dragon means that the Demon King in second place is actually not as well as known to the outside world.
‘Yes, the Holy Supposition was still recovered from the Demon King in the former order because he was given a manifesto. His son Jorkadu recently inherited the Grand Prix, so there's no hope. Jorkadu is still acquiring his father's work, so he wants his peace of mind. There's no reason to hit the day you hit the ground. ’
The emperor wiped out the Demon King's household in second place on the dragon ship.
“I don't know what's right, but it was an undead enemy. ”
“What? Undead? ”
It is reported that the undead are not tens or hundreds, but tens of thousands of units. The emperor became zinc colored.
“No, is there a commander who will lead such a dead man? ”
The Grand Chamberlain shakes his head at the Emperor's question.
“Your Grace, the commander has been purged of both humans and the Horsemen. The current genealogy of command is insignificant. Except the only exception. ”
“You mean the Blood and Death Demon King Pezamut? ”
It was the Demon King Pezamut who was the only one using commander, no more. But he's already dead.
“Didn't Roelin, the Rose Demon King, kill him? No, wait! ”
Immediately, the puzzle is solved in the emperor's clever head.
It is known that Roelin, the Demon King of Roses, is a close ally of the Wittenbuyer Change Bag. But that Roelin killed Pezamut.
“It can't be that Pezamut's death was faked! ”
Currently, the only person who can attack is the Wittenbuyer Change Bag. But he was also a vassal of the Emperor. Even if the empire is a dead end, it will be a dead end when the flag is stamped. Then it's best to ask someone else.
“Car wash.”
The emperor has done countless things, balancing the empire in the last days. In doing so, I understood the technique of changing the Wittenbuyer bag all at once.
“... Ugh. Amazing!”
“Your Majesty, you don't look well. ”
In the voice of the worried Grand Chamberlain, the emperor sent a messenger and turned his back on the throne. Then he was surprised that his back was soaking wet. He felt bad about how nervous he was.
“I thought you were under perfect pressure. I thought the Wittenbuyer Change Bag was either gonna dry up, or I was gonna floss out, and eventually I was gonna have to take over. But you're hiding the Demon King! ”
“I'm not sure yet. God will investigate further. ”
“When the time comes, it will be too late. ”
The dragon's wisdom is already noticing things. The emperor looks at the map and points.
“Look, we must cross Vienna before the army can reach the rear office of Jim in Munich. ”
“I'm afraid so.”
Between Munich and the attacks on Graz, there was a huge mountain range blocking it. And to the east of that mountain range lies Vin, the capital of the empire.
If you want to go down from Munich to Graz, you have to bypass the mountains and go through Vienna. But the enemy appears suddenly. The emperor points to the mountains.
“We have crossed this mountain using the undead's qualities. Bora, this must be where Royalyn's reign of Roseland began. ”
The emperor misjudged the place of origin because he did not know the undead city of Morse Thorla in Grosse Glokner, but the rest were correct.
“The road from Roseland through the mountains to Graz is about 250 kilometers. It is only possible to pass undead without being spotted in these mountains. ”
In fact, there is a path along the valley in the mountains. However, the town is also in a tight spot, so if you move along the road, you will be caught. But the enemy appears suddenly. That is, he made his way in the mountains.
“I admire the enemy. The tax that walks in the territory is the source of the strength of the burden. Completely destroying it... ”
The emperor with a pen draws an X-ray of the city that was attacked on the map. When he finished painting, he realized how big things were happening.
Suddenly, I felt like I was getting cold sweaty. I have lived a long life as a dragon, but this was the first crisis.
“Amazing, Wittenbuyer Change Bag…. ”
I never thought I'd be stabbed so horribly.
“We have to hold him accountable! Your Majesty."
“Don't be ridiculous. Speak to the wicked and the undead will overrun the Empire! Your Majesty, I will send the soldiers! ”
The emperor covered his face with both hands.
“Still don't know about the Wittenbuyer Change Bag? They'll attack the Imperial Court again with a good excuse. Then it's obvious that Jim is a dragon. ”
“Such a fiend! ”
Fear was on the Grand Chamberlain's face. It's because the opposing Pokémon were so vicious.
“Yes, you're right. We're fighting a demon from hell. ”
* * *
- I'm sorry.
Pezamut, reflected in the crystal ball, apologized to me as he sweated. He would, too, because he had gone out in splendor and was still unable to reach his destination.
Instead, he demolished seven cities and 30 villages in the imperial territory. The plunder was worth 2 million florins, four times the annual imperial budget. He was literally sweeping away the position like Tidal Wave.
- That's okay, 'cause it worked out better.
Honestly, I was a little overwhelmed. Fedjamut's soldiers, who have been pushing me around a few times, have been screwing with the Emperor. Is this really a copycat killer? Unpredictable, unpredictable.
I couldn't win because it was unpredictable.
- But it's time to step back. Intel from a spy in the Imperial Court says the Emperor's army set out to subdue you.
I'd better run.
Pezamut seems to have lost his confidence rapidly because he is disappointed in himself who cannot even find his destination. I set out to make peace with the Empire, and now I'm thinking of escaping with the Emperor's army.
- I need you to do something for me first. Enough time.
I told you not to run away into the mountains, but to stay put.
That's the land of the Second Demon King.
- So let's go.
I told Pezamut to carry the Imperial Flag hard.
- A flag is a lot of looting. This is important loot. Take care of it.
Vanity of Pezamut can't miss his flag-like loot. I told you to take it to the Demon King's territory in second place.
- Destroy the right city. Then take the army and run for the mountains.
- Does that mean anything to you? Don't you want me to go touch him?
Of course it means something.
- Well, shout for me so I can hear my enemies before they fight.
- What can I say?
- Long live the Emperor!
Pezamut argues, "What nonsense is this?"
- Long live the Emperor!
- Yes, you will be the Demon King hired by the Emperor from now on.
If we do well, the emperor will be number two in all-out war with the Demon King in a situation where the order will be completely destroyed. I was determined to make the two sides fight to buy time.
- That's why we're meeting with the Second Holy Ghost Army, who's rushing in because of you.
- So King Bourne's running off into the mountains after a fight?
- Now you're getting it. Hahaha.
I smiled and nodded and looked at me as if Pezamut had grown tired.
- What a person...