Heroic Death System

Compliance Officer 1

[Congratulations to Host, Complete Additional Task 2 - Stop Dapson from spreading the mutant gene.

Successfully complete three tasks and get triple reward. Physical +10 (+3 +5), Memory +15 (+4 +5), Mental +15 (+5 +5), Beauty +15 (+3 +4), Lifespan +5 (+1 +2), Points in parentheses are rewarded for additional tasks.

In addition, two techniques can be selected for learning.

Shan can lie still, his mind constantly plays the appearance of Qin Yuan finally holding his body and crying, his heart feels incredibly sour. For him, every world could meet again, but for him it was a time lost and irreparable.

“System, I remember you saying that as long as I complete all my tasks, I can choose to return to the real world, or to the worlds I've been through to rewrite the ending. ”

[Not only must all tasks be completed, but the overall rating of mission perfection must be at least 50%.

“What is my current perfection? ”

[40% - Complete the main task, 20 points; Complete two tasks, 50 points; Death after completing three tasks, 70 points; Perfect survival, 100 points;]

40 per cent, much better than he had expected, and had to strive to accomplish at least two tasks, which would have been better if he had survived.

Reasonable thinking, refreshing, ready to start learning skills.

He thought about it, eventually choosing [Racing] and [Repair], as well as continuing martial arts and medicine.

After coming out of Hundred Refinements, you can officially enter the next world.

When he opened his eyes slowly, he found himself in a charging car in which he was the only one sitting in the back seat except for a driver. The view out of the window quickly retreats, and the high buildings on both sides are lit up, showing that this is a very technologically developed world.

Relaxed, the system finally had a bit of a conscience this time, and he had to face all kinds of dangerous situations without opening his eyes.

Then, information about the world quickly came through.

This time, the eldest son of the extended family of the Alliance Empire, Yueze, has just reached the age of nineteen. He has been smart and talented since childhood. He is loved by his father more and more. He is the heir to the future of the Vietnamese family. However, when he was 18 years old, he was unfortunately infected with psychotoxicity.

After more than three hundred years of psychotoxicity, no source of the virus or perfect cure has been found, knowing that the virus is hidden in the human psychiatric realm and, once it has erupted, it will be insane to death in three days. The only solution is to completely strip emotional neurons and remove psychotoxicity from the ground up.

But while this treatment can restore people to their senses, it loses all of their normal sensory emotions, and their former loved ones, friends and even enemies are viewed as a set of data, without any love or hatred. More importantly, the life expectancy of those receiving such treatment will be considerably reduced to a maximum of 35 years.

The Empire, collectively referred to as "the Watchkeeper”, has about 4,000 Watchkeepers every year, and more than 7,000 people die of psychiatric poisoning because they cannot be treated in time. In general, psychotoxicity occurs more frequently among civilians living in difficult conditions and among vulnerable groups with poor psychological qualities, and the chances of developing a disease are minimal, such as the proud son of the Vietnam Zelig. However, bad luck had fallen on him.

Looking at the crazy Yuzawa, the harder it turns out to finally make the tough decisions to get him treated, even if the treatment will cause his young life to crash before the age of 35.

But he didn't know that Yuzawa's madness was not due to psychotic poisoning, but that his brother injected him with a special psychotropic drug. The madness caused by this drug will recover itself in just a day or two, and if it is combined with symptomatic drugs, it can be cured in a few hours.

This psychotropic substance is difficult to detect. The doctor in charge of treating Yuezawa is also the biological mother of Yuezawa, a person personally appointed by Yuezawa's stepmother, after a series of precise arrangements, Yuezawa is treated as a mentally ill person, promoting the ruthless treatment room and becoming a non-emotional, 35-year-old contractor. At the same time, he was completely disqualified from becoming an heir.

Apart from his emotional deficiencies, the Compliant will not be wiped out, and some will even show more astonishing potential, as the more so, the more concentrated he is, the faster he learns, three times faster than before, and the more advanced he is in operational skills and physical abilities.

The more he saw the scene, the more jealous the fire started again, and after discussing it with his mother, he secretly arranged a false identity for Yuzawa and sent his information and medical certificate to the Compliance Officer Distribution Center. This is an employment organization created specifically for contractors, who, despite their short lifespan, are a very principled group that, once signed, strictly enforces the terms of the contract and does not betray the employer by inducing or threatening violence against their interests, even if it hurts their families.

It is also the true origin of the name of the "observant", who are both ruthless and principled implementers and a group of unfortunate people who have no trust.

Depending on their abilities, the Compliance Officer will have different star ratings in the Assignment Center. After being evaluated, Yuzawa, renamed “Sangze”, was rated a 3 ½ star by the head of the distribution center. In terms of comprehensive qualities, he has a strong advantage in work, force and internal affairs, and is a relatively versatile hirer.

Compliance personnel above Samsung are generally personally recommended by the Distribution Center to the principals. The more prominent the parties were, but in two days they were hired by a nobleman.

The nobleman owns his own territory and lives in Fort Ya County, more than 300 kilometres from the capital. He was the protagonist of the world, Lu Xiufan, and Yueze was hired by him to work with him for three years. He was very popular. Shortly afterwards, the more he fell in love with Lu Xiufan at first sight, the more he found out that Yuze had become Lu Xiufan's close assistant. He was jealous and thus provoked his retaliation against Yuze.

Yuzawa was indifferent to his reprisals, had no grudges or grief, only knew to execute Lu Xiufan's instructions, and was murdered in an accident. Lu Xiufan did not know that Yueze was the Young Master of the Vietnamese family. He did not discover the truth until he died. Lu Xiufan told the more he presented the results of the investigation. He thought that the more he submitted the investigation, the more he would deal with it. Anyone who knew that he had no choice but to impose a minor punishment would overturn the matter.

What can the outsider Lu Xiufan say? But as his former subordinate, he would never let him die in vain, even if he was just a companion without feelings.

In the next few years, the Vietnamese family was repeatedly suppressed by Lu Xiufan. Things went wrong. The more I didn't know that the problems of the family were all caused by Lu Xiufan, I also wanted to use my marriage with Lu family to consolidate the power of the family. After being rejected, I tried to lure Lu Xiufan, which eventually led to Lu Xiufan's aversion and caused the disaster of extinction.

What happened after that, in fact, had nothing to do with Yuzawa. Because until his death, no one knew that he was a healthy man, let alone a man who truly suffered for his death. He left the pale world silently with an icy heart.

By the time Shannon got through, Yuezawa had become a covenant keeper and had been hired by Lu Xiufan as "Shannon Ze” and was on his way to Fort Ya County.

[Main Quest: Become heir to the Vietnamese family again.

Jean-Claude looked out the window and said in the dark in his heart: "Don't worry, Yuzawa, I will take justice back for you and I will not let those truths bury with you in the ground forever."

“Mr. Shawn, here we are.” The driver pulled over and said to the back seat.

You can walk out of the car, the first to see is a garden-style courtyard, spacious and beautiful with lovely views. In front of the garden stands a magnificent villa, which, it seems, should be some years old.

An elderly man dressed as a butler came up and smiled: "Mr. Shawn, welcome to Lu Jia Villa, come in. ”

Jean-Claude followed the housekeeper into the villa and listened to him: “The scoundrel is Lu's housekeeper, Ferrin. You can come to me any problems you encounter in your work and life in the future. ”

He nodded and did not respond.

Nor does Ferrin care, for he is well aware of the character of the watchman, who has always spoken very little, done business, without any emotional fluctuations.

Ferrin will be able to lead you into a room and say, "This is your room, the owner's room is the last one at the end of the corridor. He is not in the villa at the moment, it will take about three days for him to come back, you will first familiarize yourself with the environment of the villa. ”

Ferrin did not remind him to take a closer look at the workflow and mission schedule, as the greatest advantage of a compliance officer is efficient implementation. He believed that he had kept all the details of the contract and work in mind before he had arrived at the villa.

Flynn left the room after a few more reminders.

Jean-Claude, that's just relaxing the nerves. It's not easy to get a qualified facial paralysis.

He took the deed and the worksheet out of his suitcase and swept it over and remembered clearly.

Ferrin is old enough that he should be hired to share the services and gradually carry them over. His work includes not only helping Lu Xiufan with his business, safety guards, but also his usual dietary living.

You can pack your papers, pack your bags, and leave the room to get acquainted with the environment.

Ferrin was reassured that he was still a compliance man. Before he entered the villa, Ferrin had another person re-examine his body to determine the identity of his covenant keeper. Once this is established, there will be no need to investigate other contexts, as the contractor will not betray his employer and will not sign another contract again before finishing one employment.

It is the only most precious quality and a brutal branding left by all the adherents after losing their emotions.

The villa has very few servants, with only one chef, one gardener, two escorts and two maids besides butler Ferrin. Guess there's nothing important about relaxing in this villa, just a place for Lu Xiufan to rest and relax.

He wants to see this man now, wondering if he's the one he's looking for. However, even if it were true, he did not intend to develop further with him, because the mission, whether he survived or not, ended up with a life expectancy of only 35 years. There was no hope at first, but it had never begun.

His identity as a covenant keeper can serve as a cover for him. How can someone who doesn't have feelings have feelings for others?