Heroic Death System

Become your god 1

[Complete Additional Task 2 - Analyze the components of brain rehydration fluid and develop medications that extend the lifespan of adherents.

Congratulations to the host, you can get triple rewards for successfully completing three tasks. Physical +7 (+1 +2), Memory +10 (+4 +3), Mental +10 (+5 +5), Beauty +15 (+3 +4), Life +5 (+1 +2), Points in parentheses are rewarded for additional tasks.

In addition, two techniques can be selected for learning.

Shanko was also too lazy to communicate “emotions” with the system this time. He began to choose his skills directly. At first glance, he was surprised to discover that [magic] skills were lit up. In addition, there is a useful new skill [Forge].

You can choose these two skills without any hesitation, then stick your head in the purification space...

The overlapping learning time always passes quickly, and when he returns, he begins his journey into the new world.

Although the extent of the system crater was known, he was always able to constantly refresh his lower limit.

Jean-Claude crossed into a statue this time, yes, a statue!

It is more compelling that he is a statue of God; but sadly, he is an evil statue of God.

Humans in this world believe in gods of all kinds and build statues and temples for them, offering them all the years in exchange for their devotion and divine blessings. All gods were originally created by humans, shaped into statues from metal, then sent to a soul refinery, and after eighty-one days of quenching, they eventually had to preserve the statues of the golden body to become true idols.

Faith shapes spirits, emotions shapes souls, desires shapes. Once a god possesses enough faith, emotion and desire, he can be transformed into a god. There are many idols on Scom, but there are not many true gods. Becoming gods is both the peak of their strength and means that they are not far from death.

God comes from mankind, and He will surely meteorite on mankind.

The transcendental statue is an evil god named Unos, shaped by a savage community that believes in killing and cursing, and seeks to conquer other communities through the power of evil gods. With the help of evil gods, the barbarians did flourish, dominating one side. Nevertheless, their brutality eventually led to the scourge of killing, which was annihilated by the Yiddish people who believed in the gods of war.

Despite the destruction of the savage community, the statue of Unos, the evil god, could not be destroyed. Humanity feared and hated him, far away from the Mount Atea, where the evil temple was located, and no one ever came to worship him again.

The Temple of Evil has thus been abandoned by mankind for more than a thousand years, gradually destroying and becoming a lonely temple on Mount Atea.

Theoretically, as long as the idols are not destroyed, even if there are no believers, the very wisdom from which the idols originated will remain. It's just that he doesn't have the strength, nor does he have the intelligence to leave the temple, and he can never be confined to this position.

However, it is to be known that in the near future, there will be a group of remnants of the tribe who have migrated from afar. They have little knowledge or knowledge of the legends of the evil gods. After discovering this broken temple, they mistakenly believe the evil gods in the temple as mountain gods.

Evil gods have been imprisoned for a long time, and now they finally have followers, so naturally they won't let go. After they settled here, the evil gods used their modest powers to drive out the beasts, drain them, resist dreams, give them peace and live in peace, and thus believe in him more piously.

A few years later, when the chief of the clan heard that the prince of the empire was ready to choose a princess, all the princesses of the various ethnic groups could participate, the chief of the clan also decided to let his daughter try it.

After a millennium of development, the Empire of Iraq, the empire created by the Idi, has grown to become the most powerful nation on the Skom continent. The evil gods have not forgotten that it was this group of people who killed all their followers, so much so that they reduced him from the superior god to dust and tormented him alone in the land of square millennium with only a little bit of wisdom left.

With this hatred, the Evil Gods attached their minds to Tima, the eldest daughter of the clan, and secretly cursed other outstanding girls to reduce their competition for Tima.

Tima himself was very beautiful, and with the help of the evil gods, he was eventually chosen as the prince's fiancée. Encouraged by their passing, the clans decided to move to the Imperial City of Iraq.

But the Yakuza did not abandon the evil gods, and they felt that everything that was beautiful today came from the mountain gods they believed in, so they went to King's City with the statues of the mountain gods.

And this was a huge disaster for the empire.

The power of the evil gods is to kill and curse, and he is able to exploit the weaknesses of mankind, inspire their ugliest side, bring them bad luck and provoke war. As the clan progressed, his followers grew larger and stronger, as did the piety of his followers. Ultimately, a bloody rainstorm, contradictions, civil strife, the battle for the throne in the empire of Iraq… the first royal city, which had thrived, became a place of chaos in just a decade.

These changes eventually woke up the sleeping god of war, Saturn. He has been sacrificed for more than a thousand years by the Yiddish and possesses the power of a powerful god, but has not yet become a god because he has not accumulated enough emotion and desire. In passing, he found Unos, the culprit of evil, asking him to converge his actions and to be comfortable as a “mountain god” worshipped by the clan.

How could the evil gods quit? Not only does he now possess the power of the Spirit, but because of the rise in hatred and desire to kill, he has become a god with an entity that flourishes in the royal city as a human being.

Saturn, the god of war, saw that he had not changed his religion and was finally angry, and with only three divine powers he was sealed in the idol. Saturn did not intend to exterminate, but had become a godly evil god, and when sealed, insane hatred and desire were not quenched, eventually leading to the rupture of the idol and its complete extinction. As a result, the people who believed in him were also implicated, gradually moving towards decay under the curse of evil gods.

After receiving the information, he felt a little embarrassed, entering a strange world, where everything was completely beyond his perception.

[Main Quest - Recognized by the god of war, Saturn.

If he doesn't understand correctly, the gods of war, Satan and Unos, seem to be enemies! A thousand years ago, the followers of the evil god were annihilated by the followers of the god of war. A thousand years later, the evil god had to hold the legs of the god of war and brush his fondness?

The power of the evil god derives from killing and cursing, how can he convince the god of war that a born villain can change evil? Reason tells him it's not science!

What about the simple world? This godly world is also called the simple world?

Wait, System, who's the protagonist of this world? The protagonist is a clue to his search for his own man, and this cannot be missed.

[TBD protagonist - God of War Saturn, Prince Itamo, God of Love Neil.

Shanko: … How many more dare you? Forget the god of war and the prince. Where did that god of love come from? You didn't mention anything in the information you provided, okay?! And what about that one to be determined?

Determination of the protagonist depends on the development route chosen by the host. The world was initially set to be simple and difficult, but hosts who die do not rule out the possibility of increased difficulty.

Jean-Claude is out of anger: Isn't the task you posted just to make me die?!

The system is hidden and can only face reality.

The time he crossed coincided with the imminent emigration of the clan to Mount Atea. Then he was worshipped as a “mountain god”, thus gaining the power of the gods. Still feel that these years do not need to change history, in accordance with the original practice of evil gods, to expel beasts, open channels for drainage and resist nightmares. Flush their fondness as much as you can, and when Tila gets to the Royal City, he'll be able to move copies with him.

Spirits can only be attached to believers, otherwise they cannot go far unless they are powerful enough to reach the level of god of war.

Make up your mind, let go of your mind, carefully measure the statue of the evil god, only he is seen wearing a mask, his upper body is red - naked, he has a string of beast teeth around his neck, and his lower body is surrounded by a skirt of beast leather, which is worn by a fine rope, sits like a Buddha, and he has a hammer in his hand.

This image is really... cold and sour.

Nor does it envisage the beauty of the ancients for more than a thousand years, at least they sculpted the body of the evil god so strong that he was carefully masked, leaving enough room for the future.

In the midst of a wild thought, a moment came out of the temple to hear Soso's voice, and then someone shouted, “Look, there's a temple here. ”

But many times, in the ruined temple, five or six grown men walked in.

The clan finally arrived.

Over the next few days, the clan did set up a camp nearby, although it did not seem to have any intention of settling here.

But their arrival did bring a lot of anger to the cold temple. Occasionally, a few children came to pray to him, obviously just kneeling like fun, but he also gained a little power of the gods.

It may be because the child's mind is pure, so even a small amount of good will can help him a little.

Thanks to their occasional worship and sometimes even the sending of mountain fruits, although they ended up in their stomachs, Sankoh's spirituality was finally able to leave the temple and follow the children to their camp.

Before entering the camp, a cry was heard. In the open space in front, lying two bodies, looking at the wounds, were all bitten by the beast.

Since the destruction of their homes, they have lived in uncertainty, and most other cities are reluctant to accommodate outsiders, who can only struggle to survive in the wilderness in the hope of finding a property-rich land of powerlessness to settle.

However, wild beasts are rampant, poisonous, and all sorts of strange spirits clandestinely disrupt, walking all the way here, and they don't know how many people have been lost.

The chief sighed: "The beast is fierce here, it seems we are looking for another place to settle. ”

Other tribes are bitter.

Shanko: No, don't rush off! I can protect you, and I can make you rich, pacify the clouds, marry the white riches, and reach the peak of your life. The only thing you need to do is bring me a few mountain fruits and sweep away the dust! This deal can't be more affordable!