Heroic Death System

Become Your God12

You can still see the gradual realisation of Satan's teeth. The first thought in my mind was: when all gods first converted to gods, they were all luo...

Long blonde hair, golden eyes, strong limbs, strong and full muscles, a photographic appearance throughout the body, giving an invisible sense of compression. Seeing him approaching, he could subconsciously want to retreat, but was imprisoned by his divine authority, and could only watch him walk to him step by step.

Saturn raised his hand and gently touched the fair skin, seemingly feeling his temperature, fingers over his clavicle, slowly down, like a jade player, flowing back and forth, fine rubbing.

It was still immobile and could only be moved by two claws. In front of this obscene - blasphemous guy, the expression on his face is as honest as ever. If it hadn't been for a glimpse of his legs-- that thing was starting to move, he thought he was really just studying human construction.

I have to admit, this guy is really older than him, so no wonder he had that mysterious look. However, two men - standing unarmed in the temple of solemnity - always felt something was wrong!

As he was confused, Saturn's body was almost attached to him. The spiritually trembling thing topped his abdomen, occasionally rubbing a few times, making him nervous and focused his attention below.

Looking at Saturn, it seemed like he was going to continue to study it in depth, and it was difficult to say, “Saturn, don't you think you should put your armor on now? ”

“My armor is too conspicuous to appear in front of a mortal.” Saturn lifted the corner of the skirt with his hands and seemed to be thinking about taking it off.

“I can ask the Yakuza to help you tailor some new clothes.” Hastily indicated.

Saturned his teeth, slightly “hmm”.

What do you mean, "um”? He could stare at him without knowing how tempting his eyes were for Satan, who had just become a god.

His desire flourished as if a flame was burning, steaming his blood and making him hungry - thirsty - impatient. It's strange, but it's novel.

He remembers the question Jean-Claude asked him not long ago: Why him? Why? That's probably the answer. He gave him desire, desire to get his desire.

How does a god get another god? The most direct way is to subjugate him by force. But Saturn felt that he wanted more, such as… to leave his breath on him with the most primitive ceremony.

Jean-Claude felt that Saturn's eyes were becoming more and more dangerous, and that the power to suppress him was becoming more and more dominant, as if he were going to be swallowed up in the next moment.

This feeling is familiar. When someone flirts - love is when his breath is strongest. He's sure this guy is flaunting his ass right now!

A god who has never experienced feelings, lacks sexual knowledge, yet possesses great strength, and acts with no care, it is hard to say what terrible things will happen once a relationship is initiated. For the time being, he doesn't want to try. He doesn't really have much hope for what a god does - sex skills and emotional intelligence.

“Where do you want to go?” Saturn could have tried to break free of his confinement, gazed at him, put his hands on his shoulders, and gradually the body was again substantiated.

"" I'll go back and make you some clothes, "replied Jean. ”

“Don't you have to measure before you make clothes?” Saturn asked.

Jean-Claude took a quick look at him and said seriously: “I know your size, I don't need to measure anymore. ”

“Just use the eye to see?” Satanic grace, “I allow you to touch. ”

Who's touching you? With no mask on his face, Shanko is finally free to hide his emotions, and no matter how manic his heart may be, his face remains calm.

He didn't wait for him to converge, and Saturn suddenly covered the mask on his face.

Shanko: (HEHEHEH)

Saturn: “…”

yet: (▔ mouth ▔)

Saturn slowly removed the mask and stared at Sankoh unemotionally.

Shanko: I'm really tired of having a mask like this...

Fortunately, however, the slag on Saturn faded, replacing it with a tumbling cloud.

Jean-Claude patted his hand on his chest and caressed it very carefully, saying as he touched it: "Thank you Lord God of War for giving me the opportunity to touch you, I am very honored! ”

Saturn: “…”

Looking at the two claws on his chest, his teeth gradually darkened and his just calmed desire was again touched by him.

Shanko's stomach was stabbed hard, his heart was not good, he was trying to take his hand back, but Satan grabbed him with his teeth.

You can lift your head and look in the eyes.

Saturn pulled Sankoh's hand in a fine rub and seemed to be studying why his hand felt so comfortable. It felt so wonderful to be with his skin that it made him want something.

However, Saturn is not going any further this time, some fun, a little digging is needed, and it is pointless to unravel the mystery all at once.

Shanko's festival was fortunate to escape a hijacking and temporarily become a pure and flawless evil god.

Decades later, Saturn finally received several new sets of equipment with images of the Evil God, as well as several small items of fitness.

Itamo kept his promise that the clans had built an evil temple outside the city. The idols had also been moved into the new temple, officially stationed in the Italian territory, and more and more followers had come to worship. The speed at which the power of faith could be absorbed had greatly increased.

While this power cannot elevate the abilities of the Evil Gods, it can make his body more concentrated, and I'm afraid even the gods of war will not be able to control his body at will over time.

However, it is always felt that the current rise in song and dance is only calm before the storm. The Fire God is deeply entrenched in the evil gods and will never abandon his plan to seal him because of Satan's few warnings. Maybe he's assembling other gods right now, ready for a headache for Jean-Claude.

It was not known that Saturn had actually received messages from several gods, such as the Fire God, demanding the sealing of the Evil God, which he had relentlessly rejected. Evil gods are under his wing, no one can move.

Saturn does not see the threat of these spirits in his eyes, and he has recently developed the habit of spying on every move of Sankoh.

In the waters of the Temple of War, the busy figure is reflected every day. Saturn doesn't know why he's always so busy, like a hard-working little bee, surrounding his followers every day to help them with their troubles. Said he was evil and no one else would believe it.

Sankoh's pro-people strategy not only adds a large number of followers, but also harvests a large number of admirers, who are often heard expressing their love to him in the temple with emotional voices. Such as “Dear Uno God, allow your faithful followers to devote their bodies to you" or “Dear Uno God, I am willing to defend you as a jade”.

Saturn is upset every time he hears it.

But what really bothers Saturn is not these insignificant mortals, but the other three, Eiseneer, Prince Itamo, and Tima, the daughter of the clan chiefs. They were closest to and most trusted by Jean-Claude.

Itamo, in particular, was willing not only to reveal his deity in front of him, but also to let him unmask himself. Despite being stopped by Saturn, his proximity to Itamo was unquestionable.

Itamo is a follower of the gods of war and a mortal, and Saturn tries not to compare with him. As for Neil and Tima, he is still within his tolerance. But soon afterwards, one thing became intolerable to him.

Neil, the god of love, drew a red line for Itamo monks before for fun. Itamo did, as he had hoped, translate his original fondness for Sankoh into love. But nothing has changed here, though close, without any love.

It made Neil feel strange. If it was just a god, it might not be possible to have feelings for Itamo, but after becoming a god, he had feelings and desires, which were unreasonable and still inactive. It is obvious that Itamo is very fond of it, and with the help of God of love, the conversion of love into love should be from water to canal.

Is it because you haven't got the hang of it? Neil has a keen interest in Shanko's emotional tendencies.

“Small mask.” Late one night, Neil pulled Jean-Claude to the lake and mysteriously said, "Let me show you something good. ”

“What good stuff?” Not yet, so.

Neil smiled strangely, his arms swinging, leaving the lake with a wave of waves, and a few images of the activity appeared.

Sang can probe and be instantly crossed by two or two of the images - the combined bodies blind, not only with the images, but also with their own sound effects, waves after waves of groans - moaning, swinging high and low in silent nights.

This guy called him out late at night to watch live porn?!

Shan can cast a despicable look at him.

Neil asked, "What do you think? ”

“How about what? ”

“What they're doing, don't you want to try?” Neil looked at him with enthusiasm.

Jean-Claude looked back at him strangely: "With whom? ”

“What do you think of me?” Neil leaned lazily against the trunk of the tree, his eyes filled with waves, his mouth smiled and his body filled with intense hormones.

He could look back and forth at him and shake his head: "Not my dish. ”

“How do I know if I haven't tried?” Neil pasted it over, hugging Sankoh's waist, whispering in his ear, "There is no constraint between the gods, just enjoy. ”

In the talking room, a strange breath swept in, Neil's hands touched Sankoh's clothes, breathing one eye at a time as if it had a flirtatious taste. The two figures overlap, the vague groans - intermittently, the air is filled with bright colors.

Neil, the god of love, had a natural advantage in this regard, and although he was eaten tofu, he was still not averse to it. God of love smells like honey, sweet to the heart, sucked into the bone marrow, and I'm afraid it's hard for people to resist. If you don't have someone you like, maybe you do.

As he was ready to push him away, he had been swept away by a tremendous force.

Then Saturn appeared in front of Sankoh with a brazen face, his long arm stretched out and he disappeared in his arms.

Neil, who was beaten to the ground, struggled to get up, but found himself imprisoned, nailed to death by the power of the god of war, completely immobile!

Images in the lake are still playing little porn, and in silent nights the vague groans still echo - yet Neil can no longer groan...