Heroic Death System

Retrospective Spoon 5

In the end, however, he did not tell Jingjun why he was making friends everywhere. Rather, he was not intentionally hiding them, but he was still trying to do so. In order to avoid excessive depletion of the light on Jingrong, it is possible to look for new sources of light.

There are not a few people in the world who possess bliss, but they themselves are constantly consuming their own bliss, some even when they are young. Most people who are able to accumulate bliss are pure goodness in their hearts, and their ancestors or themselves have done great good deeds and have profound blessings.

The scent of Jingrong is quite special. He possesses the soul of the immortal (Chen Xiao). Fu Guang can add to his luck. The immortality in his soul is also constantly refining and refining Fu Guang. This is also why Jean-Claude is able to practice with his bliss to quickly shape.

Ordinary mortals are certainly less blessed than scenic beauty, but they are outnumbered. It is only uncertain how much Bliss you need to draw from ordinary people to achieve the effect of practice. He didn't want to harm the luck of others, so he had to reach out to more people with bliss. Fukumitsu can interact and transform each other, and if a person makes a friend of Fukumitsu, his own luck will change accordingly.

Shanko has found more than a dozen people with bliss, and unfortunately half of them have been driven away by some petty jealous man. The bliss of just six or seven people is clearly not enough to sustain his daily “expenses”.

“Alas, I can't take care of it.” Can't bear to sigh.

“Who said that?” The smell of the scenery came together, rebutting, “My cocoa had better be fed. ”

Jean-Claude glanced at him and looked at him again.

“What's the matter?” Ask Jingjung.

Jean-Claude fell on the couch and shouted, "How can you be so poor! ”

Tens of millions of smells in minutes total: “…”

On the same day, Jingjun, who was too poor to be abandoned by his loved ones, had his assets collated into documents and sent them to his mailbox. However, he had not yet had time to show his strong financial resources and could not escape.

Wen Jingrong tried to restrain the urge to grab people immediately and persisted until the company's affairs were handled before looking for them based on mobile phone positioning.

In the garden, Jean is sitting in a pavilion playing chess with an old man.

His expression was pleasant, his eyebrows smiled, and he poured tea for the elderly, saying something.

The old man frowned and thought hard, pointing to the board from time to time to argue a few sentences.

Wen Jingjun stood outside the pavilion, staring at the lover in the pavilion. His agitated emotions gradually calmed down after seeing him.

All along, he had seen Sankoh by his side, and it seemed that he had never looked closely at Sankoh with outsiders. Along with him, he is gentle, thoughtful, lively and casual; in front of outsiders, he comes from leisure, enthusiasm and kindness. He has never deliberately shown his talent in front of himself, but outside, he is always the brightest. Natural possession almost made him forget how good cocoa was.

Can't help but secretly examine Jingrong. Is he too restrained?

“Jingrong.” A bright voice interrupted his mind, looked up and found that Shanko had finished the game and walked towards him.

“Your new friend?” Jingjung looked at the old man in the gazebo.

“Mm-hmm.” Jean-Claude said, “I met him on the road. ”

“I remember when your last friend was on the bus.” Wen Jingjung held up his hand and strolled and counted, “the last time I met him at the grocery market when negotiating, and when fishing by the river, hanging out on the road, grabbing discounted merchandise, I could make friends. One of the most amazing things is watching people touch porcelain all the time. ”

Wen Jingjun wondered if his lover was bringing his own friend Halo, so he could make friends at random. And according to his ex-post investigation, most of the friends he makes are excellent, some are well priced, some have outstanding character, some are knowledgeable, some are enthusiastic about the public good...

Jean-Claude patted him on the shoulder, comforting him: “I know you don't have the gift to make friends, but that's okay. My friends will be your friends in the future. ”

Smell Jingrong: “… you just have to be happy. ”

Three days later, Jingjung handled the relevant documents for Shang Cao, officially settled into the house, and stopped staring at people as urgently as before, appropriately giving him space to let himself fly.

“Aren't you afraid I'll run away?” Jean sat at his desk, smiling and swaying his ID card.

“If you run, I'll chase you. Anyway, you're free.” Sniffing through the documents without oblivion.

I thought I could hear love, but I was angry: "Then I'll run and show you how much time you have. ”

Sniffing Jingjung raised his head and slowly said: “For the rest of my life, I will be ‘idle’ for you. Wherever and whenever. ”

Jean-Claude stared deeply at him, then reached down and grabbed his neck, softly: “Smell Jingrong, have I ever said 'I love you’? ”

“Yes, but I don't mind you saying it more than once.” Jingjung held him to his legs and kissed his lips.

“Let me say it as many times as I want.” Jean-Claughingly leaned in his arms.

But then, all of a sudden, he looked up again and said, "There's one thing I want to tell you. ”

Smell Jingrong's heart move: “What is it? ”

“I am passionate about the reasons for making friends.” Shanko Xudao, "it would have taken me 300 years to reshape my flesh at the normal rate of cultivation. But the bliss on you, it took me a short time to shape. ”

“Mmm.” Smell the scenery quietly listening.

“If I continue to absorb the bliss from you without any hesitation, it is expected that your bliss will soon be exhausted. ”

“Soon how fast?” Ask Jingjung.

Jean-Claude pondered for a while and replied, "About a decade or so. ”

“More than a decade?” Smell the eyebrows, “my bliss can only feed you for more than a decade? ”

“That's not the point!” Remind me, "the point is, in more than a decade, I'll be sucking all your bliss out. ”

“What happens when you absorb it all? Will you leave me? ”

“Of course not. I'm afraid your life won't be as smooth as it is now without the bliss of light. ”

“Isn't that normal?” The scenic expression is plain, “who can guarantee absolute smoothness in their life? ”

“It seems so, but...” Who doesn't want their life to be better? You could have scored 120 points, but you only scored 80 points in the end, and the average person wouldn't want to do that?

“So what does it matter if you make friends?” Jingjung asked again.

"You're not the only one with bliss," replied Jean-Claude. "I want to disperse it. Although it will slow down, it will not affect the luck of you and others. ”

Smell Jingrong's eyes slightly dim: “Do all your friends have bliss on them? ”

“Hmm.” He nodded.

“Very well.” There is a certain danger in the scenic tone, "starting today, you are not allowed to continue to interact with them. ”

“Why? Didn't you explain it all clearly?” Jean can stare at him.

The smell of Jingrong was harsh: “I do not allow you to absorb bliss from anyone but me! ”

How could he tolerate the smell of outsiders on cocoa?

“Didn't I tell you before? If you only absorb your own blessings, I will absorb all your blessings in more than a decade. ”

“Then suck it all out!” Smell Jingrong roar, “I don't care if it kills me. I just hope that for the rest of my life, you belong entirely to me. As long as I live for a day, no one will leave a mark on you! ”

It was not expected that Jingjun would object so much, and in his view absorbing Fu Guang, like shopping in a store, had no other meaning.

“Coco, promise me.” Smell Jingrong holding him tight, whispering, “Don't look for anyone else until you suck me off. ”

Something's wrong with sucking you off or something.

“If you really care, then I promise.” Sighs well, "only then will my time to become a human form be shortened and the consumption of bliss must be minimized. ”

“Isn't it possible to absorb more than a decade? You don't have to worry.” Jingrong doesn't want his cocoa to starve.

“The problem is," Still hates the iron staring at him, "you're not a good guy. ”

“What does this... matter if I'm a good person or not? ”

“Even without happiness, good people can basically live the rest of their lives in peace as long as they are not lazy, destitute, or in unpredictable natural and man-made disasters. But you," Still pointing to his heart, "how many illegal actions have been made in private, how many civilians have been oppressed, how many rich and powerful businesses have been offended? ”

“Do you... know? ”

“I'm not a brush.” Jean glanced at him.

Jingrong: He always thought it was...

“I told you to stay safe for life.” Wen Jingjun looked solemnly at Sangko, "Believe me, Coco, I would strangle anything that might threaten your existence in the cradle. ”

It is also known that what he is trying to say is that the pain has changed before, and that it has disturbed anyway, benefiting one side. But what he said always made people feel cheerful and mean nothing.

“Then let's just absorb the light from me.” His cocoa must be maintained by him alone.

“Yes, it's up to you. After more than a decade, we'll see what you do. ”

“What else can we do? Big deal. Be a good man with a clean heart. ”

“Heh.” It's the only thing he doesn't believe.

Since he was guaranteed, Jingjun no longer restricted his friendship situation. Coco trusts him, and he is willing to give the same trust.

However, the search for new ways of practicing has not yet been abandoned. If the method of obtaining bliss from others is denied, can it refine the bliss of scenic beauty?

You can tune Jingrong's body, unwind his meridians, and search for various cultivation books. Finally, he developed a programme suitable for scenic cultivation, combining dual cultivation doors and sentry guided spiritual models.

The world is thin and naturally impossible to achieve positive results, but strength, longevity and refinement are fine.

“Can't get in?” Scenic sitting in the medicine pool, he looked at the cocoa on his waist with a tangled expression.

“No.” Try to ignore the giant that's brushing his presence underneath, “you have to learn how to tone. ”

Then he put his lips on his lips, and put the light of his absorption into his mouth, and guided him to toner.

After a while, you can remove your lips and bite your teeth with a repressed voice and say, “You're not going in! ”

“I'm sorry, I didn't control my strength...” Smell the scene with an innocent face, as if the self-proclaimed thing below was not his.

“This is the first time!” It is still indignant.

“Be good, don't be angry, I promise I won't shoot you in this one.” Scenically smooth.

“How dare you shoot!” Still can be harsh, “hold it back. ”

“I'm afraid it's a little difficult...”

“Well... be gentle, don't push so hard every time...”

Smell Jingrong's eyebrows with a smile and gently nibble around his neck.

In fact, he learned to puke a month ago, but never told Coco. He likes the look of cocoa being both angry and helpless, which makes him feel comfortable with cocoa, but he also knows that he can't hide it for too long, otherwise it can affect the progress of practice.

Well, tell him next month. I have to say, he really loves this cultivation, he will never get tired of it...

Human life expectancy on planet Tam is 120 years. After practicing, Jingrong extended his life to nearly 100 years and became the longest and most legendary human being on the planet.

A cultivation program that can be studied for the Hearing Landscape, and will soon be celebrated by Alien Tam as a Divine Book.

After generations of inheritance and cultivation, the average life expectancy of Alien Tam has doubled sufficiently. They just can't look as old as they smell Jingrong, because they lack a pen that can only match their soul...