Herscherik (Reincarnated Prince Series)

Chapter III Final Prince, Prodigal Prince and Souvenir Part 2

Barbasse, who had cowed the country from the shadows, was killed for three months. The kingdom, which was a piece of rock in a bad way, was being reformed and improved with the king at the forefront. Just because you defeated the best of evil doesn't end up like congratulations and gambling, and it can be said that the country is still disturbed. It could also be said to be a gap that would enter if it came from another country.

"Towards neighbouring countries, right?

"That's right.

The second brother nodded at the words of his youngest brother, who was quick to understand, adding, "The treasury has been moistened in this case, so I have a budget.," William added. The current treasury can be afforded because a group of ministers forced them to return what they had embezzled. That said, the amount collected will be incorporated into the budget again in the future and redistributed to embezzled cases, but there was still enough money to make it look good as a country.

"As long as it's not too bad, no one will do anything bad in the country sooner. Invite dignitaries from different countries to show that our country is immovable and to restrain interference from other countries. fundamentally rebuild in the meantime.

Marx says so and drinks tea. I guess it's also a souvenir of Tesseri, Marx seemed to enjoy the rare fragrance.

The minister died and all the nobles and bureaucrats who were working wrongfully were punished accordingly in a judicial setting. For this reason, appearance is a beautiful government that cannot be wronged without happiness.

The royal people, including Hershelik, just don't think this state of affairs will last forever. It's dozens of times easier for anyone to get down their throats and corrupt than to discipline themselves.

That is why we now need time to rebuild our country, and in the meantime we want to avoid interference from other countries as much as possible. In other words, this time it's important to keep your hands clear so that you can't reach out to countries.

Fortunately, the empire, which is of the utmost concern, has entered into a five-year inviolability pact in the earlier battles and even plans to have national traffic. William is in charge of the contact, so I won't fail in case.

By the way, Hershelik has witnessed his second brother smiling as wonderfully as he doubted his own eyes about William when he was at work. I even snuck up on my cheeks wondering if I'd dreamed of opening my eyes in the daytime.

"I can't be more optimistic that it's going to work just fine.

"Is there any danger?

Hershelik asks Marx what he says. Hershelik gets gall when he thinks that his family would be harmed if he was sent in by a secret agent or something.

"If it's dangerous, Hershey, you're the most dangerous.

Let Herselik tilt his neck at Marx's words and point himself with his index finger at his brother's words.

"Is it me?

"Look, you're a royal being known at home and abroad as much as they call you a 'hero of light'. If anything happens to you, the country will shake for sure.

So definitely don't walk alone for the duration of the Toyota Festival, like today, Marx pressed in case, Hershelik just wandered his gaze a little, but nodded. All my brothers send a frivolous gaze to Hershelik like that.

"And Hershey, I'll borrow your lead knight in the game before the martial arts. I would also like to borrow the lead magician later.

William, who finished checking all the letters he had received from Tesseri, told Hershelik, as I recall.

"You two?

"We are both making other countries brave in the battle ahead. I'm sorry, but let me use it.

William said that he looked frowned and angry, but actually distorted his face with regret. I suspected Hershelik would hate to spectacle his subordinates, but Hershelik shook his head sideways.

(Regardless of Oran, Shiro will hate it.

That's what I think, and I snort conditionally that if the two of them accept.

"But don't bother with Octa's opponent.

Marx roars mummy.

Oran was active in the battle ahead, impeccable in strength and fame. Moreover, he is also an experienced winner of the militant tournament with overwhelming strength. Without being afraid of him like that, it becomes a question of how many powerful people are in the Wang capital.

"Brother Mark, how about General Blades? He is also active and well-known in previous battles while also clamping his arms. Besides, I think it's just right to let the incompetent, who are used to being favoured by their identities alone, know.

Utel said as he smiled and subtly pinched his poisonous tongue. But William shakes his head.

"No, the general is asked to go on a mission to ensure the safety of the streets. I don't know if I'm in Wang Du on the day of the martial arts tournament.

"What about the brothers in the Ordis family, then? All those brothers over there are powerful, aren't they?

Now Lenette said her mouth, but this one too. William shook his head.

"I want to avoid relatives as much as I can. Plus, if rumors spread that they're just treating the Marquis Ordis family preferentially, they're annoying.

"I don't think those people care about that......"

Hershelik also agrees with Cecily's words. Hershelik himself, I have seen Oran's family many times, but the clearer the brain muscles...... he was also a pleasant family. Rather than being aristocrats, they are a clan that is proud to serve their country, focusing on knights who protect their country.

"Then the fiery general dismisses it, too.

When Arya casually said the two most famous generals in the country, Marx, William and Hershelik shook their heads vertically at the same time. That can be a concern that the tournament could be screwed up, regardless of strength, fame, etc. It is now the Lord who best applies the term brain muscle in that family. Without thinking about the circumstances behind it, he said, "That sounds funny!" or something like that. "It's also never unlikely that we'll start fighting for real.

"Ah, Brother Mark.

Tesseri raised her hand to them, haunting her head.

"Then why don't you let me fight between my knight and Hershey's knight, which is stronger?

"Brother Tesseri's knight?

When I went on the journey before, Hershelik remembered that there must have been only a childhood butler in charge. Tesseri opens her mouth to Hershelik, who floats a question mark.

"Yeah, he was a samurai (Mononov) from Yangguk (Yookokokokokoku)... he was a knight or a warrior over here, but he made the lead knight where he came to the continent and wandered.

The Yang Nation is an island nation east of the Kingdom of Gracis and beyond the sea. A kingdom of queens, at the apex of which the queen, also known as the princess of divinity (Mikohime), reigns, beneath which twelve Chinese divide the government of the nation. In a country that has developed in its own culture because it is an island country, Hershelik can only be seen in the literature, but I felt it was like it was in Japan's past life. The kingdom of Gracis and the kingdom of Yang had national traffic, and Soluyeh's fourth side-room was a Chinese princess from the kingdom of Yang. Now accompanied by a second princess, a daughter in therapy, she is outside the Wang capital.

Tesseri laughs at Hershelik, who remembers Yangguk's information.

"It's pretty strong. I might beat Hershelik's knight.

"…… I'm not so interested in winning or losing, but Oran is also strong.

Relax a little and Hershelik will say it back.

Tesseri turns such an interesting, meaningful laugh at Hershelik.

"Well, you're looking forward to it.

Two people scattering invisible sparks. To those two. Marx leaks a small sigh, slapping his hand. That was the signal for dissolution.

"Now it's time to dissolve it. Will, I asked for a summary of national dignitaries from Tesseri's letter, as well as scheduling and stepping up.

Copy that, confirming William nodding, Marx took a seat. Each returns to his room, and Hershelik also rises and walks out to leave the room.

"Ah, Hershey.


Called to rest, Hershelik looks back. Then there was a brother just above his serious glance, not a laugh like he had just eaten as many people.

"The two of you I brought in today, you have to be careful.

"Dear Brother Tesseri?

Hershelik immediately understands the intent of the word, but he stares at his brother's face and calls his name.

How does my brother know about the two of them? Why should I be careful with the two of them?

But Tesseri just smiled at his brother like that and never opened his mouth any more. And that smile was a sign of intent that he wasn't going to answer, and Hershelik didn't have the technique to pull out his brother's answer at the moment.

On the bed provided in the spacious bedroom, Krenai hits a turnaround. In response to the rubbing sound of the cloth, Ao, who did not faint, spoke over his back, keeping his back pointed at the bed just beside him.

"Go to sleep.

"…… It's been a long time since I've been in bed and I can't sleep.

A fuzzy bed with a warm meal for a long time, clean body due to the bath provided and extremely comfortable sleep. There's no way I could sleep in a drastically changed environment that I couldn't think of a few days ago, saying so, Krennai tried to delude him, but he wasn't deluded for a decade of dating.

"Do you care?

A concise word that doesn't always turn on the subject, and doesn't know what you're talking about if you're bad. But just like him, she had a long relationship, so I could understand what he was referring to.

"Strange, they are, aren't they?

Saying so, Clenai remembers until he was led here.

Hershelik brought me to his private room. Amazingly enough, they could never change their belongings so far. And welcoming them was such a butler that it could be said that they were black, except for the red eyes with blue muscles on their temples. After reporting from his brothers that the convocation was on, he sees the two men Hershelik brought in and spills a sigh without even trying to hide them.

"So, what kind of trouble have you picked up this time?

"I picked it up…………………."

It was a serious rhetoric against the Lord, but the person who was told just flaunted his shoulders without much concern. Hershelik introduces him to Chro and briefly introduces him to Krenai and Ao.

The butler, known as Cro, turned his gaze, and even stopped his gaze at Ao and lurked his eyebrows only once.

"…… the Beast Clan?

Whether you hide it in your jacket or not, the exuberance of his unnatural back cannot be hidden. His expression confirmed the trouble when he spotted it. And leaks a deep, very deep sigh.

"Chro, will you get me a room for two for now?

The outer palace also has rooms inhabited by the royal heads, and there are currently many vacancies. I thought about having the place temporarily rented.


Crowe would have the same idea, Ao says to him trying to leave the room with one reply.

"…… one is fine. I don't need it.

"Ao, I don't have a room, okay?

Hershelik says, Ao shook his head.

"No problem.

Hershelik broke on Ao, who is unlikely to change his claim.

"…… I understand. Cro, please. Oh, and meals. I don't want to be left alone..."

"Yes, sir. I'll take care of this one. Just go to the talking room.

Are you worried, Hershelik, who gives detailed instructions, sends a windy gaze out of the sending room telling him to leave everything to him.

"Then I'll go for a moment.

"... why would the prince do that to me?

Krenai threw words at Hershelik as he tried to leave the room early.


Stop your leg. Hershelik looks back.

"We haven't told you anything. Having help with that won't benefit you. I think it's more detrimental.

Hershelik opened his back mouth after a few thoughts to Krenai, who kept smiling like that.

"Mr. Krenai is a very honest man, isn't he?

"Honest, Your Majesty?

Hershelik answers when Krenai points his gaze at what is honest and asks that.

"'Cause you're not even listening to me say that we can't talk about ourselves as much as you said earlier or this time. You're a little backwards on that, aren't you?

Hershelik goes on to say that if a dishonest person wants to, he doesn't think so.

"Besides, you've come to life where you need those intentions.

Clenai kept a smile on the words, but his breath stuck. Because I understood that this prince looked so closely at people as a young man. Hershelik dares spin his own words, regardless of Krenai.

"I don't think it's a bad idea. Because the intention is what it takes to live.

Hershelik chuckles when he says so.

"Nothing, it doesn't just work for Mr. Krenai or Mr. Ao. Just do it because I want to. So I think you can use me.


Krenai became anxious about the Hershelik's words. Because where she once lived, all kindness and help were made up of intentions. So, without it, the opposite makes me anxious, and his inability to read what he's thinking fuels even more anxiety.

It was his bellies who gave her such advice.

"You should give up.

"Hershey is a stubborn man who wouldn't listen if he told you.

The magicians and knights, those who were introduced to Shiloh and Oran, told Clenai that they would try to eat down, as they had achieved.

"You're so stupid and people-friendly that people who only move with loss don't understand, our Lord is.

"That's complimenting me, isn't it?

Hershelik says while smiling bitterly at Oran's words.

"I think you guys like to go along with it.

Hershelik waved and left the room behind, laughing funny as his bellies clasped their shoulders.

Krenai first encountered someone like Hershelik. That's why I couldn't make a decision.

"What do you think?

"... I didn't feel bad.

Klenai's question Ao answered honestly. Human beings other than Krenai were enemies to him. It was supposed to be the enemy. But it was also true that all the people I met today were confused by the fact that they had no hostility or contempt for themselves.

"Is that so……."

"……… rest now.

Ao tells Krenai that he intends to enter the maze of thought as it is. Klenai nodded a little lost.

"... will you hold my hand?

It was a rare and sweet voice for her. Surprised by its rarity, Ao holds Krenai's hand, which he was offered when he stood up and sat on the bed. My hands were rough for women. It was telling the story of the life she had been carrying on. Ao holds hands to wrap it up.

"If you want.

Yes. Krenai smiles when Ao whispers.

"Thank you very much……."

With a voice that could only be heard by the two of us, Clenai uttered his true name.

On the verge of falling asleep, Clenai did not hear that flaming sound that she could hear, even though she always knew it was an illusion, and I felt the voice of that prince calling out her provisional name sounded comfortable.