Herscherik (Reincarnated Prince Series)

Chapter Five: Lyoko, Krenai and Ao Part One

The castle town of the Kingdom of Gracis, which withheld the Toyota Festival a few days later. Hershelik moves on through the castle town with the usual courtesy of wearing green and blue ponchos embroidered with gold thread as people are enlivened. Waving greetings to the people of the town, Hufu Hershelik looked up at the sky.

"Nice weather.

The high, blue autumn sky is clear and the air seems clear, Hershelik takes a deep breath.


Turning a gentle smile as usual on such a hershelik is a crenai with red hair loosely tied up like a leafy leaf and dripping forward across his left shoulder. Two weeks have passed since I met Hershelik, and Krenai, protected with Ao in Royal Castle, also looked better than he had at the beginning of the encounter.

Krenai walking right behind Hershelik gave a slightly confused expression as he smiled at Hershelik, who was in a good mood to walk.

"But were you sure? Prince."


Hershelik looks back over his shoulder, looks at Krenai and tilts his neck. To him like that, Clenai went on to say.

"Go out on your own.

"I'm not alone, Mr. Krenai.

Hershelik answers Krenai's question naturally. I didn't mean it that way, Krenai tried to say, but I saw Hershelik's expression and understood that he knew and was making fun of it.

Hershelik continues to laugh in a good mood at her like that.

"Besides, I want to thank Mr. Krenai for helping me today.

About a week ago, Hershelik told the two of them that the goal of solving the problem of Krennai's escape from the country was to go back in time, except for the part about the bondage. For now, the two of them, who have nothing to do until the end of the Toyota Festival, will be spending time in the castle, and when they leave, Hershelik returned to their normal lives, promising to take someone of the leaders.

Normal life refers to studies, training, and the daily struggle against documents that have been piled up.

"... Prince, what are you doing?

That was the word that came out of Krenai, who came to borrow a book from Hershelik's study.

But there's no other way to ask that question. Because a young child who has not yet enrolled in college is carrying out an adult-face loss workload.

Hershelik smiles vaguely at her surprised to see a few dripping eyes instead of her usual smile with one hand of the book she has returned.

"Ah, Mr. Krenai. Erm..."

"… I am sorry to hear that you are at work.

When the prince, who always talks happily, mumbles, Klenai reckons and tries to return the book and leave. But Hershelik leaked a bitter smile when he waved her to stop her from leaving the room.

"I can't tell you, it's more of a pity than that.

He then explains the revelations and concludes with a deep sigh of breath as he follows the paperwork being piled up.

"So I'm scrutinizing it.

When Klenai turned her gaze, the documents on the desk were lined and written with a number of colored inks.

And in it, a single document caught the eye of Klenai. She gets Hershelik's permission, then takes it, follows the letter of the document with her eyes, and flushes and reads another document the same way for her hand. Then again, I checked the contents and figures of the first document and gave it to Hershelik.

"… Isn't this part a little unnatural?


Hershelik had already checked the documents provided by Krenai once. Hershelik confirms one case three times in his past life habits. If you have more time, please take a moment to recheck the contents. Because setting aside time allows us to reset preconceptions and discover new mistakes.

"The numbers are unnatural.

As Krenai pointed out, Hershelik nodded as well, glancing at the paperwork. The document was a report of the revenue and expenditure of a certain department, and it was determined that there were calculations and that there were no problems, but if you look closely, the purchased equipment and the history of use, as well as the inventory figures, did not match. It was difficult to notice because the document was reported across multiple sheets slightly unnaturally.

"It is true that other materials………………"

Hershelik will immediately confirm the contents of the department. Ultimately, it turned out to be a simple miscalculation, but it was definitely my own check leak.

Reports exist that are difficult to understand and time consuming to understand, even if the contents are not in question, because each department raises the reports in each format. That was significantly less efficient.

(You should harmonize the reporting format.

Hershelik thinks it would be better to unify the reporting formats that will be used as the basis for each part for jewellery. Even monkeys know the paperwork to be submitted in the workplace in the previous life, but that's what I was teaching juniors. Of course, monkeys can't read words, so it's an analogy, but if you know that cheaply, your efficiency will increase dramatically.

"I'll tell my father next time...... and thank you for helping me, Mr. Krenai.

Hershelik would like to thank Krenai for keeping up with the investigation until the end, as he decides to pour it on his father. Klenai lowered the sight of her dripping eyes further and shook her head sideways with a smile that looked like a bitter smile.

"No, I'm sorry I said it out.

"No, no, thank you so much.

Hershelik immediately denied Krenai's modesty.

"I have asked Crowe to collect materials, and Oran and Shiro are not very good at this kind of clerical thing..."

In my own stomach, it is Chro who is good at these kinds of work. He is very good at collecting the material the Lord asks for, even if Hershelik does not give detailed instructions. However, he also has a job as the lead butler, so it is up to him to scrutinize the contents from the materials collected.

Neither Oran nor Shiro can do clerical work. However, compared to Hershelik and Kro, their abilities are inferior. Furthermore, they are not able to be present because they are each there in preparation for the Toyota Festival and in meetings. As a result, materials are piled up in the study.

Klenai, who appeared in such a way, also seemed like a god to Hershelik.

"... Mr. Clennai, I'm really sorry, but I just need to be here while you're here, so could you help me?

Hershelik asked the god to do so with his superior eyes. After all, there are limits to checking everything by yourself, and even mistakes come out. My father and brother also saw the documents and report the results, but they also wanted to give me the perfect materials if they could. As far as work is concerned, he is a perfectionist Hershelik as in previous life.

Besides, Krenai has fled the army. Then it was hard to even think that the information would leak.

After being a little lost, Krenai took on Hershelik with a sense of benevolence. Ao, who had no choice but to pull into the room, was joined, and for some time, in Hershelik's study, he heard the rubbing sound of paper, the multiple sounds of fountain pens running over documents, and often chatting.

As Hershelik expected, no. She was better than she expected. The understanding, the quick steps of the work were accurate, the accuracy was impeccable, and the pile of documents lowered the altitude faster than originally planned.

Then, a week later, Hershelik thanked Krenai and went for a walk in a town where he would refrain from the Toyota Festival and rejuvenate a few days later.

"Mr. Krenai still did these kinds of work, too, didn't he?

Walking forward looking at the people of the castle town who are rushing to prepare for the festival, Hershelik says. Krenai's shoulder jumped unnaturally on the words, but Hershelik walking in front of her didn't notice.

"... Again, sir? What made you think that?

"Because when I shook my hand, it was a pretty stiff pendaco.

Hershelik answers concisely to the crenai of the sounds to be explored. Klenai's fingers peeled... When she looked at the listener's middle finger, she did claim the existence of a pendako who had a pen for many years.

"Mr. Clennai's middle finger pendaco is so much that you can't find it without someone with a brush all the time, and you can't find that mistake without doing that kind of work on a daily basis either.

It's a rule of thumb, and Hershelik also feels somewhat uncomfortable when he looks at the paperwork because of his previous life's experience. That said, I don't know what to think, so it's definitely not.

Krenai silences hershelik's answer. Hershelik spoke unfortunately to her like that.

"I wish Ao could have come too..."

What comes to mind is the tall Beast tribal youth that has been left in the castle. I had him help me scattered, but I couldn't get him out.

(Buy a souvenir for a dime and go home.

Yes, Hershelik swears to his heart. By the way, that penny was given to me by my two older brothers working for Hershelik, who worked hard every day. The amount is enough to get a civilian child, but everything you need is money you can spend at will for the prince Hershelik, who will be provided.

At first Hershelik said no to his two older brothers trying to give him a penny, but he was persuaded a lot by the two of them who felt burdened by Hershelik, who couldn't get paid for paperwork, rather than the two who wanted to give a penny to his younger brother, who was cute, and Hershelik started getting pennies from the two of them. Still, if I walk around town, I can get sweets and food, so I haven't had a chance to use them before, and I finally got a chance to use them.

"What does the Prince talk to him about?

Speaking of which, sometimes I remember that the prince and he used to go out together. When I asked him back, he said, "We were talking. I only returned a concise answer, so I don't know what the story was.

"I think it's like talking about the people of the Beasts. His story is invaluable and very interesting.

Hershelik replied satisfactorily to Krenai's words.