As a result of the verification, I have only learned a little bit about the law of abilities that can be granted.

One thing, the ability that can be granted depends on the type of equipment.

Again, anything related to attack power could be granted without any problem as a weapon.

This is confirmed by the fact that I was able to successfully grant the mysterious magic sword I bought earlier.

Two, it cannot be granted to equipment for which an ability has already been granted.

This is also a weapon, which means that I tried to grant to Lue's divine knife, and not a single ability to choose came to mind.

Originally, [Cars Gifts] can only grant one ability to the subject, so they probably count the items attached from the original.

And three last things.

Abilities that can be granted can be selected as highly effective as the subject is high.

This seems to increase depending on the rarity, the power of the materials used, the producers, and, if targeted at people, their level.

I tried it on Rais and Lue earlier and I was still able to make Lue grant a stronger ability because of the level difference.

However, there still seems to be a recoil, so I tried it earlier and gave it [Life Extreme Enhancement] -

"Kai... something's wrong... something's going to overflow."

"I'm sorry, I'm going to disarm you now!

I fell into a similar state of intoxication, and I immediately disarmed it.

But immediately after disarming, he looked refreshed and rejoiced, as if after a good night's sleep.

And conversely, I've inverted the effect and now inverted [+15% Attack] to grant it to Reis.

"Reis, why don't you slap me for a second?

"Oh, are you okay?

Don't hesitate to do it.


He swung heavily and hit the palm of his back.

... It may be due to the difference in level, but it only feels as if it was also feather-touched.

"Then so am I!


Lue, who sparkled my eyes, also slapped me for some reason.

Why did you hit him?

So now that I've verified it, I've decided to grant abilities to my equipment as well.

"Black Emperor Coat Gold Thread Finish Ver Polymerized Armor Synthetic by Gu ~ Nha"

"Armor Coat Combined with Armor in a Ritual Coat"

"Low performance, but intimidating to the target (I feel)"

[Defense] 45

[Mental Strength] 45

[Quickness] 25

[Ability] [HP +10%]

"Black Emperor Jacket Gold Thread Finish Ver Polymerized Armor Synthetic Lower Body by Gu ~ Nha"

"A part of a pitch-black greave attached to the lower body of a liturgical coat"

'Waterproof, breathable and not slippery on ice (maybe)'

[Defense] 10

[Mental Strength] 8

[Quickness] 5

[Ability] [+5% Fastness]

This is how it went.

No matter how much it was custom-made, it was not such a rare piece of equipment that I could only give it this much.

But he is insulting.

The effect is far greater than it looks because it gives you the amount of healing you normally use [Life Extreme Enhancement] and 10% of the HP that has also had an effect and has become a huge number.

[+5% Fastness] I rarely see leg fixtures with such abilities.

Because it's a percentage increase in the first place, the greater its effect is the higher its status. So this is still strong enough.

It should be noted that there was not a single ability to apply to skin gear, which is everyday gear.

It's cheap, I can't help it.

"Isn't this the only accessory that ended up on my gear..."

"That's good. The cuffs and the pendant in the meantime, they both looked good."

"I would have liked something for my favorite sword too..."

It should be noted that all of Mr. Rue's gear is first-class, so there was no room to grant it.

The cuffs I bought in Achidal and the pendant I bought this time were put up with by granting them [MP +5] and [MP +10] and abilities about the tears of a sparrow, respectively.

No, only MP is the driving force behind everything that can be described as the life of this game, so it's a terrific rare treatment to have more stuff in proportion.

Originally, Lue has a lot of MP and recovers quickly, and I think this will work well enough.

With only fifteen more max MPs, one more shot, albeit inferior, of magic you can shoot. This can be pretty big.

"Wow, dresses, cuffs and necklaces, these three alone will be more than twice as defensive as anything I've ever been equipped with."

"Above all, you like it. Looks like that necklace was pretty good."

And I could add [+5 Defense] to the Race cuff and [+5% Critical Power], a little higher ability to the necklace.

This ability is particularly beneficial for ranged positions.

Originally non-magical ranged attacks were set with a high critical rate, and although only 5%, the benefit is far greater than mine.

Now keep shooting at your enemies. And shoot away the hearts of the men of the world.

Or after all, the accessories I bought at that store didn't work at all.

"So before we go to the enemy's home base, we can reinforce everyone's gear, and let's take a rest today."

"Then, Mr. Kai, please come to the middle."

"Unlike the futon, the three of us feel strange in close proximity. Put some more on it."

I forgot.

The next day, I fell asleep completely wondering if I was feeling thick.

Even if you feel happy softness in your left arm, slowly exit the futon and rear the room.

What happened to your right arm? Even though it was peaceful, not flat...

Well, there's going to be some morning support, and it's going to crush even a little bit of time.

It should be noted that they woke up three hours later.

You guys are sleeping too much.

"I took care of you"

"No! I look forward to hearing from you again!

Say goodbye in front of the Demon Car and wait for the return of the Demon King Dragon.

It's still early in the evening, but I raise my voice believing you'd come if you called.

............... you're coming, right? I'm not on the level of red shame if I don't come here.

"Come back, dragon!

For once the magic is connected? There is a feeling that

I feel such faint signs, like I have my own hands and feet in a remote place.

I called it in consciousness, but I don't know what will happen when I do it.

"Kai-kun! I'm here, look!

"... Um, Mr. Kai? Aren't you getting a little older if I'm not mistaken, that kid"

Its silhouette, which returns to cover and conceal the sun, did look like its wings were getting bigger once and for all.

I don't think so. Try [Advanced Appraisal]...


[Race] Demon King Dragon

Level 178

Why are you up there?

The way he stood down was, as always, reminiscent of someone else.

but not only the size of the wings, but the body itself has grown once and for all.

What were you doing in your free time?

"Mr. Kai, how about it's time to give this kid a name? You should have a name when you call."

"Oh, then I've already thought about it! What about" The Black Wind Shadow Servant "?"

"No dismissing bot. How did it affect you? Please be the kind of guy you can call more with one voice."

I didn't think Lue was infected with medium two diseases...... so!?

But Reis is right, it's time to give him a name. That's pathetic. I called you 'dragon' earlier.

A name... I had a hamster once a long time ago, and my name was' Hamuko ', and I expect my sense of naming...

"Oh, it was me who named Lue and Lace."

"There's me who can't handle the abrupt truth. Was it!?

"I'm a first ear too!? I knew I made a body..."

"Oh no, yeah, leave that alone first"

That's right, that's a good story to think about, just like naming a character.

I thought the names of Rue and Reis.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. It came to my mind abruptly, so it was like I just put it on with that intuition.

All right, here we go, then come down again, my instinct. Ask for the right name for this dragon!

"... Demon King Dragon... Demon King, Dragon..."

"So what about Kanich? That's what some king used to call himself, isn't it?

"Mm, that mind is"

"Demon King... he looks like Kai, so I was wondering"

"I think 'Darkness Hurricane' would be nice."

Hey, you just changed your name.

But heh, cool language number one calling high German teacher?

Wouldn't that be nice?

"Ok decision. From now on, you're Kenich, okay?


............... how do I return this reaction?


Is that it, when you name it, the connection gets deeper or something?

Well, no, I've never done that if it makes it easier to communicate.

There's also a demon king, and it's not weird to have a dragon to talk to, let it go.

"Okay, we've got a name, and we should leave."

"Okay. I'm the one who..."

"Oh, wait a minute, Reis. Kanich, do you need someone?

(not required)

That's why.