"What do we do... we can't find him yet..."

In the dark woods, I was gathering the herbs you needed to work.

To accumulate a little money and please my family.

Dear Arkham, my sister, who works in the mansion, rarely comes back home.

The money they send me from time to time is almost gone for rent on my mother and I's long house.

So even today, I was asked to help the devils. [M]

I can't sign up for the guild yet, because this was the only way I could...


It's dark and I can't see it well, my palms have been cut with grass many times, and the air still stings and tingles on my hands on a cold night.

I looked up at the night sky thinking about my present and feeling sorry for myself.

The moon you're supposed to see is covered up by someone.

"... boy, what are you doing on a night like this?

Get the light of the moon behind you and shine beautiful silver hair.

I met a demon like the one who came out of the story.

Evening from the dark woods.

Always by your lives, Demon King, I'm a bummer.

Finally, we did it, Alvis, the capital of Arkham's ruling land.

It is a large city, slightly north of the centre of the continent.

No, it's supposed to take another week, but you're the one at home, Kenich, who strained me.

Thanks to finally being able to fly through the sky even with the Devil's Car in tow, it followed in three days.

Right now, I'm being asked to do something personal. The content is "Collection of fifteen Zeo Flaws," which I shouldn't have taken if I had, a lower request.

I found a squatting boy wandering the woods looking for such medicinal herbs.

This is a good start.

What's the good news? Later, later.

... Now, should we stop tensing around here to deceive the dark phobia?

It's a game of punishment for being alone in the woods or something. Anyway, if I'm with someone, it's a dark place by myself, and that's a place where there's no advance information is NG!

"You've been hurt a long time, boy. Wait a minute."

I set [Restorative Range] to Abilities and recognize the boy as my companion for healing.

The wound healed as I looked at it, and the look on his face, which seemed dark because of the moonlight, seemed only brighter.

Will you brighten up your surroundings at this rate?

"Oh, that! I'm sorry, Master Demon! I don't have any money, I don't have anything to pay, you know, me."

"It's not necessary. A child is crying alone at night, where are the adults who leave it alone? Tell us what's going on, and we might be able to help."

And it's a win-win relationship that makes room for us by being able to talk to each other.


To sum up, he said he was representing an adventurer's request for money.

Whatever you think of the details of it, it's illegal, and even more obvious is the end of it.

This is what guilds are supposed to prohibit, isn't it?

The boy says he's taking care of his family instead of his weak mother and little sister, and his little sister, who can barely go back home, and making more money by doing so.

If you ask me, I'm still eleven years old, and I don't have to do anything dangerous like this. It seems likely that I can help a little store, but the important thing here is to say he's a 'human'.

In conclusion, there is little human work in this city. When I grow up, I say that I can only choose a job as hard as I can with my flesh.

But the pay is well paid and there's nothing wrong with appearance because I don't even call it forced labour. I just don't have the freedom to choose my job.

I suppose there's a way to be an adventurer when you leave the city, but maybe even that's hard.

"Don't you have a place to work because you're still small,"

"Yes, but in the favor of the Demons, this is how we help the Alliance do its work."

"... you're not dissatisfied with the fact that they're obviously lowering your reward?

"? Why not?

And I recognize that's normal.

His tears were purely tears of fear against the spiciness of his work and the woods of night, and they were not shed out of remorse for his irrationality, cursing his own state of affairs.

... Exactly when I get this far, it's an anomaly, Oink. Why don't you do anything?

So far, is Arkham a mighty opponent? Is he someone you can't even take down? No, don't you?

... Damn, octopus yarn is enough to tie the pig up. I can't believe I'm tied to a position. It's in a pig. You look serious, right?

"Is the herb you're looking for Zeo Frau?

"Yes... I've been looking for you since lunch and I haven't found a single one"

"Is it that hard to find... I'm looking for it too, let's say we look together"

If you can't find it after noon, it's not in this neighborhood anymore, is it?

I took the boy further into the woods.

"In the end, you're a long way from the city. I don't care what you think, it's not a place for kids to come alone."

"Right... I didn't know anything. I searched for it, and it annoyed the demons who gave me the job..."

In the end, the herb seemed to be a herd deep in the woods, and finally both me and the boy could get what they asked for.

Behind the deep woods, the figure of Zeo Frau glowing blue and white in the moonlight was fantastic and beautiful, but it was a steep journey to such an extent that he didn't want to take the girl or child here.

It should also be noted that he was followed only because he had initially benefited from [vitality maximization] by making himself subject to [restorative ranging].

"... say you gave me a job, but what was that situation?

"I always speak to the adventurers heading outside at the city entrance. Then the kind devils would give me a job."

That's kind of you? I even doubt it was really good intentions, but it is.

Isn't it just the human being who's been living like this for a long time and the way he's changed his mind?

I used to hear stories about students who broke up as guards and prisoners in some kind of experiment, and over time, it even affected their personality.

Was it a Stanford prison experiment? Isn't there a situation close to that happening in this city, and hence in this region?

"Well, it's too late and you should report back to the house tomorrow. Meet me tomorrow at the inn called 'Eldorado' behind the guild."

"Um... but it's the Demons I found, and I can't believe..."

"It's Caivon. I won't admit how boring it is to call you the Demon Clan. It's a thank you for letting me tell you a valuable story. Tomorrow, I'll be waiting, so be sure to come."

Delivering the boy to the city, I went back to the luxury inn for nothing.

I'm alone in the room, there's no Lue or Reis here.

I feel lonely for the first time in a long time.... but I can tell myself that this temporary loneliness can also be a good spice given what happened earlier.

I remember when I arrived in this city this morning, lying in a big bed and staring at the ceiling for nothing.

"Kaigu... Kimochi... Woo"

"Shit, to be honest, I'm also... ugh"

"I thought it wasn't much different from the plane."

When we saw a giant city under our eyes, we softly landed the magic car on the ground.

You can't even land a boulder on the side of the city, so you take a road from there to the city.

But still, does our Kanich stand out, other people in carriages and demonic cars uniformly raise their voices of surprise, avoiding them naturally left and right?

Some of the demons called out to this one and took a high-pressure attitude to give way to Kanich, but the moment I showed my face, I made sure to roll over and rub my forehead to the ground.

When the impact is so great, it's going to be a hassle in a different way.

"By the way, Reis has wings on his back and head, too, but he still reacts like that?

"No, I'm a superior Demon, too, but I'm not as good as having horns, big feathers, or wings. Above the middle, is that what it looks like?

"Speaking of which, Kai-kun, you used to be surrounded by a lot of demonic girls, didn't you? Horned kids, big winged kids."

"Oh no... are you still good at cornering...?

"No, I honestly don't know what that sequence or rating is. Reyce looks like that because she likes me in the first place. Besides, I'm not a demon, am I? You don't like people with your wings."

I'm explaining this to Reyes for once, right?

It's just Rhue says, I'm not even a normal person, and when I look like this, I get the status and the race says, "Humans (?) ', so it is a subtle line.

"If you're an older Demon around here, maybe you know me from the old days, so if I'm free to move in the city, you'll get contacts from the lord."

"Are you sure you want to go with that earlier operation? Honestly, I just think there's something going on, and I'm about to go wild."

"It's okay, that's why I'm here! I'll infiltrate the Lords' Hall first!

Reyce conceived a scenario to discredit Arkham and make me appear in front of the residents most effectively.

It's dangerous stuff, like turning yourself into a jerk.

But she was ready 'to make the biggest blow with the intention of stopping her breath to make it last with this'.

Then I'll be ready to move along that scenario.

The manoeuvre was to "dare enter the lord himself and let him open a great event".

That means... Depending on the thing and the situation, you might be able to experience the array that a man would want to try.

I just can't stand to hand her over to my lord, even if it's temporary, and I'm going to give Reyce excessive protection.

First, use [Sacrifice] on her, then find a rare bracelet from inside Lue's bag, where [Curse Gift] grants [Run Success + 50%] to give it to her.

This should protect her from any damage and do her a lot of good when she runs away.

"Then, as soon as Leis gets to the city, he gets a job alone. Rhue heads to the Lords' Hall in the shortest possible time and manages to get in and back up Reis, who will come later. Okay?"

"Probably not from day one, so there should be a time lag until I'm actually taken. If Lue can get into the hall by then, we'll have him come with us in the form of my entourage if he can't get in."

"It's okay. It's like a big hall... and I don't think we can have more maids than one."

"Bring the maid's clothes back if you can, please"

A maid you can't actually see in the country.

Human grief that lived in a place where there was not even made-up coffee.

Well, I know and trust Lue's high intelligence and communication skills for whatever reason.

Neither does Rayce take any more damage than I give him protection.

When it comes to peace of mind, it's safe, but it still moans me.

I don't know, it's like she's going on a two-night, three-day trip without me, such anxiety.

No, I've never been through that before, have I?

Only this time, it's like three SPs in black are accompanying you on that trip, right?

Still anxious things are anxious!

"Well, I guess I am... I'll sell my name, face and favors to the residents, and all sorts of things later."

"In a way, Mr. Kai, this operation includes my aspirations. Therefore, we intend to make every effort to ensure the best possible situation."

"Oh, well, then I'll do everything I can to make it the best possible situation."

"Then I too... shall we just go for real this time? I'm not going to say anything about the operation, but when I'm in a situation that I can't stand, I'm going to let you hit me ready to put an end to it."

Lue also wraps around and prepares for a sharp, sharp blade-like atmosphere of ice, as if we had met for the first time.

This happened to her, she's no longer the usual mumbling, slightly missing disappointing Mr. Elf.

Enough temper, then start the operation.


"What is it, Kai-kun?"

"That's why I'm telling you I don't need a horn of my head."

"... even though I made a cool decision"

'Drain the Hordes (Killi' laughs just fine with a beetle worm head.