When I got to the mansion, Lue, Leis, and Mr. Ikes were just about to come out.

The look was sunny, and Mr. Ikes was also happily holding hands with Reis with a lively look as he had never shown before.

Sorry to make you water such a soothing place, but I speak to them.

"Is that enough? Reis."

"Mr. Kai! Yes, everything, because it's really all over!

"Mr. Ikes, was there anything in the mansion that involved your contract? If you can't find him, I'll get him out of the guild later."

"Yes, no! Dear Lue, the contract has been cursed."

Oh, seriously.

What? How capable is my child?

When I looked at Lue in amazement, he was stretching his chest and flirting not only to say if this was still the case.

I see, so she didn't accept Arkham's orders then?

"That's just great, Lue. I can count on you everywhere in magical relationships."

"What... it would be illuminating to be honestly praised"

How dare you loosen your cheeks with a telegraph?

But in fact, protecting Reis, saving Mr. Ikes, and matching Arkham's... all sorts of pathetic eyes was exactly what Lion Rapid did.

So Riko Nana Riko. You have a great cubicle, don't you?

So Riko Nana Riko. I stroke it extra than usual.

"Mr. Kai, can I ask you a favor, please?

and there, Reis, who was eagerly staring at my rico hand, who began to have a friction fever, raises his voice.

Mm, does your lord want to take damage to the parietal scalp too?

"Hmm, what?

"Can I stay in my old shop for a while? Actually, they're still in this city."

"Yeah, I found that place, too. Isn't that nice? I want to talk to Mr. Yeung and the others too."

Besides, there are penalties, so which way do we have to stay in this city?

"I'm going to talk to Oink first. Thank you so much for this time, Master Caivon, Master Lue."

"You don't have to worry about it. It was convenient for me."

"See? This is what Kai-kun would say."

"Heh, you're right, Ikes?

Oh, my God, it was my reaction prediction thread.

Stop it. Am I that easy to read human behavior?

"True, what is it? Well, I'll be excused first. I'll ask you later."

Mr. Ikes' appearance as he let go of the hand he seemed to hold dearly looked somewhat younger than when he had previously met him.

Is that her original personality?

After the rash, I was once again able to think that the path I had chosen was the right one, but still not the wrong one.

"Well, shall we go, Mr. Kai?"

"According to what I've heard, it's hidden in an amazing place, isn't it? I'm looking forward to it."

"Uh, sure, that's a little hard to get to."

It's tough inside to go through narrow alleys like that maze, like an obstacle race.

How do the elderly get through there?

Could it be, in fact, incredibly light, ninja, even if it's a wall kick, running over the building?

It's a sight that makes me want to talk about my doubts with an unexpected oddity. Nande? Nande?

But at this time I forgot.

Going to that place means going through the Human Reserve.

In a way, I don't know what it means to go to that compartment where my influence is the greatest.

No heart, or just walking around the city seems to be gathering my gaze.

Usually, that's the look of envy and jealousy towards me that can be directed at Leis and Rhue, but I can clearly tell just this time.

It's me. I stand out.

No, I knew it. But obviously there's more of that gaze than yesterday, isn't there?

And that, the stronger we headed to the Human Reserve, the more it got.

"That's popular, Kai-kun. Look, there's been so many people greeting me just now."

"You totally had a demon king. And the kids seem so happy to run around."

"Sure sounds like a lot of fun...... just what's this"

There's a kid, he's behind us.

Where the hell is Harmeln whistling this.

It's also bright blue at night. Was there such a child in the city of Kako?

and there, one boy rushed out of the herd of children.

"Mr. Caivon!

"Oh, it's a cage."

"What's wrong! I can't believe your daughter-in-law's with you."

"Mr. Kai, he's such a good boy."

Reis, you're the same, aren't you?

"I have business in the back of the sanctuary. Besides, could you tell the section manager I'll be on my way to say hello soon?

"Yes! Since yesterday, my mother and sister have been worried about what to do now. So I'd be comfortable if Mr. Caivon would come!

"Oh, speaking of which, my sister was at Arkham's."

Certainly there is also the issue of employment.

And having been pushed into this narrow compartment, they should also finally be able to expand their base outside.

Residents who have known for decades now to live only in a determined place, they will be the most confused about this one.

Yeah, well, you can't just leave them the same way you got involved.

We need to stay in this city for a while, with or without punishment.

Then, struggling with a narrow and rugged alley, he goes for Reyce's original 'Promise Maiden', where he once lived.

I'm, well, I'm wearing pants in my outfit, and I don't have a problem.

But Rue and Reis are skirts.

Looking back, won't it follow as the two bitter legs continue to blindfold each other as they struggle through a vicious battle and further down to the sacred triangle ahead?

It is an eye blessing. Screenshot saving is back.

"Race, are you okay? Look, if there's a gap in this pipe, it should be easy to get through."

"Well, that grabs my chest..."


This is what Reis said.

Heavy damage to Ljue.

I don't know what to do.

We'll have to do something about this road later.

To avoid any more casualties like Rhue's.

"I see... you dug up buried in the rubble during zoning"

"That means this place is as a place to dump debris...?

"Perhaps it also meant losing my place and showing off. as the end of the disobedient."

"But isn't it a very nice place? It's like an isolated sanctuary. Come on, let's go, Lace."

As Lue told me to brighten up ahead, I do feel this way, this strange air in this place.

Maybe that's because Arkham was the first to bury this place, because it wasn't affected like anywhere else, and it still leaves behind the remnants of the good old days, the days when people were still warm.

... Sure, she's right, this place is literally a sanctuary.

Maybe we should just keep this place calm in the future.

Reis still seemed to be powered by the thoughts of the universe or by that step he took step by step.

Then, with only a few moments left to go to the door, she dashed out.

I can't imagine it from my usual appearance, a grandmother's way of running. I hallucinated that picture as I lifted my skirt gently with both hands and jumped over the stairs to the door.

Dressed in a sweater that made you feel plain but warm, she was from those days when she was called my mother.

And with a slight hesitation, she put her hand on the door knob and said this in a high voice.

"I'm home!

Yes, I told him.

Surrounded by the "kids," Reyce told me about the last time she left the store.

When the feud between the Alliance, which had entered the country from Endrecia, and the kingdom, which did not often think of it, had intensified, he said that orders had also been issued to Reyce, who had already been recognised as a powerful man at the time, as an urgent request.

But at the same time, Arkham, who had deceived the eyes of both the country and the Alliance and secretly accumulated power in his own territory, completely closed the territory, making it inviolable for both the kingdom and the Alliance.

Originally Arkham seemed to be in a high position, the Duke, in the King's belly brother, and perhaps if the guild were to win, he would have said that he had stopped the army of the kingdom, and if he seemed to lose, he was going to attack the guild at once and seize the throne with that feat.

Perhaps the result of standing around so that there was no problem rolling either way was the choice to completely close that territory.

And he was probably going to multiply that mess by to capture Reis and his family,.

"... sorry, you've kept me waiting a long time, guys"

Less than forty years after leaving this city at the end, all the children of that time were old, and some of them even looked like old men.

But still, I looked like the kid in the picture with everybody on the wall.

I felt like a family bond with the inertia of the flow of time and the unchanged passage of time as an adult with a large body clings to Reis.

Perhaps somewhere Reyce was taking over her ateless daughters who would go the same way in the city of Winglest because she felt guilty.

And maybe she always slept anxiously, because she must have unconsciously thought about this place, about these kids.

"Mother... I'm so, so glad... yesterday, because we didn't have the courage to speak up, I thought you might not notice us being such an aunt..."

"Me too, Mother...! Me, I got married and I was even born recently to my grandson! Hehe, you're gonna laugh, I was the youngest, you know?

Small, really small old store.

But such a place was her starting point.

"What Are Parents" and "How Can I Get Asylum and Dearness".

I once had a daughter who asked me such sad questions.

I don't know if that would be the answer, but I wanted to show this sight to her, Ginia.

At that time, I looked for Lue, who I didn't see in the store, and turned my gaze outside.

There's not only Lue, there's Mr. Ikes looking spicy in there somewhere.

"Mr. Ikes, everyone's waiting, get inside."

"Wow, I..."

"Look, Kai-kun is right. Guys, Mr. Ikes is back!

Worry ends in concern.

Unworthy of his age, he was surrounded by brothers and sisters who jumped out of the store to roll, and now his family was all set.