At dawn from the feast of reunion, everyone returned to their country first.

Shun said he would be back in the morning, but Elle said it would be after the evening as planned.

Well, he said he'd text you if he had any irregular.

"It's really awesome to be able to contact you right away even if you're away... it feels kind of strange even though this was normal during the divine slavery"

"Yeah, really. If this power had returned sooner, how would my destiny have changed...... no, maybe it would have been the other way around. Because I've always thought of it."

"It's very illuminating when you say it in a natural way."

"Hehe, is that right? But it's a really strange force."

Even at dawn of the night, I'm still somewhere dreaming of Llue and a delightful Lace.

Even in situations where I don't know where to go, I'm still happy with things.

It was then that I was immersed in such an aftertaste. A knock sounds from the mansion door.

"Is it Shun?

"No, because in the case of telepo, he should show up inside the mansion... yes, Miss Leticia"

"You're the woman from the knight the other day. I welcome you now."

Just fine, I wanted to hear a lot from her, too.

As Reis opens the door, she still bows today, in a slightly nervous motion, in a full-body armor.

"Good morning! I'm Leticia Sigurt Albert. I apologize for saying hello and walking away there the other day. I'm here to say hello again."

"Good morning. Please, come inside."

Upon being guided, she sat on the couch in a tense manner and finally took off that helmet.

What showed up was your daughter, about seventeen years old, who had beautifully tied her long blue hair.

"You've come a lot. With all the demons, it would have been tough, wouldn't it?

"No, from my neighborhood to here, because there are many relatively weak demons and narrow alleys"

"I see. Which direction did Mr. Leticia live out of this city?

"Right, to the east. There are settlements everywhere, but there are relatively large towns to the east. Not as much as the northern towns, but a lot of people are migrating."

"Heh! Well, I wish all the other settlers had emigrated too"

"It would be ideal if we could do that... it would still be difficult to escort many people through this city at once... and there are limits to what our town can accommodate..."

"Is it still difficult to expand the town?

"Yeah...... Fortunately, my town is protected from demonic invasions by ancient protections, but even if we spread the town outside, it will eventually be occupied by demons."

Perhaps the town she lives in is one that existed during the game years.

Surely there must have been a base from here to the east where players could reach it at the beginning of the day, for a fraction.

Then, I guess ancient protection means a monster inviolable area.

"So... at the same time as I greet you, it depends on what I have to ask you... I ask you straight in. Will the ancient people return to the land?"

"What the hell does that mean?

"Once upon a time, this continent was devastated by strife between ancient peoples. Also... the people in the house are afraid that the history will repeat itself... I don't think the owner of the mansion, who has protected it for generations, is the one who does that... but I still have to ask. Will the ancient people still live in the outside world… again contend for the hegemony of this continent"

My voice was trembling. It must be horrible. I'm sure you've been asked. It's like a gaga, once miserable.

Her expression, wanting to confirm, was severely stretched and she could see her shoulders shaking slightly too.

"Don't worry, Mr. Leticia. The ancient people... only the owners of this mansion remain. And I have no feelings or fine dust about roughing up this continent. So... calm down."

Somehow, I feel like I'm threatening a young child, and I'm annoyed by terrible guilt.

I guess Reis felt that too. Words to take her hands softly and reassure her.

"We're not trying to harm the people who live here, please don't be afraid."

"That's right! I'm not gonna hurt Mr. Albert's descendants or anyone else! On the contrary, we have decided to liberate this city!

"Oh really...? Are you the only ones...?

"Yeah, there are four others, but they're all leaving here now."

"There's more... So what the hell is the liberation of this city?

Tell them that you are thinking of how to drive out all the demons that spread to this city and somehow make it an ancient shelter, that is, a safe zone.

Even if it's difficult, once you've banished everything, I'm sure it'll be fine as long as the powerful demons don't even occur naturally.

"Is it possible, is it? Yesterday's goblins aren't the only ones in this city. There are giant dragons, giants, rock monsters that move on them, and other ghosts! I return to the life of waiting again for the Lord of the Mansion… is unlikely to endure."

"... it's okay, you can win"

What do you need to be noble?

It is not a position or status, I'm sure that is something with a mission.

She must have been able to behave as she is now because of the generational role of continuing to protect the mansion in this closed world.

You can't let that height lose you.

The beginning is Oink's whim. But his descendants have protected him for generations.

Nothing else, all the way through our house.

"I give back my thanks. The owners of the mansion, protected by the Albert family for generations, will be absolutely grateful. Always in the form of the liberation of this city. So please don't worry."

Stare into your eyes. Shaking blue eyes with fear.

Still so young. The demon came to fight in this land.

Maybe that wasn't just a sense of duty, it was also some constraint.

But still, I wanted to reward you.

"Are you not only related to a woman, but also a habit of unconsciously plunging her?

"Oh, shun! You're here."

"Oh, just now. So... who's your daughter?

"Descendants of gatekeeper NPC. Demons. Every day in this city, he went to the mansion and exorcised the demons around him."

"Got it. Daughter, I want to thank you too. Well, you protected me."

"Ha, yes!? Oh, could it be the other Lord..."

"Don't be."

Shun, which can also be abruptly represented. No. I'd like to interrupt a little more or something. I'd like a word.

And it's not good to hear people poking around. It would be natural to face each other sincerely.

"Do you want to... hmm, Kai-kun is a lot of girl friends, right?

"That's a lot of advice when you ask me... and they're asking me to marry you."

"I think it's all like a joke. In the first place, Rue and Reis are the first."

"Really? I can see it!"

"... when they say it as a matter of course, it lights up a little bit"

"See? I knew you were a jerk. [M] Well...... then I'll wait till Elle gets here"

With that said, Shun sat down on the couch and began to take care of the knife.

And Mr. Leticia was starting to soften up about what to do, looking at such a Shun sword.

"Oh, yes, Mr. Leticia. I was wondering if you could tell me about the legend of this city or history."

"Yes. Not so much literature left... to the best of my knowledge."

Yeah, she prefaced, and she spoke quietly.

Nevertheless, that's not much different from what I heard from the village chief of the settlement before, and when it comes to the difference, I know the details of the battle in this city.

"- So one time some of the ancient people suggested that the great tree should be cut. And it is that which sucks away the power of the earth, and it follows him who is not good, and with it is a flood of demons.

"A flood of demons... continued after the Seven Stars were defeated?

"Yes, that's what it says. That's what our ancestor, Sigurt Albert, wrote in his notes."

"... I see. Then why would anyone oppose cutting it down?

"... to quell the fierceness. He said that a lot of people like that lived to defeat demons. But some of them thought that when that demonic invasion disturbed people's peace, they were in the position of other residents. As a result, they split up and built their own settlements, which eventually turned into a country."

"Well, I see. I don't know what it's like to think about the rest of them, but it's just a bunch of normal residents."

"Me and Shun used to be like battle freaks. But... do you really want to cut it down?"

"And what happened after I cut it down... as you can see. Cities were lost, and strife intensified, and we were isolated by natural mutations. This notebook has been written by my Albert family for generations. One day, it was a sad thing to write here about the Lord's return... and now... the generations of our predecessors will rise."

"When it comes to the predecessors... is it your father?

"No, I had a brother. He was the guardian of his predecessors... defeated by the mighty demons who got lost here..."

"Really... we will take your brother's revenge."

Was there a sacrifice? Naturally.

Still, you've been protecting me the whole time.

"Hmm. Which way do we hunt demons for Elle's upbringing? Then why don't you let him take his revenge directly? It would be better if there were more escorts for Elle, and this girl could fight to find out, right?

"Don't be impotent. I'm sure we can fight..."

Just in case, I'll take a peek at her status.

[NAME] Leticia Sigurt Albert

[Race] Human/Defender

[Occupation] Robust Knight

[Level] 150

[Title] Guardian

[Skills] Swordsmanship Immovable Recovery Effect Up Shield Effect Up

Armor Effect Lifting Natural Recovery (Intermediate)

Oh, usually strong. The level is probably fixed in the race of defense, but the skill structure is the same as the player in the defensive subject.

But... apparently the armor seems to perform poorly.

"I just want to do that if I'm going to do it myself..."

"... if I new my armor, I can probably fight it. Have you ever thought you'd get hit hard?

"Oh, there is that. My father and my late brother said I was beaten very hard."

Could skills be expressed at random?

"Hey Kai-kun. As soon as we got here yesterday, we got some armor, didn't we? Why don't you give it to him?

"Oh, speaking of which, you did."

Precious armors that defeated and took the goblins on the first day.

Line them up and ask if you like any of them.

"Well, that's a good one. Damascus coats are quite precious."

"What would Shun use? It didn't have much defense."

"I only use cloth systems. This means dodging and increasing firepower instead of defensive performance."

"It's brilliant armor... Now I want to borrow this red armor..."

"No, I'll give it to you. It's the work of an ancient people, so I think it fits the body."

"So, let's try... Um, I'd like to rent you a room"

Then Shun silently passed her into her room.

Speaking of which, what was this guy's room like?

"Lacole steel red armor? Kyvon, how's her status?

"She was a robust knight, and she was endowed with defensive skills. Maybe if it's just physical defense, it won't even pull on Lue."

"Mmm, that's awesome. I'm a pretty tough guy, too."

"But are you really glad... that it matches your dangerous eyes"

"... I want you to take my revenge. It looked like I was trapped in something. I hope that clears up a little. Luckily, we have Lue."

"Hehe, yes, because you have me!

I see. Have you found such a grip, a sense of duty in her?

A little while later, Miss Leticia, dressed in red armor, returned.

"Oh, you know, isn't there a helmet in this armor..."

"Unfortunately, you don't. Anxious?"

"Uh, I've been told I'm afraid of my face when I wave my sword..."

"It's okay to be afraid. It would be better to intimidate the enemy. If you are uneasy on the defensive side, get some gear that will work."

"Yes, no I don't... I want to get used to this"

Thus it was decided that she would join the quest, but she was relieved that more people were protecting her inner Elle.

Because even if she rises to the level in Shun's potion, it won't change if she gets attacked by the enemy here.

Afterwards, I dated Shun, who wanted to make arrangements with Miss Leticia until Elle arrived, and moved to the training ground on the property, which is too relentless, Shun.

On the sidelines of Shun's transformation into a ghost instructor, I will use this time to verify my abilities and status.

"... I knew it. 'Ability Fusion' appears only while you have the sword. But the other" Skill Banish "and" Sacrifice, "" Cars Gifts, "and" Forced Collection "remain... Hmm."

I don't know if this is either 'Ability Fusion' is special, or if I remember my next skill with my skills remembered, it will officially be mine... No, maybe 'Ability Fusion' is special. Originally I could only grant one ability to myself. But to merge, we need multiple sets and an environment to display them.

Well, it appears on the menu screen, but this is only a story when you take sword gear.

"Fusion...? If you can't see the fusion results, do you really get a fling or a bee..."

"What? That's an interesting story, isn't it? You mean fusion?

"Oh, shun. Is the training good?

"I took turns with Reis. I have to be trained for this. They put me out. but it's true that Leticia is strong... or she's hit hard."

"You need to learn how to handle this."

"Of which, of which. So, what's a fusion?

"Oh, actually -"

I'll explain the skills I've acquired.

"Hmm, I can't think of any downside to fusion."

"There is. Some of my abilities increase my Attack by the number of abilities I have."

"So, what do you think of that increase compared to the benefits that you would get from a fusion of abilities?

"... to be honest, my sword itself is strong, unlike old times. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Fusion's not

"Seriously. Oh, okay. It's that one anyway, right? You don't like to reduce it, do you?

You're right, Chickshaw.

No... it's all memorable. I still miss it only a little bit.

"You can't have chosen the means, can you? That's it, try it with abilities you don't use much to try. Look at the results and decide if you want to synthesize the main abilities."

"... right"

Get the most honest opinions, get a push on the back, and try to combine the less frequently used abilities.

Ability Fusion Activated

Target Skill [+5% Attack] [+5% Damage dealt]

Fusion complete

[+10% Damage]

Fusion Ability Mastered

Automatic Synthesis [+10% Damage dealt] [+10% Damage dealt]

Fusion complete

[+20% Damage]

Fusion Ability Mastered

Automatic Synthesis [+20% Damage] [+20% Damage]

Fusion complete

[+40% Damage]

... Wow.

"Hey, baby! If you've already mastered the abilities of fusion results, you'll be able to put them all together on your own!

"See, dubbing doesn't mean you can set two, does it?

"So, but we're getting less and less abilities!?

"So why do you activate poverty there? Fine, nothing. Here, let me see the results."

As they say, show me a log of system messages.

"... Is this a bit of a thought? Would it be a loss if I thought multiplication and additionally...?

"Right!? Setting 10% and 20% works differently than setting 30%"

"Oh. But you can save the frame. I'm not saying anything bad, just merge all the same system."

"Yes, no! You'll lose your guts if you do that!?

No, this is my collection so far, right? Don't be so casual with me!

"Shut him up! Look, we're gonna fuse. Fuse! You merge without saying a mess!

"Stop it! You're going to get me wrong. I'm sorry for the rhetoric!

"Then do it hard, you don't have to show weird obsession, you just do it!

"That's right. Okay, look, fuck me in the shadows there. 'Cause your sister's gonna watch you back there."

... Here! I would've been mistaken because you said something weird!

"What the hell, El? Why don't you tell him? He said throw away the weird obsession."

"What? What? Which one of you receives- Ghoo!

"Ah! I hit Elle! Hey, are you okay? I'll get back to you this time."

The wooden sword that was bounced and flown from the training ground hit clean on Elle, who tried to run funny things.

You okay, now you're not dead? Good for you, keep it at 40 levels yesterday.

Everyone, including Elle, then spoken out, "If you're going to be strong, you better do it," and blended abilities with similar effects, even though you were irritated by feelings of ruthlessness.

As a result...

[+100% Damage dealt]

[+110% Attack]

[+75% All Stats]

[+55% Fastness]

[Damaged -65%]

And well, this is what happened as a result of merging the abilities that had been affected by the fact that the numbers were just different until now.

I did save on the frame. But... I guess it's a little sad that the total number drops.

"Why don't you try something else with a special ability?

"Also, that's enough! I don't know what the outcome will be. Trying with abilities is... just horrible"

"Hmmm...... does that too? But you have one or two abilities you don't use, right?

"I don't know, do you want to do what you can? Elle's here, and it's time to leave, before we do."

"I'm a little uncomfortable with yesterday's headache... and this gear."

Elle, at some point, had changed into an azure long-sleeved jersey.

What a nostalgia and sadness outfit, but this is a clean piece of rare gear.

Looks like Oink used it before, so he just equips it to gain more mastery experience?

Incidentally, Elle is also awarded a [+50% EXP] on Curse Gifts, which he synthesized earlier.

You did it. That's a lot of leveling at once.

"... Abilities I won't be using in the future."

Secondly, that ability to go past the back of your brain.

Thin effect for the disadvantage… The timing of getting it leaves a strong impression.

"Can you use it for something, this"


Grants regenerative effects to the user's HP and MP when the subject is extinguished

0.5x EXP gained and 0.8x damage

That's the ability that once got the fennel extinguished.

Contrary to his bad name and his big name, he honestly had trouble using it.

... I wonder if I should make it into some kind of material.

"Salvation or... then it's me that should fit"

From that literal point of view, something that I wanted to give relief to.

Likewise, this is a deep ability to remember when you get it.

[grumbling resonance]

If you defeat an enemy around you, your attack will increase as long as you stay on the spot

However, the spirit is gradually contaminated by the passage of time

I won't forget. The first time my sword changed its appearance.

Abandoned Mines in Mines Valley. I found the sole in the deepest part of the world... and purified it and wiped it out.

Think of it, was that one of Yoloki's ploys?

I'm talking about a man who was considered a curse...

"I may not want to be saved by your abilities... but at least it'll help me, Fennel"

Ability Fusion Activated

Target Skill [Grievance Resonance] [Remedy]

Fusion complete



Not usable. Conditions of use unknown

Multiple sets possible

"... what the hell?

Blank abilities have been created.

That makes me feel as though one of these thin, laughing kids is saying, 'Is there something I can teach you?' and I feel indescribable.

"True, he's a annoying kid"

First of all, I'll leave it at this. This is a failure in a way, and I ask everyone to forgive me for this result.

It was thus that the forcible army, the power leveling, with Elle, had finally begun.