History’s Strongest Senior Brother

228 Chapter 227. The Spirit Pattern Circulated Before the Great Destruction

Feng Yunsheng asked Yan Zhaoge through the gangster voice, and Yan Zhaoge also replied: "Since I know I want to kill me while the Black Dragon is creating chaos, I naturally have to observe carefully."

"Heilongsha is coming, I ask everyone to move closer to me, and everyone will look at me as they move closer, wanting to know what I can do."

"Only these two people, in addition to looking at me, kept observing the positions of Ahu and Panpan. I recalled carefully that the first time Heilongsha looked like this."

"What do they care about Ahu and Panpan?"

Yan Zhaoge said with a lip, "I'm just going to look at Ahu when they both like men ..."

Although he could not hear Yan Zhaoge's voice, he was about to capture Yaoshan's Ahu. His body suddenly shivered for no reason, and almost let Yaoshan find a chance to commit suicide.

Over there, Yan Zhaoge continued as if nothing had happened: "... but, what are they still looking forward to doing? Could it be that the taste has reached the point of ****?"

Feng Yunsheng listened, and couldn't help laughing.

Although Yan Zhaoge spoke ridiculously, his tone did not smile at all: "In the eyes of the outside world, Ahu is not only my follower, but also my guard."

"Ahu is not there, as long as Ahu is with me and anyone who wants to assassinate me knows that to kill Yan, kill the tiger first."

"They don't have a grandmaster, and if they want to move me, they must consider breaking through Ahu's protection."

"And Panpan, who has always been close to me, protects the spirit beast. Panpan usually seems to be lazy and harmless. The Shanpi family is also one of the few exotic beasts with great talents. What's more, just such a large body, standing around me has formed a natural barrier, so that they must bypass it. "

Black Dragon Sha gradually passed, the light lines on the stone pillars also began to disappear, and the gleaming thunder in Yan Zhaoge's eyes gradually became dim.

Seeing that Yaoshan had been captured by Ahu, Yan Zhaoge said lightly: "Black Dragon Sha, not only creates chaos, but also consumes the power of the fragments of the Paladins on me."

Feng Yunsheng nodded and stepped forward with Ahu. Ahu nodded: "After searching, there is indeed a miniature bag. I haven't looked at what is inside."

After taking the miniature bag, Feng Yunsheng untied it and found the body of Elder Li in it.

Elder Li has been dead for a long time, and his corpse blood has gradually decayed completely. However, he was a master of the congenital realm before his death. His flesh blood is powerful. Although he has decayed, there is no sign of corruption so far.

Other soldiers from Guangcheng Mountain came up to see the dead Elder Li and Yaoshan who was captured by Ahu. The appearance of Yao Shan, who still looks like an elder Li, suddenly felt irritated.

Elder Li's face was stiff, but there were still consternations that hadn't dissipated. His eyes widened, his eyes empty, and he didn't die.

Yan Zhaoge came to Elder Li, holding the huge stone pillar in one hand, but still lowered his body, extended his left hand, and gently closed his eyes for Elder Li.

"Squeeze what they know, then there is no need to stay." Yan Zhaoge stood up again, said to Ahu, Ahu replied without hesitation: "Yes, son."

Yao Shan's face was disappointed and he bowed his head without saying a word, his companion struggled and said, "Both sides are dead, and still expect us to confess?"

Ahu turned his head to look at him, grinning wide, grinning wildly: "Sometimes, death is not terrible."

Yan Zhaoge looked up at the dark night storm that was returning to his usual form, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Black Night Mountain ..."

Shaking his head, Yan Zhaoge inspected what Ahu seized from Yao Shan and the others.

Valuable things are relatively limited. There are two main things that Yan Zhaoge cares about.

The first thing, there is a piece of unused imitation jade on the companion warrior of Yaoshan.

Yan Zhaoge's fingers rubbed his jade, and he kept silent.

There are many restrictions on imitation killing jade, such as limited action time, such as restrictions on the cultivation of the murderer and the murdered, and so on.

But it is undeniable that this thing can sometimes play an important role.

Especially when the murderer and the murdered are very familiar with each other, when they understand most of the other party ’s living habits, language habits, etc., they can really play a role in being fake.

Take Yaoshan as an example. He pretends to be Elder Li. Before the second black dragon attack, Yan Zhaoge did not have any doubts.

Although it is of no use at the moment, this thing is left in your hands, maybe when it will come in handy.

Even if Yan Zhaoge does n’t use it himself and gives it to other trustworthy people, it may play an unexpected role.

As for the second thing, which originated from Yaoshan, it was half a jade jade, which looks very simple in style.

Yan Zhaoge observed carefully, it should be a complete jade bi, divided into two pieces from the middle, and the other piece went missing.

The surface of the jade jade is grainy. Although simple, it is magnificent and impressive.

After carefully distinguishing Yan Zhaoge, he was a little surprised: "Oh, is it actually the spirit pattern that was circulated before the Great Destruction?"

The spirit pattern is not a word, and there is no special meaning in it.

But after Yan Zhaoge tried to figure it out, he could be sure that if it was a complete jade bi, the spirit pattern would be complete and it would be a small spirit array.

In this small spiritual array, some more valuable things may be hidden.

"Looking at the appearance of the fracture, and the degree of dissipation of the aura, this jade bi has just been separated." Yan Zhaoge pondered a bit: "The other half jade bi, perhaps also spread in the wind zone, is probably also in the sandbar. "

"In this way, you can tell people to look carefully and search."

"This kind of spirit pattern was relatively rare before it was destroyed. Now the people of the Eight Greatest Worlds can carefully discern and start the spirit array. There should be few people. So, most of the information hidden in the spirit array is still there. Not deciphered. "

Thinking of Yan Zhaoge, he didn't put too much emphasis on his heart. He shrugged his shoulders and put away the fake jade and Yubi together.

Ahu took Yao Shan and them directly into the miniature bag.

Everyone would have to go on the road as soon as possible and leave the West Desert.

Forcing such a confession, you should not be in a hurry, you have to boil slowly so that you can easily break through the prisoner's psychological defense.

So Yan Zhaoge took the miniature bag and led everyone on the road.

Although I do n’t know what means Ahu had to let Yao Shan and his wife speak, the soldiers of Guangcheng Mountain under the leadership of Elder Li took Elder Li ’s body on the road, and all faces showed expressions of anticipation and hatred.

Feng Yunsheng looked the same as usual, while Junluo and Liancheng, watching Yan Zhaoge put away the miniature bags of the three tigers, all had a complex look.