History’s Strongest Senior Brother

Chapter 237 236. Meet Lin Zhou again (5 more please subscribe for monthly ticket!)

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Yan Zhaoge looked at the illusory portal at the center of Lingzhen and nodded with satisfaction.

His previous guess based on the jade bi texture to deduce the effect of the Spirit Array is correct. This Spirit Array, indeed, is a guide to a secret realm.

Standing next to Yan Zhaoge, Ahu asked curiously, "Son, such a small jade biscuit can actually accommodate the secret of the void, can it lead people to a different space?"

Yan Zhaoge sighed: "In the world before the Great Destruction, martial arts were prosperous and prosperous, and all kinds of moral concepts were conceived to a very high level."

"So some mysteries are simplified and can be used in daily life. Although most people still can't understand it, some utensils and tools can be used."

Yan Zhaoge stood up: "The miniature bag was actually quite common before the great destruction."

With that said, Yan Zhaoge went to the other side, where the huge pillars of the shrine still stood, as if nothing had changed.

But with Yan Zhao singer's palm pressed on it, the tall stone pillar suddenly began to shrink.

At the end, only the length and length of the ruler Xu Xu, like a short stick, fell into the palm of Yan Zhaoge.

There is no need to stand upright and lay flat in the palm of Yan Zhaoge. Yan Zhaoge doesn't feel any weight at the moment.

After this period of time, with continuous efforts day and day, Yan Zhaoge has successfully completed the second refining of the palace pillars.

Although there are still many beautiful points to be pondered, at least, the size of the stone pillars, Yan Zhaoge can already be freely controlled.

"Senior Brother Xu and Sister Feng, please trouble to help you here." Xu Fei and Feng Yunsheng beside Yan Zhaoge said.

Xu Fei and Feng Yunsheng both nodded: "Relax, I will show you the future."

"Let's go." Put away the pillars of the shrine like a stone stick, Yan Zhaoge floated up, walked in mid-air, and walked to the light and shadow portal projected on Yubi.

Ahu has a lot to learn, and after Yan Zhaoge, walk towards the portal together.

Yan Zhaoge passed through the portal of light and shadow, and his body felt a moment of tearing. He was not panic-stricken, but walked through very normally.

In the field of vision is a piece of white, the tearing feeling quickly disappears, and the bright light in front of the white disappears.

Yan Zhaoge squinted his eyes and then opened it again. The foreground looked like a lush green, full of vitality.

A Hu came in behind him, looking at the prospects, and wondered: "If I don't tell me that this is an exotic space, I thought I was still in the Eight Greatest World."

The two seemed to be in a virgin forest, and in the distance, heavy mountains were vaguely visible.

Turning around, she saw the portal of light and shadow, standing quietly in the air.

Yan Zhaoge was walking behind his back with his hands, and looked around: "The size is still limited. Based on the spirit array that opened the portal, it is speculated that the radius may be around a few hundred miles."

Ahu laughed with admiration: "Aura is so abundant."

Yan Zhaoge nodded. This exotic space really existed before the Great Destruction. As the corner of the world, it was lucky to escape the fate of destruction.

But still affected, Yan Zhaoge can clearly feel that the aura of this space is pulsating and has a sense of decay.

Even if it is kept closed, it can last for a long time. Now that it is connected to the outside world, the decay speed suddenly starts to increase rapidly.

It wo n’t take long for this exotic space to also perish.

Ahu quietly felt the flow of aura in this exotic space, and thought about it: "This is a bit tricky, son, we may not have enough time."

Yan Zhaoge said: "It's okay, I have pondered the spirit array on the jade bi, and it is related to the exotic space. Let's lock the central position of the space and go all the way."

"There may be something I want there." Yan Zhaoge's eyes looked into the distance: "According to the immortal stone, the treasure of the Hesan people before the great destruction, it is likely that this is a secret realm Beppu left by the Hesan people , Some of his treasures are stored, um, now it is more appropriate to say that it is a relic. "

According to the immortal stone, it has limited meaning to others, but to Yan Zhaoge, it helps him to break through the heavens and enter the Grand Master's realm more quickly after he is promoted to the heaven.

This thing was extremely rare before the Great Destruction, and was completely extinct after the Great Destruction.

Yan Zhaoge didn't have any hope at all and turned to other alternatives.

Later, after thoroughly tracing the spirit array on Jade Bi, he was surprised to find that this Jade Bi was probably something that he scattered before the great destruction of the past.

As far as Yan Zhaoge knows, the Hesan people had the immortal stone in their hands.

As a result, Yan Zhaoge suddenly had more hope in his heart.

Even if there is no immortal stone in this exotic space, there may be other things left before the great destruction. For now, they are more valuable things. Yan Zhaoge's trip is also worthwhile.

In particular, in the memory of Yan Zhaoge, Hesan people are better at cultivating spirit medicine.

Yan Zhaoge and Ahu walked in the exotic space, walking, and they suddenly felt something was wrong.

A Hu scratched his head and looked at Yan Zhaoge wondering: "Son, I don't know if it's my illusion. Although we have opened a mouth, is the speed of this world's spiritual decay a bit too fast? "

Yan Zhaoge raised his eyebrows slightly: "No, you feel right. Although the decay rate of Reiki is constantly accelerating, the speed of this acceleration is somewhat too large."

Ahu stopped laughing and looked a little more serious on his face: "Son, you said there will be a jade bi, can you also open this exotic space? Someone came here with us and opened an extra door ? "

"It's not necessarily the formal key like Yubi Lingzhen." Yan Zhaoge said calmly: "The Great Thousand Worlds are not without exception. In some special cases, they will also inadvertently tear the void and open up the channels of the Eight Greatest World and the exotic space.

Yan Zhaoge looked around: "Some special treasures can also do this, but positioning is a problem."

Suddenly, in the right eye of Yan Zhaoge, the purple thunder flashed slightly.

Huo Ran turned his head, his eyes like electricity, looking in one direction.

Ahu also had a feeling, he snorted, and looked in the same direction as Yan Zhaoge.

The blue and purple thunder flashed in Yan Zhaoge's right eye, and the sky in the distance was empty. For a moment, the water rippled like a wave, and then returned to normal.

Hundreds of miles away from Yan Zhaoge, in the original jungle in the other direction of the exotic space.

A young man stood on the trunk of a big tree and muttered in a low voice.

On a crystal-like mirror in front of him, an electric spark suddenly burst into pieces, breaking apart at the next moment.

"Eyes of Lei Di ..." The man's expression is complicated, and it is the descendants of Tian Lei Dian, the son of Lei Ming, Lin Zhou!