History’s Strongest Senior Brother

Ten more explosions once again, please ask for monthly tickets to subscribe!

Once again, the 10 is even more explosive, and I urge everyone to support your subscription and monthly pass.

I am a handicapped party, and the code word speed is relatively slow.

In today's era when codewords are rampant, I can't say how fast I update.

All I can do is try my best to save every time, write more, write more, and write more.

Write as much as you can.

Then try to give everyone more and more, I hope everyone can see it happy.

I also hope that everyone can support genuine subscriptions. I often talk about this matter and talk about it often because it is really important.

For a book, subscription is an extremely important yardstick for measuring performance.

The website is fair and realistic, with good grades. It helps you go higher and higher all the way to form a virtuous circle. If you have poor grades, you can only struggle by yourself and form a vicious circle.

Brother, this book, if you want to go higher and farther, you ca n’t do without everyone ’s support. Here I would like to thank everyone who subscribes to this book, voted for this book, rewarded this book, and voted for this book. ,thank you all.

On the monthly ticket list, we are now ranked tenth, and the situation is critical. The gods behind us may push us out of the top ten at any time.

Here I ask you how many monthly tickets to support. Let's stabilize our position and rush forward.

thank you all!