The figure was slightly thin, and it looked unsightly, a dry old man.

But in the eyes of Yan Zhaoge, it is very tall.

The sleeve of the left arm was empty and flicked, which made Yan Zhaoge feel a little sad.

In front of him, it seemed that the abyss of the past appeared again. In the black hole of time and space, the old man broke his arm.

In the hall, Bai Ziming's idol shook with a glorious look, and a thought came out: "Master Zu ..."

The old man smiled and sighed more, but more was gratified.

Although the god in front of him was Bai Ziming, Yan Zhaoge's face reflected in his mind.

"Zhao Ge, I really didn't expect to meet again in this way. The old man can get rid of the difficulties from Xihai Haiyan this time, thanks to you."

This one-armed old man was naturally the old head of the Guangcheng Mountain in the former Eight Greatest World, wandering in the chaos of time and space, and came to the "Qi Tian Sheng" Yuan Zhengfeng of Yan Fu Great World!

Yan Zhaoge also felt a lot of emotion in his heart, and more joy: "Disciple Yan Zhaoge, see Shizu, seeing you old and unharmed, a rock in my heart finally landed."

Yuan Zhengfeng asked: "The people who listened to Daxue Mountain said that you are now in the upper boundary of the realm? Did you rise above the Wusheng San triple realm, or did you have a treasure to protect yourself through the sky wall? You can see how the world of the Eight Greatests ? "

Yan Zhaoge made a long story short and gave a brief introduction to the various things after Yuan Zhengfeng disappeared from the Eight Greatest World.

The point of focus is naturally on the current grudge between Guangcheng Mountain and Guangming Sect, which has already done its own work in the upper realm.

Yuan Zhengfeng couldn't help but sigh that the Great Sun Sect, Tian Lei Hall, who had fought with himself for half his life, was destroyed, and his attention was immediately attracted to Guangming Sect.

"You are alone in the realm ..." Yuan Zhengfeng's expression became solemn.

Yan Zhaoge said quickly: "Master Zu can rest assured that my personal relationship with the Southeast Sovereign Gate is quite good now, enough to work with each other."

Yuan Zhengfeng nodded: "In this case, the old man returned to the Eight Great World from the speed, and they met with Yan Di, Fang Zhun, Brother Zhang, and sister Shi."

"The old man and Yan Di are in the Eight Greatest World at the same time, but they are not afraid of the arrival of the warriors of the Bright Sect."

Yan Zhaoge smiled and said: "However, the ancestors of the aggrieved masters will stay in Wusheng Sanzhong and stay in the realm for a while.

"After the First World War with Chongyangzong, are you afraid that you will be able to take that last step?"

Yuan Zhengfeng's mouth also showed a little smile: "Some gains, try to figure it out, the old man really has the confidence to try, but not in a hurry."

Yan Zhaoge asked: "Can there be treasures that travel through the void?"

Previously, Yan Zhaoge entrusted two things to the Daxueshan warrior, one of which was to help Yuan Zhengfeng in the eyes of Xihaihai get out of trouble.

Second, he left Yuan Zhengfeng and the road signs of the Eight Greatest Worlds for Yuan Zhengfeng respectively, so that he can easily distinguish the direction in the endless void.

While distinguishing the direction, if there is no boundary channel between the two worlds, and it is not a mastery like the Void Sky Book, seeing the warrior below the level of the god level, if you want to shuttle between the two worlds, basically need some Special methods or treasures help.

For example, Yan Zhaoge used Shang Chongjing to display the method of walking in the world of mirrors, traveling between the Eight Great World and the Great World.

Yuan Zhengfeng said: "Friends of Daxueshan are helping the old man plan."

"In these days, the old man used Daxue Mountain to appreciate the martial arts. Second, he waited for the friends of Daxue Mountain to help prepare for the treasures of the void. Third, they mentioned that after a period of time, you might contact Zhao Ge again. "

"So the old man simply waited here, communicated with you, and understood the situation, and then determined the next move."

Yan Zhaoge smiled: "They made peace from it, persuading you to cease the war with Chongyang Sect?"

Yuan Zhengfeng said: "Yes, for them, the current situation is already very good, too late, but it may find a scourge, naturally do not want the old man to fight the Chongyang Sect again."

"Although it is mutual benefit and more loss to Zhao Ge's idea, but the old man can get rid of the difficulties from Xihai Haiyan, and he has to sell them a face."

The West China Sea killed a lot of people in World War I, and half of the Chongyang Sect died.

Kung Chong Yang Zongshan Gate played a big battle, and then killed many opponents, fighting a lot of Chongyang Zong Qiang who came from the upper realm to be only a tortoise.

Yuan Zhengfeng breathed out himself.

The reason why he did not give up was because of the destruction of Lingbo Pavilion.

In any case, Yuan Zhengfeng asked Lingboge to treat himself well. As a guest of Lingboge, Lingboge was destroyed by the Chongyang Sect. He couldn't be indifferent.

Later, the people of Daxue Mountain came forward as a guarantee to help the few people in Lingbo Pavilion who escaped the scourge of death to renew the incense, build the inheritance, and ensure their subsequent circulation.

Yuan Zhengfeng thought that one day he would leave the Yanfu Great World, but the Chongyang Sect had a foundation in the upper realm, and he only agreed to the death of the Chongyang Sect different from the Yanfu Great World.

"The old man was in Yanfu's world this time, but he had some gains," Yuan Zhengfeng said.

Unexpectedly, Yan Zhaoge mentioned the matter at the Yuanzheng Summit. After all, Fuyuan Opportunity is a very personal matter, and it is the same for everyone.

As far as Guang Chengshan is concerned, whether it is the same ancestry and sharing with others depends mostly on personal wishes.

Not only the younger disciples, but also Yuan Zhengfeng as an elder.

Only listening to Yuan Zhengfeng continued: "In the past, I heard Yan Di mentioned briefly, Zhao Ge, your mother, the fineness of the martial arts inheritance practiced by your child, Chu Qing, is even higher on my mountain."

"The old man watched Chuqing that day and dealt with people. He judged your father deeply."

"However, the old man got a tremendous mastership in the world of Yan Fu. After careful study, he felt that it was very similar to the martial arts practiced by Chu Qing."

Yan Zhaoge heard it, and was even more surprised in his heart: "... Spiritual Scripture?"

Although I am not sure whether her mother Xue Chuqing's martial arts practiced all or nothing, or whether she also studied other martial arts, but the martial arts that Xue Chuqing passed to Xiao Ai and Su Yun were all Yuan Shitianshu ten. One of the volumes is the Biography of the Book of Heaven.

Sure enough, Yuan Zhengfeng said: "This unique school, but it is the biography of Yuqing heirs, and it is a book of life."

Yan Zhaoge asked, "Is Ling Boge's collection?"

Yuan Zhengfeng shook his head: "It's not the case. It was the old man who accidentally discovered a long-dusty cave house while traveling abroad. I don't know which sage was left. In this cave house, I discovered this secret of the unique school."

Yan Zhaoge pondered in his mind: "It shouldn't matter if it's with your mother."

He smiled: "Who said that chance is a young man's patent?"

Yuan Zhengfeng went on to say: "In addition, there is a powerful Lei Fa. The old man participates in research and speculation on these two great skills. It has gained a lot and has even broken through the barriers before he can have the merit of today."

"Sheng Sheng Zao Tian Tian Shu ... Lei Fa ..." Hearing this, Yan Zhaoge was stunned again, seeming to grasp something vaguely, but there was a sense of seeing flowers in the fog, and it was hazy.