History’s Strongest Senior Brother

The 1185th chapter 1184.

(PS: At 7:30 tonight, the book review area activity continues, and there are many rewards. Interested friends should not miss it.)

The female emperor Xie Mingkong stood on the glacier, like a statue, motionless.

Her eyes are closed, her face expressionless.

But the whole body is windless and automatic, showing that his heart is never calm.

The memory deep in my heart is constantly emerging, and it has never been cut off for a moment.

She could not forget a bright afternoon on Bixiaofeng, a seemingly common thing that year, but it was from there that she changed her life and changed her destiny.

For her, then, it was the beginning of everything.

At that time, it was just that the master suddenly brought back a little girl who was only four or five years old.

The girl looked like she was sculpted in jade, and the snow and ice were lovely, and she liked it as soon as she saw it.

Every sentence at that time, until today, Xie Mingkong remembered clearly.

"Master, what kind of child is this? Are you a new disciple?" She remembered when she asked.

Master ’s reaction was a bit strange. After a slight silence, he replied: “The daughter of the old man, but from now on, I am indeed ready to accept him as a disciple and live with us.

"She is young and clear, you look after one or two a lot."

At that time, the temperament was far more cheerful than the present Xie Mingkong laughed: "This nature, the master is relieved."

Chen Xuanzong slightly nodded and secretly voiced, reminding the girl that her parents had died.

After Xie Mingkong listened, he couldn't help but feel pity and leaned over and hugged the girl: "Here, as if you were your own home, what's the matter, even if you come to find sister, I will do it for you."

The little girl was a little ignorant and couldn't fully understand the meaning of the empty words.

However, she also seemed to feel the other's kindness.

In front of her, this young lady in white dress with a beautiful appearance also made her feel good, so even if she was picked up by Xie Mingkong, the girl was not repelled. She was not afraid of life at all, but instead giggled.

When Xie Mingkong saw him, he was also very happy in his heart and smiled like flowers.

The white-haired youth met on the sidelines and his eyes were soft, but deep inside his eyes contained some other emotions.

At that time, Xie Mingkong was unable to understand the emotions.

She just feels that the little girl in front of her is quite close to herself.

The child became her sister, she was very happy.

"What's your name?" Xie Mingkong asked with a smile while holding the girl.

"Li Li ..." answered the girl's milk voice: "My name is Li Li."

"Chu Lili." Chen Xuanzong just quietly looked at them, then said.

When Xie Mingkong heard the words, he was slightly stunned: "Chu ... Li Li? I remember Master, you have an old friend, Chu Huanchu's predecessor, whose surname is Chu, Li Li is his daughter?"

Chen Xuanzong nodded and said nothing more.

Xie Mingkong did not care much at the time.

It was only later that she understood what that name meant.

That's because, Xie Mingkong found that Chu Lili was different from her.

She can walk freely on the realm, everyone knows that she is a disciple of Emperor Chenchen.

But Chu Lili, who had lived in Bixiaofeng since childhood, even after officially worshipping Chen Xuanzong as a teacher, Chu Lili was placed alone to live in Houshan instead of Hanlanguan.

In addition to Chen Xuanzong, Di Huang, and Yin Huang, they are other top powers in the upper realm, and they do not know their existence and whereabouts.

The exceptions are just a few of them, such as Xie Mingkong, Yuezhengbei, and Wang Zhengcheng.

Fortunately, Chu Lili is optimistic by nature. Although he often feels lonely, he still grows up peacefully.

Xie Mingkong, Yuezhengbei and others who often contacted her are particularly dependent and close.

Especially because of the young age of entry, Xie Mingkong, who took care of her growing up from an early age, is also a sister and mother.

Over time, Xie Mingkong finally gradually knew what had happened to Chu Huan.

Gradually know Chu Lili's peculiarities.

But day by day, Xie Mingkong felt soft whenever he saw Chu Lili's cheerful smile.

She sincerely hopes that Master's attempt will succeed.

However, as Chu Lili grew up every day, Xie Mingkong found some other signs.

The little girl who used to be an adult, a girl's thoughts, seems to be tied to his master ...

She has an unusual relationship with Xie Mingkong, and naturally she will not conceal Xiekong from any ideas.

In fact, it's not just not concealing the emptiness.

The overly cheerful and optimistic girl has no intention of concealing her thoughts, and especially wants Master to know her intentions.

"Sister, do you say that Master still treats me as a child?" When Chu Lili muttered angrily and talked to Xie Mingkong, Xie Mingkong didn't know how to answer.

Of course she hoped that the other party would break the thought.

But she has no position to persuade Chu Lili.

Not only because Chu Lili trusted her, but because, she is the same ...

Yes, although it is not shown like Chu Lili, I do n’t know when Xie Mingkong ’s thoughts will be tied to his master.

Whenever she saw Shimei's perseverance and confession with Master again and again, Xie Mingkong felt very concerned.

She has a strong impulse in her heart and wants to be like Chu Lili.

Even once.

But every time when the words came to her head, as soon as she touched Chen Xuanzong's eyes, all her courage disappeared and Tang Woxue disappeared. She was so arrogant and she didn't know where to go.

Until one day, when Chu Lili's birthday was approaching, Chen Xuanzong suddenly called to understand Mingkong.

Appearing in front of her was a cute little beast shaped like an fox with short limbs.

"Fifi? Still a cub ..." Xie Mingkong recognized his origins, Chen Xuanzong said: "This is a gift for Li Li's birthday this year. She lives alone in Houshan, although you are always accompanied by you, but you Time is also tight, and with this Philippian to accompany her, you can relax a little. "

"By the time of her birthday, you give her this Philippine Filipino, and learn to take care of a small life, which is also a growth for her."

Xie Mingkong's eyes flickered and his throat moved gently. Many words stirred in his chest, but he couldn't say it.

After a long while, she only made a sentence: "Do you want to go out when Li Li's birthday?"

"There is no plan for this." Chen Xuanzong shook his head.

"Then you can give it to Li Li in person. Li Li grew up every year." Xie Mingkong finally couldn't help saying.

She lowered her voice: "You give it to yourself, Li Li will be very happy."

"This year is different from previous years." Chen Xuanzong said calmly: "This year, Li Li's mind seems to have changed, she ... grew up."

"As far as I am concerned, she is a disciple and a niece of the world. There is no difference between men and women. It is not appropriate to be as casual as before. It is not too late for me to be fortunate before.

Xie Mingkong was stunned and surprised.

Afterwards, he developed this emotion for himself, and he felt a little ashamed of Chu Lili.

Finally, it is sad.

She is also a disciple of Chen Xuanzong ...

The ghost made the gods feel as if they were finally struggling to die unwillingly. She blurted out: "Master, when I am born this year, can I also need a gift ..."