The club was beaten to death by a stick, and the giant golden monkey roared, and swept the stars around him.

Yan Zhaoge gazed at Alpine.

Alpine grinned and shook his head.

Yan Zhaoge withdrew his gaze, not much to say. He also rolled out of the same somersault, jumped into the realm of the fairy court, and landed on the shoulder of the giant ape.

At this moment, the whole fairy court seemed to shake together suddenly.

One after another, the fairyland manifested the Tao Halo, shrouded toward the Great Saint Golden Body manifested by the Beiming Doppelganger.

Suddenly, it seemed that there were mountains and mountains descending from the sky to suppress the giant monkey.

Yan Zhaoge sneered. The huge golden monkey with a cold smile on a furry face.

The golden monkey, which seemed to stand like a giant, jumped forward, and the violent force made him break through the repression of the halo.

The truth has not been revealed before. At this moment, with the golden monkey leaping, Xian Ting seems to be layered.

Three thousand wonderland and thousands of worlds in it are the foundation.

On this foundation, there is a more ethereal, as if there are layers of sky-like existence, the top is bright and splendid, pavilions and pavilions, palaces are densely covered, a scene of fairy palace.

The giant monkey's gaze glanced around, and his eyes were like substance, like light and fire.

In a few moments, Yan Zhaoge's deity jumped into the palm of Da Shengjin and disappeared.

And the giant monkey, between indulgences, seems to be stepping on an invisible staircase, ascending step by step, and walks towards the "upper" fairy palace!

Walking into the air, suddenly the endless torrent of river water emerged, turned into a floating river, sealed the sky above, also sealed below, intercepted the golden light giant monkey in the air, intended to be trapped in the water.

The surging river, like the legendary Tianhe, was led here.

At the time of the great destruction, Tianhe was also robbed, but now on the ground of this fairy court, it is restored to a rough idea.

The great ape was not afraid, and it stood at every step.

For him Yan Zhaoge, such a suitable water vein for the Yellow River Array of Jiuqu is his home field.

At this moment, hidden in the water of the Tianhe River, suddenly a very strong breath emerged, as if integrated with the Tianhe River, regardless of each other.

The mysterious syllables of mysterious mystery emanate from the water.

But a big Luo Tianxian came here!

Because of his experience in the Heavenly Palace before the Great Destruction, Yan Zhaoge barely distinguished the meaning of the obscure syllable.

"Jiuqu ... the Yellow River ... array, but it's not good ... in front of my inspiration Tianzun ... show off ..."

The great ape heard the words, the red gold light flashed in his eyes, and looked carefully into the river.

Although the other party is Da Luo, but in the eyes of the giant ape, his specific image can already be seen clearly.

But seeing the other person wearing a gold helmet, wearing gold armor, a belt around their waist, pedaling yellow boots, round eyes, sharp teeth.

She has fiery red and short hair, holding a nine-petal copper hammer.

After seeing each other clearly, the giant ape Changxiao: "The King of Inspiration? It's really a narrow road, and the goldfish raised in the Guanyin Bodhisattva pool have swam to the outer road."

The existence of the half man and half fish, his eyes widened, staring at the great ape: "How could this be? Didn't the monkey overcome the Buddha in a battle?"

"You are inferior to Bailian Pure Land, can you still separate you from here?"

"Look at how many pounds you have for counterfeit goods." The inspirational King snorted coldly: "How is it true? This King is not the same as before, and he came to Daluo!"

He is a goldfish, but he is not the root of the demon clan. He listened to the Quan Yin and entered the authentic Buddhism.

Because of the limited conditions, the cultivation cannot be the Buddha's righteousness, and he can't reach Da Luo. Finally he turned to Xian Ting, walked away from the Tao, and relied on the help of Wish Li Baoguang to fulfill his wish and achieve Da Luo Tian Xian Realm.

Due to his innate skill, he has the best water control ability, perfectly controls the Tianhe in front of him, and relies on the advantage of repair as the realm. It is difficult for Yan Zhaoge to take advantage of this water vein to arrange Jiuqu Yellow River Array for a while.

But Yan Zhaoge didn't care, and the giant ape laughed aloud: "Daro who is a cult outsider can also be called Daro?"

In the roar, the golden light in the hands of the giant ape converged into a wishful gold hoop, and when copied, it shot down at the King of Inspiration.

The terror force that has turned the world upside down has exploded, even breaking the Tianhe River, overflowing with water!

The inspirational king was furious and raised his nine-petal copper hammer to resist.

The two sides met, and the imaginary Ruyi gold hoop in the hands of the giant monkey had a broken image.

Although he used the force of his sword to fight the opponent's empty hand, the inspirational king still laughed.

He did not spare others, led Dao Starlight blessing, Tianhe scattered and reunited.

The King of Inspiration, which occupies the profit of Xianting's home court, has a huge power.

"I don't know if it's a dead or alive, why can you let the wilderness go?" The inspirational king lifted the nine-petal copper hammer and slammed into the giant ape transformed by Yan Zhaoge again.

At the same time, the water of the Tianhe River poured down, so heavy that it couldn't be added, and it merged with the hammer of the inspirational king.

Da Luo Qingtian, this moment is really like the sky dome collapsed, slanted down, along with the Tianhe also flooded.

"Hah!" The giant monkey sneered and stood still.

Between the brilliance of his head, the double flowers gather!

As Shuanghua emerged, the monkey's body and blood rose again, and every pore in and around Zhou's body seemed to have the sun rising and blazing flames.

The violent and fierce demon turned into a billowing black cloud, covering the four sides, becoming more lawless and unscrupulous.

The golden light in his hand reunited, and then turned into the wishful gold hoop, and his hands were raised up.

Inspired King's nine-petal copper hammer rolled down Tianhe and was also being framed!

At this moment, the tilted and collapsed sky dome seemed to have a pillar again.

Not only that, next, it was pushed up by life!

The collapsed sky dome rises in reverse!

The pouring Tianhe, reverse the roll!

The horrible violent ape stood up, with a stick, and overturned the hammer of the inspiration king, and the falling Tianhe!

Then, he was condescending, and when he turned, he was shot down again!

Under a stick, the Tianhe River was temporarily cut off.

The offensive and defensive momentum of both sides suddenly reversed, and the inspirational king lifted his hammer to parry.

Monkey sticks are raining down, falling continuously, fast and anxious, powerful but changing.

The King of Inspiration couldn't stop him, and he fell down with a stick, knocking on his head!

The magnificent Luo Tianxian, the violent ape transformed by Yan Zhaoge, fell down with a stick!

Wan Xing Tian Xian Xian Hua's bodyguard, Sanhua gathered to the top, was not injured, but was also knocked down.

"You can't hurt my Goddess!" Inspiration King turned back and laughed proudly: "Hahahaha ... uh!"

He was laughing, the latter half of the laughter, but was blocked back.

"Tianzun? You deserve it too?"

The ape stepped in front of him in one step and stretched out a huge claw directly, clasping his head and picking him up.

Then, in the roar of the mad monkey, he pushed the King of Inspiration, like a siege car, rushing all the way up and crashing into the "celestial" fairy palace!