History’s Strongest Senior Brother

# 1521 1520. True Story of Jade Tripod

Yan Zhaoge's fingertips also showed a dark red brilliance, and then according to the dimples on the barriers of the world boundary, the sky outlined imitation.

A moment later, he withdrew his finger: "It is more like a seal. It exists by relying on the immortal sword light. The seal is integrated with the territory of this world. If it is broken by brute force, the consequences are unpredictable."

"If you want to take the sword forcibly, it may not be impossible, but the situation is unclear, especially how about Jin Yao Taibai and the two of them, is there any hope?" Feng Yunsheng asked: "We might as well try to go in first? "

Yan Zhaoge looked at Yan Di and HD Xuan, neither of whom objected.

Although the situation in front of me was a bit weird, everyone was really not afraid.

Unlike the Yan Xingtang couple who disappeared at that time, they were still Xuan Xian Xiu Xiu, and the reasons for being limited to the realm may be quite inconvenient.

Those who come here today are in the face of a genuine big Luo Tianxian, enough to protect themselves.

Artists are bold and naturally have more choices.

What's more, the immortal sword in front of him does not look like a master.

"That's it, let's try to look in first." Yan Zhaoge nodded.

He and Feng Yunsheng glanced at each other without words. Feng Yunsheng gradually grew black mist around him, wrapped his body, merged into the already dark void, and disappeared.

On the fingertips of the high-definition swirling index finger, a dark red sword light appeared, piercing the dark red world in front of the eyes.

Although they are from different sources, they are also trapped in the spirit of immortal swords, stabilizing the world in front of them and keeping them temporarily unchanged.

Yan Zhaoge immediately took the opportunity to step forward, and his figure merged into the dark red light.

Once in the red light, the space-time scene in front of me suddenly changed.

However, due to the help of HD Vortex, the time and space of Yan Zhaoge is not messy.

Although it was only a short time, Yan Zhaoge and HD Vortex, who had a deep understanding of the immortal sword scripture, quickly found a way to penetrate the seal.

If it is an unlawful person, it must be strong enough to break through brute force, otherwise it will be sent to other universes that do not know where it is just when it comes into contact with the red light.

This group of trapped fairy swords and sword lights maintains the stability of a world inwards, but outwards it seems like a primitive nebula that is erratic and unpredictable.

And if it is cracked, Yan Zhaoge will be able to pass through it, turning unstable time and space into tangible bridges and passages.

Yan Di was also beside him, so as not to be separated, he was transferred to different time and space.

After a while, the two looked at the same time, frowning.

In front of me, in the thin, gleaming red light, the Dao Jianguang light was staggered and turned into a seal, implicating the surrounding space as if it was a dark red.

This sword light made Yan Zhaoge's father and son warm.

Because it contains sword meaning, it is infinitely close to Yan Di's forged sword!

It even makes people feel closer to the combination of the high-definition swirling deity and the double swords.

"It's only the care of Tai Yihuayun, and the lack of perfection in the end." Yan Di, who has the most say, said slowly: "Normally, the two can't do this together with their joint efforts."

After finishing this sentence, he kept silent and stepped forward.

Yan Zhaoge was also silent.

After all, the two individuals are not completely one, and even if they fit together, they are more swaying than the sword, and they cannot be compared with the real individual.

So normally speaking, the two can't do it together, even if the deity and the avatar share the same thoughts like HD Vortex.

Then the scene in front of you can only be created under abnormal circumstances ...

Yan Di's face was calm and calm, and he stepped forward and slashed forward.

Daoguang intersects with those Jianguangs, and there is no violent collision, but it gradually becomes one.

Then, the symbol of the sword light was unlocked, and the time and space of the father and son changed again.

The dark red light receded, and the sun reappeared in front of him. Yan Zhaoge stabilized his body and looked closely, and he saw a wilderness in front of him, and the mountains on the distant horizon were faintly visible.

"Aura pulse is a little bit scattered, and there are signs of exhaustion, but it is not really time to go downhill." Yan Zhaoge took a deep breath: "Maybe it is because the trapped fairy sword sealed this place?"

In addition to this, he vaguely felt that the pulsating flow of the aura here was very similar to that of the world before the Great Destruction.

It shows that this world should be the same as Zong Yuanguan at the beginning, barely withstood the destruction of the chemical world by the Great Destruction, and can be preserved until the Great Destruction.

Moreover, it is much stronger than Zong Yuanguan.

So many years have passed since the Great Destruction, and it is reasonable to say that it should have decayed here.

Even if it can be preserved, the aura still hasn't gone away, and there are credits for the seal of the immortal sword outside.

Because of the closure, the spiritual flow is slow.

But at the same time, it also loses communication with the outside world, and its pros and cons are difficult to conclude.

"It's here, has anyone lived and settled down?" Yan Zhaoge narrowed his eyes and looked around.

Yan Di didn't speak, her eyes were closed, and she was quietly perceiving, searching for the sword-like meaning just like Caicao's sword.

After a while, he opened his eyes and looked serious: "No ..."

Yan Zhaoge sighed silently, and then said, "Let's find it out, find the body of the ancient sword that is trapped in the fairy, there may be the whereabouts of grandfather and grandmother."

"Alternatively, find the people living here and figure out the situation." Yan Zhaoge investigated the pulsation of the aura here and had found several gathering points.

With his current practice, he has been able to distinguish the places where the auras converge, and some people live together and improve the traces of the local aura context.

The father and son drove all the way and quickly approached the ground.

Looking from afar, between the mountains, a majestic peak clearly exceeded a piece, standing tall, as if the sword was pointing to the sky.

The majestic swordsmanship spread out, and the momentum was magnificent.

Yan Zhaoge just knew it for a moment.

The True Story of Yuqing Kendo!

And it is not another family, but the heir to Yuding.

Yan Zhaoge's father and son did not hide their breath, but were close to each other.

Far away from the old, and immediately aware of the convenience, there was a sword light lit up, and they were near Yan Zhaoge.

After Jianguang approached, instead of blindly attacking, he stood in front of Yan Zhaoge.

The headed person is an old man in a robe, with a sword of awe-inspiring awe-inspiring power, righteousness, qi, clear qi, and clear qi, all four energies are combined.

The old man glanced left and right and made a head start: "The poor Daoqing Qingzhang, I do not know how the two Daoists are called?"

Yan Di calmly replied: "The Qingzhang Taoist is courteous. Under Yandi, this is my son Yan Zhaoge."

Hearing Yan Di's name, someone behind Qingzhang Taoist's face changed slightly.

"Yan Di ..." After the Qingzhang Taoist meditated on the name again, he looked up and down Yan Di and asked, "Your Excellency, come from outside our Yuquan Realm?"