Kui Mulang looked at Dingguang and rejoiced at Buddha, his eyes looked very strange.

He and the former long-eared Dingguang Immortal, now Dingguang rejoices that the Buddha is an old acquaintance.

If it was the long-eared Dingguangxian from the ancient era, Kui Mu Wolf would definitely not mind.

But in the Middle Ages, Long Erding Guangxian entered the path after the release of the gate, and Kui Mu Wolf had to care.

Although the other party is in the Buddha Gate and he is in the Heavenly Palace Shrine, but Dingguang is delighted with the Buddha's practice, Kui Mulang still knows something.

Now that the matter involves a lot of shame, how can Kui Mu Wolf feel happy when he sees Dingguang rejoicing Buddha?

He looked at the Dingguang joy Buddha, and then looked at Qiushouxian, and could not help but give birth to Chenshan Xinghai and Bailian Pure Land.

"Daoyou Mo should not worry too much. Dingguangfo acts without mistakes." Qiushou Xian corrected his expression, and Chong Kuimu nodded.

In all fairness, Qiu Shouxian saw Dingguang rejoicing that Buddha appeared, and also felt a little bit of pain. The other party's reputation in some respects was too bad. No wonder Kuimu wolf was not happy.

To put it bluntly, it seems to be provocative and humiliating, as if deliberately making trouble for Kui Mulang.

The big demon who is also the star sea of ​​Chenshan, Qishouxian first saw the Dingguang joy Buddha, they were a little dissatisfied with Bailian pure land.

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha looked calm, in fact, Bailian Pure Land really had no other thoughts.

It was purely because after coordinating the manpower, Dingguang rejoiced that the Buddha was just at leisure, so he came over.

In the confrontation with Xianting, although Bailian Pure Land has the upper hand, but the other party is not without power to fight back.

Bailian Pure Land coordinating manpower cannot always ask the Buddha who is fighting Xianting Tianzun to turn around and give his back to his opponent.

Finally, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha happened to be free to come over and help.

Qiushou Xian turned to think about it, Dingguang rejoiced that although the Buddha practiced special methods now, but in this matter, he should always be able to handle the matter lightly, and not deliberately provoke Kui Mu Wolf.

To say the truth, the two of them have more reason to find the trouble of Guanghuanxi Buddha.

Kuimu Wolf has achieved the status of the demon clan's body, and his strength is even better than the Dingguang joy Buddha of the Buddha.

Chenshan Xinghai's overall strength is equally stable against Bailian Pure Land.

Under the overall pressure, Mo Dingguang was pleased that Buddha had no idea in this respect. Even if it did, it would be suppressed.

Therefore, Qiushouxian took the initiative to reconcile.

What he meant in fact was to imply that Kui Mu Wolf, Dingguang Huanxiang Buddha is a wise man, will not mess up.

Just as Qiushouxian and Kuimu Wolf understood Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, Dingguanghuanfo also understood Kuimu Wolf's temper and Qiushouxian temper.

Regarding the past events of Kui Mu Wolf and Bai Hua Shi, Ding Guang Huan He also heard about it and knew how much Kui Mu Wolf valued Bai Hua Shi.

"After the female donor, the Taoist friends can take her back to Chenshan Xinghai." Ding Guanghuan Buddha said with a smile: "I believe that Buddha Maitreya will not have any objections."

The outside warriors are all related to the infinite Tianzun or the future Buddha.

Xianting and Bailian Pure Land are at war, and it is possible for outside warriors to participate in the war depending on the situation.

Dingguang rejoices what the Buddha said, no doubt that even if Bai Huashi entered the white lotus land, he could not participate in the war between them and Xianting.

This is of course not because of Baihua Shame itself. It is pure Bailian Pure Land selling Kuimu Wolf and selling the demon clan.

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha said this, in fact, it is equivalent to a disguised position. Under such a large background, if he is in chaos, then it is not selling Kuimu's wolf, but enemies and provocations.

Among them, Dingguang rejoices that the Buddha is clear.

Kui Mu Lang heard the words, his face slightly squinted, nodded silently.

He spread his palms, a light group appeared, the content was independent, and the blue-clothed woman who was reincarnated by Bai Huashi was living in it.

Dingguang rejoiced that the Buddha took the light group and sat back, and the Buddha's light on the whole body began to dazzle and become more and more dense.

May the light of Lifo fall into the light group in his hands and wrap the Baihua shame.

As if realizing the unknown signs, the light of the wishfulness of Bai Hua Shao in the fairy court began to flash more violently and frequently, resisting the light of the Buddha.

However, compared to a Buddha who has already enshrined in Daluo, the current state of the hundred flowers and shame, which is still at the level of the true fairy, is obviously inadequate. The treasure in the body is difficult to fight back.

Under the light of the wishing power of Dingguang joyful Buddha, the original wishing light of Baihuashi began to fail.

The light did not disappear, but gradually changed its appearance.

Xianyin gradually faded, but the sound of Buddha singing gradually rose.

The blue-haired woman resisted with all her face and kept chanting the name of the infinite Tianzun, but her eyes gradually lost.

Dingguang rejoices that the Buddha's treasure is solemn and solemn, and his mouth is noisy: "Nanwu Maitreya respects the Buddha."

The title of Maitreya Buddha, at this moment in the hearts of the blue women, began to gradually overwhelm the infinite Tianzun.

Kui Mu Wolf and Qiu Shouxian stood aside, watching Ding Guanghuan rejoicing in a circle of Buddha light around him, all silent.

In the distance, Yan Zhaoge's Beiming avatar converged, not approaching, looking at the dazzling light of the wishful force from afar.

Because the distance is too far, and in order to avoid attracting the attention of the demon clan such as Kuimu Wolf and Qiushouxian, Yan Zhaoge did not do it indiscriminately, so I can't see the real specific situation.

But when he saw the light of the white lotus pure land, he already knew.

"This is a Buddha who has found a white lotus pure land, trying to forcibly change the Baihua shame and turn it into the white lotus pure land, believing in the Buddha's doorway?" Yan Zhaoge touched his chin.

Thinking in his heart, Yan Zhaoge's Beiming avatar suddenly moved slightly and looked in the other direction.

There, the void in the distance suddenly opened, and the blossoming green lotus approached.

Outside Qinglian, there is a streamer flashing.

"Western Bliss Pure Land, and the people of Xianting ..." Yan Zhaoge slightly raised his eyebrows and turned his head to look at Kuimu Wolf on their side.

To a certain extent, the wishless treasure of Bai Hua Shao has not been cleared, but to a certain extent, it has given the Xingting top strong direction.

This sudden pursuit of soldiers obviously made Kui Mu Wolf very annoyed.

However, Dingguang rejoiced that the Buddha was turning into a flower at a critical moment. He could not move for a while, and the Kui Mu Wolf had to move forward to meet the enemy first, preventing the Western Pure Land and Xianting Zhongren from approaching.

Qiu Shouxian also appeared dissatisfied, but still greeted him with the Kui Mu Wolf.

Of course, they did not forget to greet the big monsters nearby to meet together.

Yan Zhaoge's Beiming avatar approached indifferently, but he didn't bother to fight with the Buddha of Western Bliss Pure Land, but wondered if he could take advantage of Baihuashi.

Looking at the Buddha's Light, Yan Zhaoge was thinking about his idea, and suddenly found something wrong.

That heavy Buddha's light, at the moment, showed a bit of instability.