Ginseng fruit has a strong aura, especially to help people grow longevity.

The couple Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng have no urgent need for this, but they also have friends and family.

After all, people like them are very few, and many are hungry for ginseng fruit.

"The ancient Buddha on the Lantern has always been like this." Yang Jian smiled slightly: "But I don't know what gift Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng and Land Pressure Dao Jun sent this time?"

Yan Zhaoge's expression on his face was correct, and said, "It turns out that the Jiuling Yuansheng had the Jiusian Lotus Terrace in the hands of the old Taiji to save the suffering Tianzun, and today I sent this treasure as a wedding item for my husband and wife.

"Oh?" The other three were a little surprised: "This is somewhat unexpected."

Yan Zhaoge nodded his head: "Yeah, Tai Yi rescued the suffering Tianzun. The treasure he could carry back in his past years was also returned, which also made us think about it and remember our ancestors."

In the past years, Tai Yi Jiu Tianzun sat on the throne of the Nine-color Lotus in the Qibao Fangqian Forest, and under the mouth of the nine-headed green lions breathed flames and surrounded the throne.

There are also nine colors of divine light in the sky, radiating tremendous light, and there are many immortals, Lux, King Kong, God King, Golden Boy, and Jade Girl guards.

There are also his hands holding the water glass, poplar branch, foot-footed lotus flower, round light and so on.

The Nine-color Lotus Terrace was once one of the treasures that Taiyi saved from suffering.

Speaking of which, Master Xuandu also sits on the throne of the nine-color lotus, and hangs down on the crane cover, but the color of the nine-color lotus under his seat is different from that of the lotus under the seat of Taiyi.

Taiyi Jiku Tianzun fell in the past, and Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng was thrown into the demon clan in the Great Destruction, avoiding a catastrophe.

Later, he also found Tai Yi to save the suffering Tianzun's whereabouts, but at that time there was no harvest, only the broken nine-color rosette was found and brought back to Chenshan Xinghai.

This time Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng came to do an objective ceremony, and also brought a gift for Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng and his wife.

Although the lotus platform has been damaged and cannot do much, it is also of great significance as a relic of Tai Yi who saved the suffering Tianzun in the past.

Yan Zhaoge reached for a finger, and a small spot of light became larger in mid-air as the lotus flashed, turning into a lotus.

Looking at the damaged Nine-color Lotus Terrace, everyone present looked at the scene with solemnity, bowed towards the Lotus Terrace to salute, a moment of silence.

"Later build Taoist temple and enshrine this lotus lotus in it." Yan Zhaoge received the nine-color lotus lotus and said, "Not to mention the restoration of the weather in the formerly wonderful Yangong Palace, but I was finally called to the ancestors of Daomen. Tai Yi's place to save Tianzun. "

"It's so good." Feng Yunsheng all nodded in agreement.

Nezha's expression was no longer so serious, Zhao Yan Zhao Ge asked: "Here is the gift of Jiuling Lao Zhang, can't the land pressure Daojun say anything?"

"Is there only one letter?"

Yan Zhaoge smiled and said: "Land pressure Daojun is not so stingy, but it touches with the fire and water of Gan Linyulu of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

After all, he was awe-inspiring, a flame of red gold color flashed through the air and disappeared in an instant.

But the air is always hot, as if people are exposed to the sun.

"It turned out to be the essence of innate congenital separation from the fire." Yang Jian saw the firelight, and he immediately said with a smile: "Although there is a disaster caused by fire and water, but the marriage of the virtuous couple and the disaster will become auspicious, only the yin and the yang The economy is harmonious. "

Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng both smiled: "Xie Daoxiong said."

"However, this innate spirit of separation from fire seems to make some strange feelings ..." Yang Jian groaned again after laughing.

"Brother Dao feels keen, and I feel the same way." Yan Zhaoge said: "Like the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp, the gift of the land pressure Daojun also has words in it."

"To me, among the four gifts today, it is the land pressure Daojun, which is the most valuable."

Yan Zhaoge's eyes flickered slightly.

And Feng Yunsheng's three also moved.

"It's related to Jiuyou's Demon Fire Bing Fire, and the Fire Demon Spirit that the land pressure Dao Jun got from the Jade Xu Glass Lamp?" Feng Yunsheng asked with some uncertainty.

"That's right." Yan Zhaoge nodded. "He gave us some hints. In the future game of Jiu You, although it is convenient for us to start, it is also convenient for him."

Although he still traded with Jiu You and returned safely with the Devil of Fire, in exchange for Jiu You to help take the Shakya relics, but turning around, Land Pressure Daojun sold Jiu You to Yan Zhaoge and others. unambiguous.

Even not long ago, Yan Zhaoge successively killed the Lotus Buddha, Qu Su of Bailian Pure Land, and the Hydra of Chenshan Xinghai.

The current situation is so unpredictable that it is difficult to distinguish between the enemy and the friend.

"Indeed, the most valuable." Yang Jian said in contemplation.

The pure sweetness is rare and the effect is magical, but it has no other special meaning.

The same is true for the fruit of life. The meaning behind it requires value from Yan Zhaoge and others.

The Ninth Grade Lotus Terrace is mainly commemorative.

Apart from its own value, this essence of innate alienation from the fire is also closely related to the situation of the Nine Nine, and it has an extraordinary effect.

"Even foreigners have such great treasures to give, which makes me look a bit shameless." Nezha Yangtian sighed: "I should prepare another gift, and now my hands are empty, and there are always some ridiculous."

Yan Zhaoge smiled and said, "Why so? As long as Ding Haizhu is put on the account, don't forget it later."

"That must not be forgotten." Nezha waved his hand.

"Tomorrow's ceremony, I still have to ask my brother to preside over it." Yan Zhaoge said to Yang Jian again.

"It's an honor." Yang Jian smiled: "That's it, I won't disturb your couple."

After all, he left with Nezha.

"It's nice to be married, and the gifts are filled." In the hall, Yan Zhaoge said with a happy face: "It would be nice if I could get married once a day."

Feng Yunsheng looked at his wealth fan, and couldn't help but be angry and funny: "Is it better to be the groom every day and change the bride every night?"

"The second half of the sentence doesn't matter, the first half is still necessary." Yan Zhaoge looked at her, and he smiled: "Add a sentence every day to receive the gift."

"Well, I believe that with your shamelessness, you might really be able to get married every day just to receive such a gift." Feng Yunsheng gently scraped a finger on his cheek, said Chong Yan Zhao Ge: " But we do n’t seem to have so much time to come once a day? "

Yan Zhaoge reached out to pull her and smiled and said, "How joyous."

"It's true, but according to the custom of human wedding, shouldn't you see me now?" Feng Yunsheng also smiled suddenly and turned away: "See you tomorrow."

Yan Zhaoge pulled an empty one and was not annoyed. He said, "Look tomorrow, where are you going!"