History’s Strongest Senior Brother

New book "Lord of Starry Sky" is released!

The new book is uploaded, and I sincerely ask everyone for your support!

I have n’t seen you for more than two months, and I miss it so much.

I have always been eager to have a new book presented to everyone, and hope that the new book will greet you with the best appearance.

I said at the end of this book that I wanted to write a light and cheerful story.

A brand new story, I have many new attempts of myself. Will you like it? I do n’t have any idea at present. I just have to do my best to conceive and code carefully.

The new book is still a tender seedling. If you want to thrive, every collection, every member click, every recommendation ticket is an important nutrient.

Please support me!

Click, recommend, collect, everyone go together?

The following is a brief introduction and link to the new book:

Title: Lord of the Starry Sky


In the 800 years of the new Yanhuang calendar, the world has long bid farewell to the era of ancient cultivation and entered the modern era.

Exchange and win-win, both competition and cooperation are the mainstream of the current era.

Unknown truth, endless starry sky is a new journey common to all monks.

A mysterious ship on the other shore that surpassed the times and advanced in mystery, carried the young Shen Shen to the era of cosmic sea navigation.

In the new era, the future is in the starry sky, and there will be times when the wind and the waves will break, and the sails will be hung directly in the starry sea.


https: book.qidian.cominfo1012284524

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