Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 44-The Smell from Above (First)

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In the face of emergencies, Mrs. Huo Qi's experience seemed to be a little inadequate. Her face was pale and she didn't know what to do.

William felt that all the teachers at Hogwarts were reliable as well as Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall. As for Snape and Tywin... it didn't take long for them to come out of the hospital.

"Yugadim Leviosa." William raised his wand and cast a floating spell.

Charpy's falling speed started to slow down, and he could not completely stop him from falling, but at least he fell slowly into the grass.

Madam Hooch walked over quickly. She bent down and looked down at Charpy, her face as pale as bb cream.

"Oh Merlin, there was no injury, but the limbs were tightened by the vines, and there was some bruise." Madam Hooch checked Charpy's injuries.

"Okay, kid—it's okay, get up, I'll take you to Pomfrey, and she will heal you in a few minutes."

Madam Hooch stood up, looked at William and said, "Excellent Blue Bell Fire Curse and Floating Curse, boy, because of you, Ravenclaw College gets five points!"

Everyone applauded.

William sighed. He has saved too many times recently. The teachers of all subjects seem to have unified the caliber, from the original fifty points to five points!

Needless to say, Professor Snape must have contributed a lot in the back. He recently saw William with a wretched smile on his face.

Madam Hooch turned to the other students in the class and said sternly: "I'm sending this child to the hospital. All of you stay on the training ground and put the flying broomstick back.

Otherwise, you will be driven out of Hogwarts Gate before you can say a word of'Quidditch'..."

Before she could finish her words, the Devil.net suddenly ran away.

The Devil Net is afraid of flames, and it shrinks all the vines into the ground, leaving only a trunk with thick arms.

Bang bang bang!

Like the earth of drumsticks, the ground shook, and several magic creature excrement treatment pools trembled violently, and the magic on it was destroyed.


The Hogwarts microbial cultivation pond exploded.

Everyone quickly moved away from here. Qiu was the fastest. She rode directly on the broom and flew towards the training ground.

William jumped up and grabbed the end of the broom.The dilapidated broomstick slowed down in an instant, like an old train, taking him to the front with difficulty.

The strong smell, accompanied by the breeze, spread out quickly...

The scene was very tragic.

The principal’s office is located on the eighth floor, which overlooks most of the school’s buildings.

Dumbledore was standing at the window, looking at the horizon, beside him was a crimson bird, the size of a swan, playing its weird singing in the window.

Dumbledore pushed the half-moon glasses and applauded: "Fox, your singing is still so beautiful, with the lyrics of the Sorting Hat, it is like a stage play...perfect, almost perfect!"

Fox leaned slightly and accepted Dumbledore's commercial flattery with ease.

Dumbledore took out Bibi's Strawberry Flavored Peas from his pocket and asked, "Would you like to have one? I have been lucky recently. I have taken several strawberry flavored peas. It has a wonderful flavor."

Fox blinked two shiny black eyes and stared at a certain place. After a while, it disappeared into the office without warning.

Dumbledore frowned.

Uncommon, Fox rarely panics like this.

He took apart Bibi Duo beans, took one, and put it next to his nose.

Twisting, sniffing, a turbid smell rushed over her face.

Dumbledore took another deep breath.

This smell...a bit on the top!

Bibi Duo has a new flavor?Novel 3800 www.xs3800.com



I don't know when, a strange smell enveloped the entire Hogwarts.

It came so quietly, so unexpectedly, mysteriously and on the top, a hundred times stronger than the big dung egg in Joko's joke shop.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this smell is enough to be called lethal!

The professors have no way to dissipate quickly. In the huge processing pool, there are not only the excrement of magical creatures, but also all the teachers and students...This huge energy has already eroded a piece of soil, and it needs to be completely eliminated. a period of time.

As a result, the Quidditch training ground was temporarily suspended!

The little wizards complained that the team that wanted to train could only play indoor Quidditch...Of course, it was not completely useless. The school bought a batch of new flying broomsticks overnight!

After all, the main cause of this accident was the aging of the flying broomstick!

According to Xiaby’s post-event statement, he was exposed to Quidditch at the age of three and was able to fly freely at an altitude of fifty meters at the age of five. He was invited by major clubs at the age of ten and was the obvious second Krum.

But he resolutely gave up the sport of Quidditch, returned to Hogwarts, and entered Hufflepuff. Such an excellent child, can you say that he has poor talent?

Of course not, then the biggest problem is the poor quality of the school broomsticks.

As a result, countless students have found a reason!

It's not that their flying skills are poor, but the school's broomsticks limit their strength.

Of course, when Qiu rides that old broomstick, he can already be like a bird when he escapes the smell. This scene has been selectively ignored by everyone.

According to Mrs. Hooch, Ravenclaw College finally produced a talent.

William wanted to say that he is also a talent.

As the three-pointer of six consecutive orphanage basketball tournaments in his previous life, William does not want to boast.

But he has a super hand, if he is not too short, he will definitely become the No. 1 point guard in Asia.

Unfortunately, because of Charpy, the first class became an indoor class.

Mrs. Hooch didn't let everyone touch the ghost fly ball, which made William, who was preparing to take the ball to break through and show off his hands, was extremely disappointed.

Not seen for a few days, Lu Wei seems to have taken growth hormone, its body shape has turned several times, and it is almost as tall as Fang.

Hagrid also hid in his cabin all day long. He also complained that the smell affected Lu Wei's appetite...

William definitely didn't believe it. He clearly found that Lu Wei was eating more fragrant, not only Lu Wei, even Fang Ya.

Hagrid has not told Dumbledore Louway, especially as time passed, Malfoy has not been caught in Azkaban, and the public is demanding the truth!

The Ministry of Magic can't stand it anymore.

So Hagrid was scared.

William couldn't comfort Hagrid every day, because the taste was too spicy.

Everyone wore a mask, and people who didn't know thought that there was avian flu at Hogwarts.

Filch made a beautiful mask for Mrs. Loris, wore one himself, and stared around with a stick all day long.

He always claimed that these smells were made by the Weasley brothers, and asked Dumbledore to punish them severely, or even deduct points for the worst.

It has only been more than a month since the start of school, and Gryffindor has already lost 130 points.



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