Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 53: Vulnerability in the Live Point Map (first more)

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!William looked at the map very helplessly.

The map maker seemed to have thought of all the decryption spells, enough to prevent the little wizard from cracking the map forcibly.

But without knowing the secret order, it was impossible to use this map freely, and it was impossible to monitor Snape's medicine storeroom for a long time to find out who the attacker was.

William stared at the map without speaking.

George comforted: "It's okay, William, the big deal is that we will increase the frequency of pranks. Although slower, we will be able to complete the 1,000 small goals of the map sooner or later.

But William's dark green pupils were still staring at the map, as if thinking about something.

"What's the matter, William?" Cedric asked."Do you have any idea?"

"There are indeed some." William asked, "I remember the way to get the secret order, isn't it the only way?"

George dragged his chin and said, "It is true, but William, I don't think there will be any omissions in this map."

Of course, there is more than one way to crack this map.

The fastest way is to use powerful magic to directly violently unlock.

But that requires a very powerful confusing spell to confuse the map, and William and the four of them can't even use the confusing spell, let alone confuse the map.

The second way to crack is to complete a certain number of difficult pranks according to the requirements of the map, and the map will automatically tell the secret order.

This is the dumbest way.

It is also the only sure way for several people.

If the Weasley brothers continue to maintain high-intensity pranks, they will probably be able to complete this task next year.

The third is to find a secret that the creator of the map does not know.

As George said, it is difficult!

This map shows the producer's knowledge of Hogwarts. They are very confident. Hogwarts has no reservations about them and has no secrets.

They are also confident that there are no unexplored areas.

If someone can find the secret they haven't found, then the map will automatically show the secret order.

But since William brought it up, what should be thoughts.

George took out his magic wand and pointed at the parchment: "The map shows."

Soon, the thin ink lines like a spider web immediately began to appear from the place where the wand had just touched.

These lines merged and crossed each other, extending to every corner of the parchment; then writing began to appear on top of the parchment, curved green characters, they were:

"Magic Prank System-Live Point Map.

Proudly presented by the predator-moon face, worm tail, bigfoot and prongs."

Below is a line of small emerald green words: "The prongs greet Mr. Weasley, please give the secret order."

"I'm going to make a prank." Fred said seriously, and then showed a flattering smile. "Mr. Prong, you have always been so handsome. When in school, I think there are many girls who like you."

As if there was an invisible hand writing on the parchment, the map appeared handwriting: "The bigfoot is slightly hard, expressing agreement and expecting something."

George smiled: "Of course, Mr. Footfoot is also very handsome."

The handwriting appeared on the parchment again: "The secret order is wrong, but the prongs and big feet agree with Mr. Weasley's evaluation."

"So you will be eligible for a fifty-five-minute map. Please cherish your time for pranks."

The writing disappeared completely, and all the details of Hogwarts Castle and various venues were drawn in detail on the map.

William stared at the map.

The small ink dots moving along the map, each ink dot, is marked with a name with very small letters.Go to listen to the book network www.7tingshu.com

A small ink dot in the upper left corner shows that Professor Dumbledore is pacing in the office.

Filch's cat, Mrs. Loris, was stopping in the hallway on the eighth floor, seeming to sniff the smell on the floor.

The ghost Pippi, who loves to tease people, is jumping around in the prize room.

But on the entire map, the names of the four William were not shown!

They seem to have been erased from the map!

William smiled: "Really as I thought."

Several people gathered around the map, and Cedric quickly discovered the anomaly. He was surprised: "No our name?"

"This is the first time this has happened."

George was stern and solemn, like Professor McGonagall.

He always thought that this map was omnipotent, and it might even be a treasure left by the Big Four thousands of years ago, just like a sorting hat.

Of course, if it is really the treasure left by the Big Four, it is Gryffindor who made this map.

But it does not seem to be!

George was disappointed. He felt that his faith had collapsed. He always regarded the predator as his life mentor.

Fred also sighed: "It seems that they didn't find a room for responsiveness."

Cedric stared at it for a long time, and said: "It may not be that the room that is responsive to requests has not been found. It is also possible that this room has been displayed'not to be marked'."

"Unplotable" is a special magic that can be used to hide a certain area in the world.

Any place that is "unmarkable" cannot be seen directly, or simply cannot be marked on the map.

The places that cannot be plotted are usually the residences of wizards and magic schools.

Sparton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Durmstrang School, and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are not to be marked. They use powerful magic to protect their students and their secrets from being discovered by Muggles and dark wizards.

Similarly, the famous Azkaban is also located on an "unmarkable" island in the center of the North Sea, isolating it from the rest of the world.

William shook his head: "This house may be really'unmarkable', but I think it's a group of four predators, and I didn't find a house responsive to requests."

"How to say?"

William analyzed: "Look, maybe how many years ago, there were also four students who were just as keen to discover the secrets of Hogwarts.

Then I ask you, George, if it were you, you felt that you had mastered all the secrets of Hogwarts. What would you think about during a night tour?"

"I will want to find a'secret passage or room that has never been discovered by me.'"

William smiled and said: "Yes, it will only appear when you really need a responsive house."

"You are trying to find a room that has not been discovered by you. If the Bing Room responds to your request and appears in front of you, at that moment, this room is no longer an undiscovered room.

This kind of logical paradox is an invalid order, so there is a room for requests, and it is never shown in front of a few people."



(PS1 is the first one, ask for recommendation votes.)

(The above ps2 is just my own analysis, no one knows all about Hogwarts, and the Predator Four is no exception.

The most direct evidence, [Order of the Phoenix Chapter 17] Harry seeks a hidden place for DA to practice defense against dark magic,

Sirius' first reaction was the screaming shed, and then the secret passage on the fifth floor, all of which were rejected, and he did not think of other better places.

If he knows that there is a room for demand, the first reaction is definitely a room for demand, such as Dobby.)