Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 54 Christmas (Second)

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Several people are thinking carefully about William's words.

After a while, Fred, whose red lips had disappeared, patted William on the thigh, and smiled: "Why do you want to do so much? Can we ask for a live map?"

"The map shows." Fred tapped his wand again.

"Gentlemen predators, did you notice that the four of us disappeared on the map?"

Soon, the handwriting on the map of Huodian changed:

"The Prongs are very curious about this unknown place and think it can pass the test."

Immediately afterwards, new lines of writing appeared below:

"The Bigfoot recognizes this magic."

"Moon face agrees."

"Wormtail has no opinion."

Fred was still in surprise, all of the handwriting on the map of the live spot was suddenly erased, and then a row of green fonts appeared on the parchment.

"Live the map to open the secret order: I solemnly swear that I did nothing good.

End secret order: The prank is over."

Several people looked at the parchment a little helpless, but didn't think that the opening and closing of the map would be like this.

George said excitedly: "It seems we have something to do this time."

What he called, except for pranks, was a night tour.



As time goes by, Christmas is coming soon.

One morning in mid-December, everyone woke up from their dreams and found that the lake was covered with several feet of snow, and the lake was covered with hard ice.

George and Fred were unlucky. They tried to break through Snape's medicine storage room, but were trapped by Dumbledore's magic, and then Professor McGonagall caught it.

Professor McGonagall fined the two of them to clean the snow at the gate of the castle with bare hands.

The ground here is too slippery, and many little wizards fell here.

When the two of them were cleaning the snow, they piled up a giant monster-like snowman and stuffed a big stick into the snowman's hands.

The little wizards all around clapped, and the look of the giant monster was so vivid.

Soon, the little wizards from the four courtyards ran over to make snowmen.

There are all kinds of them, the giant Scottish round-faced fat chicken, Grindillo, the fire dragon, the Bobo tea...

Professor Snape hadn't returned yet, and everyone thought he was imprisoned in Azkaban, at least for Christmas there.

Mrs. Pomfrey is still the same, but she finally promised to teach everyone to make potions, because the flu has begun to spread at Hogwarts.

Drinking the potion made by yourself did not sound like a good decision, so everyone listened very seriously, which made Madam Pomfrey very satisfied.

A few owls flew across the snowy sky to deliver mail. They experienced hardships. They had to regain their strength under Hagrid's care before they could continue to take off.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and everyone can't wait for the holiday.Although the Ravenclaw common room and auditorium

The blazing fire, but the draughty corridor, became bitterly cold, and the window glass of the classroom was also rattling by the freezing cold wind.

This Christmas, William will go home, as will Cedric and Qiu.

Brothers Charlie and Weasley will not go back. Mrs. Weasley will take Ron and Ginny to Egypt to visit Bill.

Charlie can take care of Lu Wei here if he doesn't go back.

The twin brotherhoods continue to take risks in the school. They need to check the safety of several other secret tunnels, and by the way monitor who attacked Professor Snape's medicine storage room.

They agreed that the man would definitely do it during the Christmas holiday.Ranwen Novel www.ranwen52000.com

When William and Qiu left the underground classroom after finishing the potions class, they found that the corridor in front was tightly blocked by a large fir tree.

Seeing the two big feet sticking out from under the tree, and hearing the loud whirring sound, they knew that behind the tree, it must be a hail.

"Hey, Hagrid, do you need help?" Qiu asked, and the girl stretched her head between the branches.

"No, I have done it."Said Hagrid, "go, let's go to the restaurant and have a look."

So William and Qiu followed Hagrid and his fir tree to the auditorium, where Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were both busy arranging Christmas decorations.

"Ah, Hagrid, the last tree was brought in too-put it in the corner over there, okay?"

William looked around and found that the auditorium looked beautiful and magnificent.

The walls are covered with hanging ribbons of holly and mistletoe. Twelve towering Christmas trees are erected everywhere in the room. Some trees are hung with small icicles, and some trees are shining with hundreds of candles.

William unexpectedly discovered that the Christmas atmosphere at Hogwarts was actually much stronger than the New Year atmosphere in the previous celestial dynasty.

When he crossed over, artillery was completely banned, and even the shop was completely banned. There was no sense of the New Year anymore, at least the festive atmosphere was not strong.

In comparison, Hogwarts is good.

But William also has a puzzle. Why do they wizards spend Christmas?

It was strange that William couldn't think of his sister.

Two days later, this semester finally ended.

The next day, the little wizards took the train back to London station and walked out of platform 9¾ in twos and threes.

Qiu's father is from the Celestial Dynasty, his national character face, his face is amiable, and his mouth is a standard chinglish.

William listened very kindly. His spoken English in his previous life was worse than this.

This makes Cedric, who wants to get close, a little uncomfortable.

But he still greeted Qiu's father in the crappy Chinese language he had learned from William.

And Qiu's father communicated with Cedric in spoken language that conformed to the grammar of the heavens.

The two talked in full swing.

As for why William speaks Celestial dialect and speaks more fluently than Autumn, does the world of genius need an explanation?

Cedric's father was a red-faced wizard with a short brown beard.

He is shaking hands with Roy.

"I've heard Seid mention many times that your William is a nice young man, it's a pity not to be in Hufflepuff.

But it’s okay. As a senior, Seid can teach William a lot of knowledge, right?"

"I heard that Said joined the Hufflepuff Quidditch team and became a seeker, like when I was young..."

Cedric was a little embarrassed.

He is also desperate for such a dazzling crazy demon!

After the people separated, William got in the car and the family drove toward the house.

Bobocha sat in Annie's arms, rubbing her head constantly, making a slurping sound in her mouth.Annie found a lot of snacks in William's pocket, and she was very happy.

Along the way, William was talking about interesting things about Hogwarts.

Family is another emotion, totally different from Hogwarts.Because of William, they are also particularly interested in the world of magic.

Even his father, who originally opposed his going to the Magic Academy, laughed happily after listening to William's anecdote about the academy.

William likes this life very much.



(The second one, there will be another one in the evening, ask for a recommendation ticket!!)