Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 90 Time Paradox

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In the famous grandmother's paradox, this is what it says:

If you go back in time and kill your grandparents before your father is born, this action will create a contradiction: you go back in time and kill your young grandmother, and if your grandmother dies, there will be no father, and no father. There won't be you, so who killed the grandmother?

Or as: Your existence means that your grandmother did not die because of you, so why did you kill your grandmother?

Tywin used the time converter to almost have this problem. He was attacked by himself without knowing it, and he was seriously injured.

Tai Wen, who traveled back, obviously didn't understand the complicated relationship inside. He only saw one himself and approached him, thinking that it was the attacker, so he took the lead in raising his wand.

But, that was actually the first self.

If Tai Wen is still alive, he probably looks up to the sky and asks: "Who killed me, and who did I kill?"

William sat in his office chair and continued to analyze the entire incident.

"After Tywin attacked'himself', there was no obstruction, went to the Ravenclaw lounge to kill Robert and took away the knocker.

At this time, he had already fought with'self' three times and suffered serious injuries.

He drank the compound decoction he had prepared long ago, turned into Professor Snape, and went to the medicine storeroom."

"Why does he want to be like Snape?" a principal asked in the frame.

William recognized that it was Armando Dupete, the previous principal.

"It's very simple. Tywin fought Snape in the corridor on the fifth floor. He didn't know that it was not Snape, but it didn't prevent him from thinking so.

Now that there was a battle, Snape must go to the principal's office to find Professor Dumbledore, the medicine storeroom was empty.

So, he drank the compound decoction he had prepared long ago and turned into Snape's appearance, wanting to get some healing potions, and then took advantage of this appearance to take the opportunity to escape the school with the knocker.

But he didn't expect that Professor Snape was in the medicine storeroom, and the two fought."

This is also the first memory William saw in Dumbledore.

Snape recalled that a person exactly like him tried to break into the medicine storage room, and the two fought.

It's just that Tywin was badly injured, not Snape's opponent, and unexpectedly was hit by black magic in the chest, and then escaped again, while Snape rushed to Ravenclaw to check and found Robert's death.

"At this time, Tai Wen used the time converter for the third time, trying to prevent him from getting the ring in the first place.

However, he never expected that he, who had just left the Office of Defense Against the Dark Arts, would become Professor Snape."

William stirred the meditation basin, which revealed the fifth-floor corridor, where Tywin was fighting Snape.

"This is the fifth time that Tai Wen has been injured. He found that he was trapped in the cycle of time, so he wanted to go to the responsive house to hide, but Lu Wei hid in it."

"Professor's whole process is like this, what is wrong with me?"

Dumbledore applauded, not only him, but the principals in the frame.

The only one who didn't applaud was Phineas Black, who snorted in his nose, calling Tywin an idiot.

"William, you are better than I thought. I thought you could not find the connection in the end and would come to me again. You are indeed a Ravenclaw." Dumbledore praised.

"No, I also thought about it for a long time. If it were you, you would find the problem at a glance." William said modestly.

"You exalt me ​​too much. I am not omnipotent. Many people have wisdom that I don't have.

Fortunately, there are no outsiders here. After Professor McGonagall praised me for being noble, I have not blushed like I am now."113 Novels www.113xs.com

"Then Professor, I have a question."


"Since Tywin already has a time converter, why is he looking for a Ravenclaw ring for a illusory legend?

Using the time converter directly, can you not travel back to the past?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "Do you really think so?"

"Isn't it?"

"I think you read a sentence repeatedly when you learned about the time converter?"

"No abuse!"

"Yes." Dumbledore folded his hands and leaned back in the chair.

"According to the current research results, the longest retrospective time that will not have a serious impact on travelers or time itself is about five hours, and the number of times used in each time period cannot exceed two.

All attempts to go back more than a few hours ago have had a disastrous effect on the witches and wizards involved.

For many years, people did not know why time travellers could not survive the long journey.

But these experiments were terminated in 1899, when Heloise Mintab was trapped in 1402 for five days.

On the return journey, her body was old for five centuries and suffered irreparable trauma. Soon after she was rescued, she died at the St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries.

Similarly, the five days she spent in the distant past severely interfered with the life trajectory of everyone she encountered, and their lives were significantly affected, causing them to disappear from at least twenty-five descendants of today. Never born."

"Finally, there were some signs of danger. In the few days after Mrs. Mintab's return, time itself was disturbed due to the severe disruption of time rules.

On Tuesday after her reappearance, the shift lasted for two days, and on Thursday it became four hours.

In order to cover up this matter, the Ministry of Magic has been in constant trouble, and has since spawned the most stringent legal regulations and punishments around time travel research."

"Even under the management of the Ministry of Magic, the use of extremely limited time converters is subject to hundreds of laws."

"Although the danger is far less than that of crossing five centuries, returning to five hours ago can still lead to serious consequences.

As Saul Crocker said, "The human mind cannot understand time, so it cannot understand what kind of damage is caused by trying to break the rules of time.'"

After hearing Dumbledore's words, William nodded.

Even if Tywin did not return to five hours ago, but only within forty minutes, and he only used the time converter three times, it almost caused him to kill himself.

If he uses the time converter and goes back ten years ago, then more unpredictable things will happen, which is why he is looking for the Ravenclaw ring!

After all, in rumors, the Ravenclaw ring has no side effects during time travel.

William suddenly thought of something. Tywin used the time converter many times. The first reason was because Dumbledore went to the Ravenclaw lounge without warning.

This led to a series of avalanche-like accidents after Tai Wen!

Think carefully!



(The third thing is, I ask for recommendation votes, everyone.)