Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 105-Bertha Jorkins

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Cedric was chatting in the front hall, and Weasley and Mr. Diggory were with him.

"How did you get here?" Seeing Roy, Mr. Weasley stood up excitedly and asked, "Car?"

"Door key, Mr. Weasley." William replied. "He took a golden coin from his pocket."

William knew that Mr. Weasley was changing cars. During the summer vacation, he wrote to ask many questions about cars.

"Oh, of course, the Ministry is still cautious this time." Mr. Weasley was a little disappointed."The door key was not used last time and was almost found by a Muggle from the tour group."

The location of Merlin Lodge is a tourist attraction for Muggles, and it is easy to spot if you are not careful.

Mr. Diggory came over and shook hands with William cordially. He said, "William, thank you for your invitation.

Every year, the Merlin Medal award banquet invites senior executives and politicians of the Ministry of Magic from all over the world, as well as outstanding figures in various industries."

"But there are very few invitations circulating in the UK, and it is difficult to get it. Lovegood still wants to spend two hundred gallons to buy my place. He wants to bring his daughter Luna, but I refused. ."

"Nothing." William said politely, "Cedric is my good friend."

"Who else hasn't arrived." Mr. Weasley asked.

"Flight and Professor McGonagall have followed Professor Dumbledore to arrive early, and we will go in first." William said.

Everyone walked outside.

They settled in a small village called Salisbury. This village is a village where wizards gather. It is also the only village in the UK where Muggles live together.

They usually hide their identities and concentrate on tourism, just to cover the ceremony of the Merlin Merlin.

After crossing a section of the road, everyone came to a magnificent ruins.


"Oh, I've been here, and I haven't noticed anything unusual before." Hermione covered her mouth in surprise.

Stonehenge is a famous attraction in Britain, but it was unexpected that the Merlin Lodge is hidden underground.

Fred explained: "Children from wizards know that there is a bedtime story about Stonehenge and Merlin.

Legend has it that Merlin sang a magic ballad to commemorate King Arthur's uncle, calling for huge rocks from Ireland, and building Stonehenge in Salisbury Plain overnight."

William shrugged: "My bedtime story is the love and hatred of Snow White and the seven gourd babies."

Hermione looked at William dumbfounded. What the hell are the seven gourd babies?

Everyone stepped into Stonehenge, and the gold coins in William's pocket floated from his pocket, projecting a bright light. With the darkness in front of them, they appeared at one end of a very long and magnificent hall.

The hall is covered with a very shiny black wooden floor, and the peacock blue ceiling is inlaid with glittering golden symbols, which keep moving and changing.

"Go here," Mr. Weasley said.

Under the guidance of Mr. Weasley, everyone came to the left, where there was a sign that said safe place.

As they approached, a wizard looked up at them and put down the "Daily Prophet" in his hand.

"Stand over," the wizard said in a boring tone.

The crowd walked towards him, and he took out a long golden stick, which was as thin and soft as a car antenna. The wizard used it to fly up and down in front of everyone.

"Wand." The wizard in the safe place put down the golden device and stretched out his hand.

William, Hermione, and Cedric passed their wands over.

The wizard put his wand on a strange brass instrument, which resembled dish antennas of various proportions.Chasing Literature www.zhuiyo.com

The instrument began to vibrate, and five narrow strips of parchment came out from the bottom of the instrument.The wizard picked up the parchment and read the text.

"Cherry wood, phoenix feathers, twelve and three-quarters inches, is the information correct?"

"Yes." William replied.

"I'll keep this," the wizard said, nailing the small strip of parchment to a small copper nail."You take your wand back."

He threw the wand to William and added.

"Thank you."

"Wait..." the wizard said suddenly.

"Are you... William Stark?"

He glanced at the Daily Prophet, which also had a picture of William.


"Oh hoo hoo, I single-handedly caught the Death Eater who attacked the Ministry of Magic. I heard my son mention you. He is Hufflepuff’s Charpy."

William remembers Charpy, the man who almost fell into the microbial corruption pool during the flight class.

The wizard took out the paper and seemed to want to sign.

"Thank you, Ole." Mr. Weasley said calmly."Quickly check the other wands, we still have business."

"Oh, OK."

The wizard quickly checked all the wands, and he said: "Bertha Jorkins will take you to the Merlin Memorial."

Mr. Diggory raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, don't be like Diggory, we don't have anyone here for the time being, you know, this is the Merlin Medal ceremony. Wizards from all over the world are here today."

The wizard complained: "If you want me to say, I shouldn't send so many invitations, just send them to the winners and his relatives. Send so many to dignitaries, rich wizards, and I don’t know how much the Ministry of Magic has taken. money……"

"Well," interrupted Mr. Weasley. "Where has Bertha gone? She won't get lost again, will she?"

"It's very likely." Ole grinned. "Maybe after the banquet is over, she will find her way.

Her memory has become so bad recently, just like the old lady, she often forgets various things.

Mr. Crouch should let her leave our department as soon as possible. You can go to the Sports Department. Ludo Bagman is also a fool and should understand her."

"Hello! Hello!" At this moment, an anxious voice came from across the hall, "Are there any new guests? I just went to the toilet and got lost."

William saw a witch with a sign and a sheepskin scroll hurried towards them.

The witch was a little fat and found her way again. She waved happily, curly blond hair exposed under the fashionable thread-knit wizard hat.

Um... you will get lost even when you go to the toilet. Can you really take a few people to the Merlin Memorial Hall?

William was suspicious.



(Seeking recommendation votes, everyone.

Ten thousand recommendation votes should be increased by one, but the Chinese New Year is too busy and I owe it temporarily. I already owe two more, um... I don’t panic at all.)