Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 129 Ye Qi (Fifth, for subscription)

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!On the way back, several people were very happy.

William confirmed several big orders and was in a good mood; Neville beat Malfoy, although he was more sitting on Harry and was bitten by a mouse, but he was still very happy.

But Neville soon became unhappy. Hermione told him that the mouse had a series of viruses such as Hantan.

Neville's face was pale, and he repeatedly checked his ankle for any mouse bite wounds.

William comforted: "It's okay, Neville, that rat is domestically raised, otherwise Percy and Ron would have been sick already."

"But it always moves. If it encounters a mouse of the opposite sex, it may be bitten!" Hermione retorted loudly.

"I happen to know so many examples. They are all written in Encyclopedia Britannica. One of the boys is only eleven years old. He raised a mouse..."

With her powerful memory, Hermione accurately repeated several examples, and Neville's face became paler.

But there was no wound on his ankle. He panicked and showed the red and swollen packet on his right hand to the two of them.

"Did it bit by the mouse."

"Neville, the mouse only bit your ankle." William rolled his eyes.

"Maybe it's transferred?" Hermione said seriously: "William, we can't rule out this possibility!

I happened to know so many examples, one of the boys was only eleven years old..."

William knocked on her head. This girl happened to know too much.

"But I feel that the wound is beginning to swell and itchy, and my hands are very uncomfortable." Neville said with a startled illness.

William lowered his head and glanced at the red packet seriously, and pushed the glasses that did not exist on his face.

"Navi, based on my many years of clinical experience, this is just a small packet bitten by a mosquito."

Hermione stuffed her furry head again, and she hesitated: "It seems like..."

Neville's heart fell.

But Hermione stared wide-eyed, and said solemnly: "However, mosquitoes can also transmit many viruses, such as yellow fever.

I happen to know so many examples, one of the boys..."

Neville's heart fell and fell directly into the cliff.

William and Hermione comforted him for several minutes before Neville could barely believe that he would be fine.

To comfort him, William also took out a bottle of water, pretended to be a potion, and wiped him.

Neville was completely relieved now.

Hermione was very happy. After today's incident, she found that she was really good, but the few people she knew were too good, and it seemed that she was not good.

William didn't correct Hermione's behavior of showing off her knowledge. Everyone has their own personality, and there is no need to change it forcibly.

It is better to be yourself than to cater to others.

As for whether Hermione will grow...

William believed it would, after all, there is still a kind-hearted Professor Snape who is not, he will let Hermione grow up quickly.

This will be a very good experience.

Hmm... of course for Professor Snape.

Walking on the road, Hermione asked curiously: "William, how do we divide the hospital?"

Neville also turned his gaze to William, which was a concern for every little wizard.

William shrugged and smiled: "I won't tell you. You can't know everything before school starts. This is an annual repertoire."

"Well, I think I'm ready." Hermione believes.

She has memorized so many spells, no matter how she tests, she believes that she will get a good score.

"Which college do you want to go to?" William looked at the two.

"I want to go to Gryffindor, but I feel like I can only go to Hufflepuff." Neville couldn't believe it.

"This is a typical prejudice, and there is nothing wrong with Hufflepuff." William seriously said: "There is no difference between any college. In fact, Cedric is a student of Hufflepuff.

He was the best student in their class, so I don't agree with the so-called which college is the best."

"Is that so?" William's words made Neville happier.Good mood literature website www.hxqwx.com

"What about you, Hermione?" William asked, "Which college do you want to go to?"

"I don't know, I hope to be assigned to Ravenclaw, where there are many students who love to learn.

Of course, if it is Gryffindor, it's not bad. I heard that Principal Dumbledore graduated from there..." Hermione was not sure.

"By the way, this evening party has a surprise." William laughed.

"What surprise?"


The train moved quickly, and when it was dark, they finally reached the terminal.

Everyone got off the train in a crowd and walked along the platform.

A light swayed above the students, and Hagrid yelled: "First-year students! First-year students come here!

Hi William, I received your gift and I love it!See you at a dinner later.

Did you see Harry?Harry, come here, how are you?"

The little wizards in the first grade followed Hagrid to one side, while the other students all took another path.

At the end of the street light, there were at least a hundred carriages waiting in place.

In front of each car was pulled by a creature. There was no flesh on them. The black fur was tightly attached to the skeleton, and every bone was clearly visible.

Their heads are very similar to those of dragons, their eyes without pupils are white, staring straight ahead.Wings emerged from the bulge between the shoulder bones-big, black, tough wings.

These animals were motionless, standing quietly in the darkening darkness, looking strange and ominous.

"Merlin, it's Ye Qi." William rubbed his hands in excitement. It was the first time he saw this rare magical creature.

Used to pull cars...too extravagant

It feels like the tractor is equipped with a BMW 7-series engine, which is wasteful.

William looked at Ye Qi curiously, and even tried to poke with his wand.

"Can you actually see them?" Cedric was surprised.

"Oh of course, let me think about it..." William is not sure if it is because he has witnessed Tai Wen's death in the time loop or the old goblin's death in Gringotts.

Anyway, only those who have witnessed death can see the night sky, so they are also regarded as unknown creatures, like crows gathering around the dead.

A few people got into the dark carriage, and the carriage started to drive on its own, staggering all the way.There was a faint musty and straw smell in the carriage.

Well, even a tractor is not good enough, at most a tricycle.

After entering the carriage, Cedric stopped talking to Qiu, and hugged William eagerly.

"William, can you...that...you know?"

William stretched out his hand to protect his body, trying to make the greasy man Cedric roll away.

Qiuya looked at Cedric with strange eyes.

"No, Ye Qi's tail feathers are a very special kind of rod core, can you help me gather a bunch of them."

William glanced at Ye Qi's shriveled body. There was not much meat on his body, so he relied on hair to keep him warm. Cedric actually wanted him to take a...a bundle?

You thought it was Chinese cabbage.

"Why don't you go by yourself."

"I can't see, if I can see, how can I let you help."

At this moment, Ye Qi, who was pulling the carriage in front of him, suddenly stopped.

It blinked its white eyes timidly and turned to stare at the secret conversation, as if it could understand every word of the two.

This is very embarrassing.



(Please ask for a recommendation ticket, thanks to "Xue Qingyuan", "Black Hand Chieftain Salted Yuwei", "Friends of the Taoist, please stay here", "Wind Spirit Fifteen", "Storm Warlock"

, "Yao Ri 1", a reward from several bigwigs.(∇)
