Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 273 Sniffing is the eternal god of dripping

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The attack on Filch still had a big impact.

For several days in a row, the students did not talk about anything else, all day long talking about his attack.

But everyone still holds the mentality of gloating more.

No one likes Filch!

Filch's performance also made everyone unforgettable all the time. He seemed to have been severely hit, holding a broomstick all day like a walking corpse, cleaning the castle mechanically.

He still mumbled: "Harry Potter."

Many students regard Harry as the hero who defeated Filch.

Mrs. Lorice's behavior was the strangest. She dared not approach Filch at all, and ran to Popocha's cat climbing frame to sleep every night.

Therefore, William also prepared a small nest for Mrs. Lorice, and served with delicious food and drink all day long.

It would be best if Mrs. Lorice could still give birth to kittens here, so that she would not be aware of it and would not be discovered by Filch.

Although Dumbledore kept saying that the secret room was not important, William wanted to look for it and see what he found.

In fact, he had already had a secret room goal, and it was not too difficult to find.

For example... a secret road!

There are many secret passages at Hogwarts.

Some winding paths are secluded and heavily sheltered by dense forests; some are hidden deep in the valleys with gurgling water outside.

Each secret path is deeper or shallower, larger or tighter, and the posture of entry is also different.

For example, in the corridor on the seventh floor of Hogwarts Castle, there is a portrait of Winlock, an arithmetic fortune-teller.

Behind the portrait is a secret passage leading to the portrait room, which is filled with Hogwarts picture frames and the password is "Snafflejack".

William has been there many times, and he has benefited a lot from discussing potions and spells with several principals.

There are currently seven secret roads leading to Hogsmeade.

In the first grade, the twins often walked the secret path behind the mirror on the fifth floor.

But later, William and the others found the skin of a giant snake in it, and the few people never walked there again.

Dumbledore guessed that the basilisk was a monster in the secret chamber, and the basilisk had been skinned here, then this secret passage must have an entrance to the secret chamber.

When he came to this secret road again, William was still very impressed. It was not so much a secret road as it was the underground palace of Hogwarts.

It is really like the underground palace, with a main road, on both sides of the road, there are countless small rooms and walkways.

Soon, they arrived at the building directly below the rotunda.

With the light, they could see the forty Doric pillars on the upper marble floor.

There is no trace of time flowing in the building in this underground palace. The reliefs are lifelike, and the colonnade is carved with various ancient runes.

When he first came, William was still a freshman Xiao Mengxin, but now he can understand the text on the building.

"What did it say?" Cedric asked.

He has also studied ancient magic texts, but he is only limited to knowing vocabulary and can't understand the meaning of the above.

"The carvings on these pillars are all magic to protect this building from being destroyed."

William did not get any information about the specific purpose of this building from above.

However, in the era of the Big Four, it must be a very important secret gathering place.

It seems that the Big Four are also doing educational work on the surface, secretly engaging in pyramid schemes.

The four of them walked forward and saw the lake deep underground.

There is a small island in the middle of the lake,

There are pyramids on the island.

The pyramid is about two stories high and made of granite.Under the shining of the floor lamp, the four ridges are polished and exquisite.

The surrounding magic guarantees that no one can enter the middle of the lake.

Since they couldn't get close, they didn't stay too much and walked towards the place where they found the basilisk skin.

"right here."

They came to a corridor with the bones of various small animals, and it was obvious that the basilisk had eaten here.

The four of them moved on and saw the outline of a giant coiled creature.

It was a huge snake skin, pale white, and it faded for a long time.

"There won't be a basilisk in the secret room?" Fred said worriedly.

If they find the secret room and find that there is another one inside, they will belch by accident.

"Probably not. From a food point of view, Hogwarts can only feed a basilisk." William analyzed.

Didn’t you see that this basilisk eats food like mice?

A mouse can't stuff its teeth, if there were two basilisks, it would have been pinched.

This also shows from the side that the basilisk does not take the initiative to attack the wizard, otherwise the school will have so many delicious snacks.Xinfeng Literature Network www.xinfengwenxue.com

"But you still have to guard against it," George said, and took out a rooster from the ring.

The rooster's cry is fatal to the basilisk.

"Where is the chicken?" William asked curiously.

"Hagrid raised them. I stole them all." George said excitedly."You see, this chicken is big and fat. After we find the secret room, we can eat chicken in it."

William nodded, he still has a lot of condiments, and he can indeed have a small barbecue.

The four of them walked forward along the corridor, and Cedric couldn't help but asked curiously:

"William, I checked in the library books. To get the basilisk, you need to place an egg under the body of a toad to hatch.

Since the method is so simple, there should be many basilisks, but why does Mr. Scamander's book say that there have been no basilisks in England for hundreds of years?"

The twins also looked at William.

William pondered for a moment and explained: "Not all eggs can hatch a basilisk, it must be a male egg."

"Does the rooster have eggs?" Fred asked curiously.

"Of course roosters have eggs." William said, "that kind of eggs is not an egg in the conventional sense, but a mixture of rooster's sex and feces."

"This kind of mixture will become as big as an egg after seven years of gestation. Because there is such a fake egg in the belly, the rooster will not eat any more, digging for the grass in the chicken coop, and can't calm down.

Then, avoiding eyes and ears, it secretly lays eggs on Sirius' brightest night.

The egg that is laid is the male egg, also called the magic egg."

The method of making basilisk in this section was seen by William in a book in the restricted area of ​​the library.

The magic is so vast, and many books are only covered in one stroke, and will not tell you how to spell or make certain magic items.

But in the restricted area of ​​the Hogwarts Library, you can always find the answers you want.

Of course, there are also times of failure.

William saw an entry about Horcrux in Tywin's "Three Volumes of Secret Philosophy".

He searched the restricted area of ​​the library several times, but did not find any information about how to make a Horcrux.

Only a little mention in the preface of "The Most Poisonous Magic": "With regard to the most evil magical invention of Horcrux, I will not discuss or give guidance here."

What is this behavior?

And Fermat's sentence... "I am sure I have discovered a wonderful proof method, but unfortunately the blank space here is too small to write."... There are similarities and the same effect.

If you don't write, why mention it!

Simply outrageous!

"So, it takes seven years to conceive, no wonder there are so few basilisks." Cedric shook his head.

William thought for a while and continued to popularize science: "In fact, this kind of magic egg is not only for the basilisk.

If it is not hatched by a toad, but by a poisonous snake, a basilisk will be born."

The Basilisk is different from the Basilisk. It has wings and bears the head of the chicken.

But it is as dangerous as the basilisk. In the Triwizard Tournament in 1792, the warriors had to deal with a soft-tailed monster. Then three principals were injured and many students died.

Since then, the intense and exciting Triwizard Tournament has never been held again.

The four of them walked and talked, and finally reached the end of the tunnel, where there was a broken wall.

They crossed the wall and looked inside.

"This is... Hogwarts sewer." George exclaimed.

"The basilisk always shuttles in the pipe, so everyone can't find it." Fred said.

No wonder the Basilisk can enter the Quidditch arena from Black Lake.

Most of the Hogwarts pipelines flow to the Black Lake. The Basilisk can enter the Black Lake, and then pass through the one-way pipeline to enter the Quidditch arena.

William remembered another thing. In the Hogwarts construction drawing that Dumbledore showed him, he wrote:

In the 18th century, Corvinus Gunter led the construction of the Hogwarts pipeline system.

The Gunter family is the descendant of Slytherin.

He estimated that he had discovered the secret room, so he deliberately used a complicated pipe system to completely hide the basilisk to prevent others from finding it.

"It's very complicated here. Even if we investigate, it will take a long time to find, and it is easy to get lost." Cedric said.

Hogwarts has pipelines throughout the school. It is indeed not an easy task not to get lost in such an environment.

"It's okay, we have it." Fred grinned and took out his big baby.


Sure enough, sniffing is the eternal god!



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