Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 284 Live-action Catwoman

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Christmas is coming soon.

But there is not much Christmas atmosphere in the school, because Justin of Hufflepuff College became the next victim.

Harry and Ron were found at the crime scene again!

The two felt wronged, especially Harry.

He didn't want to wander around the campus, he just wanted to lie down on the bed alone, and then reminisce about the 250th anniversary of talking to Qiu.

But Ron insisted on getting him out of bed and dragging him in the trash cans of various schools, looking for scaly bodies.

Ron hopes to hold a decent funeral for Banban and, by the way, collect some money to buy himself some Christmas gifts.

Fuck, it's crazy mouse blood buns... Ron's trick is really amazing, it would be a shame not to engage in self-media!

Unfortunately, Shaban did not find the body, but they found Justin who was attacked, which was embarrassing.

At that time, Pippi was also on the scene, yelling "Potter and Weasley murdered" everywhere.

The reason is very simple.

According to Justin's roommate Ernie: On the night of the duel club, Justin was assigned to Ron to fight by Snape. At that time, he punched Ron in the head.

What's more, Justin was born in Muggle and told Harry that he was going to Eton College.

As a result, everyone became more afraid.

Not only Harry, but Ron was also isolated...the two of them were called the "Abnormal" duo.

Everyone is rumored that the two of them are collaborating to commit crimes.

Simply put: a reconnaissance, a trailing, an attack, a lookout, a combination of men and men, work is not tired!

However, this kind of rumors did not affect William and the others. Several people prepared to take advantage of the last period of time before the holiday to thoroughly investigate a certain branch of the sewer.

"We won't go home for Christmas!"

Fred picked up a few Gallons from the pipe and put them in his pocket, then said.

"Mr. Weasley and the two of them?" William marked the sewer map in his hand.

"They are going to Romania to visit Charlie. They can't go back home for the time being. There are reporters everywhere," George explained.

Since Ron injured Malfoy, his father Lucius has been around, trying to drive Weasley out of the Ministry.

The reporters also squeezed into the house, staying on interviews all day, trying to find some valuable news.

No one mentioned Hogwarts' attack, and it was obviously suppressed by Dumbledore and the Ministry.

"Are you going back?" George asked.

"I want to go home, I haven't been back in a long time." Cedric said.

"I want to go back too." William smiled.

He had already agreed with Annie to go home, and Hermione had also gone back, not spending the Christmas holiday at school.

"During Christmas, we should be able to search the sewer and find the secret room smoothly." Fred said.

William hesitated, shook his head and said, "Stop activities during Christmas."

William is not in school, he is still afraid of the twins.

After all, he had already got the news from Dumbledore...The man behind the scenes might be a magic item left by Voldemort.

This level of danger has risen sharply.

"Alright." George said, "We can watch Ron and Harry and keep them from running around."

"Can you watch it?" William laughed. "They are still going to test Malfoy today."

"Test Malfoy?"

"Yeah, they think the diary is inseparable from the Malfoys, so they want to make some conversation.

If all goes well, they are probably already at Slytherin College."

"There is no danger, is it?" Fred said suspiciously. "Since Ron hurt Malfoy, the two of them have not been welcomed by Slytherin."

What Fred said... as if it had been popular before.

"There shouldn't be any problems." William was confident."There is a compound decoction, and Hermione is there."

As soon as William's voice fell, he felt the ring hot. He took out a sound-transmitting snail made by Nico from it, and Hermione's cries were immediately heard from the conch:

"William, where are you, come and save me!"


William suddenly felt hot and painful, and Hermione was all swollen.

Sure enough, slapping is also a technical job, and it's timing!



Myrtle's bathroom.

Myrtle sang happily, she knocked on the door and shouted, "Granger, come out quickly!"

"Don't..." Kubi Fun Pavilion www.ku162.com

"If you don't come out, I will call someone to let everyone see!" Myrtle threatened.


William walked quickly into the bathroom, seeing the farce in front of him.

After half a year of dispersing the smell, the rotten smell of the food in the bathroom finally disappeared.

Seeing William coming, Myrtle said excitedly: "William, you are here, it's terrible! Finally something uglier than me."

Myrtle’s flamboyant look reminded William of Sister Pomegranate... After Qiuxiang was completely unrecognizable, Sister Pomegranate was so gloating.

"Where is Hermione?" William asked.

Myrtle pointed to a toilet, and then flew out, ready to inform other students.

William walked over and pushed the door, but didn't push it open.

"Hermione, open the door, it's me."

There was only a depressed cry.

"If you don't open the door, how can I save you?"

Hermione cried, and intermittently said: "I made... the compound soup, which is only one hour old... when it's there... you can change it back!"

"The compound decoction is not for animal deformation, and you won't change it back after an hour." William answered in the affirmative.

The crying in the toilet increased, but Hermione just refused to open the door.

"Myrtle is calling for the students. If you don't open the door, other students will come soon. You don't want to be seen by others, do you?"


The door lock is opened.

William pushed the door and walked in.

Hermione was curling up in the corner, covering her head with her robe, trying to hide herself.

William sat down on the toilet and gently lifted the robe. The girl held it tightly and refused to let him take it away.

"Don't... William!" Hermione cried out with trembling lips.

"Good, obedient!"

William lifted the robe again, and Hermione didn't struggle.

I saw Hermione turned into a live-action catwoman... Her face was covered with black hair, her eyes turned yellow, two long pointed ears, which branched out from her hair, and a long slender Cat tail.

She cried bitterly."M—Millison must have a cat! What I am holding is not her hair, but the cat's hair!"


To be honest, it was the first time William saw this kind of scene. Although he was professional, he... really wanted to laugh.

I wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, so I had to put my head slightly over.


Hermione grabbed the robe and was about to throw it on William's face.But she raised her hand and held it for a long time, but still couldn't bear to hit the boy.

Then, seeming to cry again with William's expression, she turned her back and put her head against the cold wall.

Hermione just shed tears and did not cry.

William sighed quietly, narrowed his expression, and reached out to wipe the tears from the girl's cheeks.

Seeing that Hermione hadn't turned his head, William squatted down, gently raised his hand, and turned the girl's head to him little by little.

He said softly: "Idiot, don't you just become a cat? You think, I have become a sea eagle. It's better than yours, can't you see where to go?"

"That's different...you can change it back!" Hermione choked.

"With me, you can change back to the original Hermione!"

William took out a bottle of compound decoction from the ring, and he stared at Hermione's eyes with a clear and serious expression.

"If you can't go back, how about I also drink a bottle of compound decoction with cat hair and stay with you forever?"

Hermione nodded stupidly, sobbed, shook her head, and threw the bottle of compound soup in the toilet.

She whimpered with tears: "I don't want you to drink it!"

William smiled, stood up, bent over to hug Hermione, pushed the door, and walked out of the toilet.

Hermione's head was attached to William's chest, a slender tail dangling in mid-air, and then gently hooked the boy's neck.

William froze for a moment, with a big smile on his face.


The tail is thin and soft,

My neck is still a little...itchy!



(Thanks to "Hellcat", "Arcane Magic God", the two big brothers for their rewards.)