Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 429 The Demon King Who Has Failed Plastic Surgery Is Eliminated From Job Seeking (third!)

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After Harry Potter was bewitched by Tom, he became blackened and joined the Death Eaters as his spy.

It sounds very emotional, but it is basically impossible.

Especially Dumbledore's gaze was always on Harry.

Not to mention blackening, a little bit crooked, will be forcibly corrected by the principal.

The light of the right way shone on Harry!

Since it wasn't Harry, William couldn't figure out who it was.

This inner ghost hides so deeply.

Could it be Ron’s little mouse that...has been perfected?

Since I can't figure it out, the inner ghost thing ends here.

William whispered: "Professor, I have another very important thing that I want to tell you."

"what's up?"


"What?" Dumbledore looked at William in confusion.

"Hermione and I found a Horcrux of Voldemort in the responsive room."

Dumbledore's confusion turned into surprise.

William took out the rusty crown.

Dumbledore stared at the crown, stunned, seemingly unbelievable.With that expression, it was like hearing that his breakfast was cancelled.

After a long time, Dumbledore couldn't help shaking his head, and a childish smile appeared on his face.

"William, it's... exciting news! It's great! This is the best news I've heard recently!

You gave me a surprise suddenly, and I am willing to give you and Hermione half of the gold in my vault to express my gratitude.

Of course, you two will definitely not want to."

Do not,

William is willing to!

He is also sure,

Hermione was willing too.

Dumbledore did not touch the crown immediately, but stood up.

"I want to know how you and Hermione did it? I can't wait to experience a great adventure!"

William's wand hung on his temple, eliciting a milky memory.

Dumbledore walked to a cabinet and took out the meditation basin inside.

William put the memory into the meditation basin.

The two leaned into it.

Half an hour later, he returned to the principal's office again.

"I've been waiting for this evidence for a long time," Dumbledore said softly after sitting down: "It confirms part of our speculation."

"Voldemort made more than one Horcrux," William said.

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded. "The road ahead of us is still long..."

"When did Voldemort put this Horcrux into the responsive house?" William said suspiciously.

"Looking at his appearance, he has been disfigured, he must be after graduation."

Dumbledore thought for a while and said, "He only came back once after graduation... the time he came to apply for the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Voldemort wants to apply for a position in Defense Against the Dark Arts?" William was really surprised.

It feels like that the head of state just wanted to be a painter.It's just that he was a scumbag and was rejected.

"Yes," Dumbledore nodded."Very few people know about this.

In fact, the year Tom had just graduated, he found the old principal...Professor Dippet and asked if he could stay at Hogwarts to teach."

"Why does he want to stay as a professor?"

"That will involve Tom's boyhood, and we will discuss it later.

Simply put, as an orphan, he has deep feelings for this school, just like a home."

William nodded slightly, and he thought of another thing.

After the secret room incident fifty years ago, the school was about to be closed, and Tom immediately turned to Hagrid as a scapegoat to prevent the school from being closed.

From this point of view, he does have special feelings for Hogwarts.

"This castle is also a stronghold of ancient magic, with countless secrets, items left by the Big Four.

He wanted to continue digging for the treasures of Hogwarts."Dumbledore continued. Qiqizw.com www.qiqizw.com

"The most important point is that being a teacher can attract little wizards, recruit troops, and expand his team of Death Eaters." Dumbledore recalled.

It seems that Tom firmly believes: The Death Eaters should start from the doll!

Only by conscientiously laying a solid foundation for the team and not divorcing from the masses of students can we maintain the advancement and purity of our subordinates from the bottom up.

It's a talent!

"With Tom's grades and abilities, it should be more than enough to teach, right?" William asked softly.

"Yes, but I suggest Professor Dipeter not to apply for him." Professor Dumbledore said.

"Professor Dippet doesn't doubt Tom and likes him very much. But he also thinks that Tom is only eighteen years old, too young. He is welcome to apply again in two years.

"Is he coming back in two years?"

"No. Tom has applied for this position again, already... ten years later." Dumbledore sighed.

The headmaster's wand touched the basin, stirring constantly, new memories appeared in it.

William followed Dumbledore into the flowing silver material and returned to the principal's office.

This should be Dumbledore's memory.

Fox fell asleep soundly on the perch.Behind the desk is Dumbledore, with slightly less wrinkles on his face.

It was snowing outside, and light blue snow flakes drifted across the window in the dark and piled up on the window sill outside.

Voldemort was sitting in a chair with a drink in front of him.

But he didn't move at all.

Voldemort was completely indifferent to handsome.

His face seemed to be burned, his facial features blurred, and weirdly twisted like wax.The whites of his eyes now seem to be permanently filled with blood.

After a confrontation between Dumbledore and Voldemort,

The principal sat up straight, touching his fingers together, and said solemnly:

"...Let's get the word out, why did you come here tonight with your subordinates and apply for a job that you and I know you don't want?"

Voldemort appeared coldly surprised.

"A job I don't want? On the contrary, Dumbledore, I want it very much."

"Oh, you want to go back to Hogwarts, but you don't actually want to teach more than when you were eighteen. What do you want, Tom? Why can't you be frank once?"

Voldemort sneered.

"If you don't want to give me a job—"

"Of course not," said Dumbledore, "and I think you didn't expect me to give it to you. But you came anyway, and you applied for it. You must have tried."

Voldemort stood up, full of anger.

"This is your final decision?"

"Yes." Dumbledore also stood up."I rejected your request."

"Then we have nothing to talk about."

"Nothing." Dumbledore said, with a deep sadness on his face, "I can frighten you with a burning closet, and the time for you to atone for your sins has long passed. But I hope I can, Tom... I hope I can... "

Voldemort just smiled contemptuously and left the room.

Looking at this memory of Dumbledore, William was also deeply moved.

There is no doubt that the devil who failed the plastic surgery was eliminated from the job search.

This tells us one thing: in a career, appearance is too important.

Even if he is talented and looks like an ugly monster, it is not good.

Also, don't talk too aggressively with the boss.

People don’t drink any beverages for you. Isn’t that a shame!

Still want to work?

Want to eat peaches.

Of course,

It was also this rejection that made Voldemort, who had been severely beaten by society, awakened.

He took his little brother resolutely and set out to start a business in the sea, creating a famous'Death Eater' enterprise.

Just as the Death Eaters were in full swing, they were about to go public and rushed out of the British Isles... The Dark Lord was not halfway through his business, and the middle way fell apart.

It's sighing.



(Third more!)