Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 514 Stonehenge...Flying!

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The Grand Canal in Venice is rough, and the river suddenly rises several meters, like a huge wave,

The wizards of the Italian Ministry of Magic are organizing Muggles to board the magic ship, away from the city that is about to be submerged.

But almost everyone stopped at the same time and looked up into the distance.

In the direction of Piazza San Marco, there was a constant bang.

The sound became louder and louder, and after a moment, a shock pierced the eardrum.

The underground lagoon spewed out, causing huge waves to rise to the sky. That scene...It seemed that more than two thousand tons of ammonium nitrate exploded together!

A mushroom cloud lit up, and then a white figure pierced the sky.

The hundred-meter-long white dragon suddenly appeared. It landed on the top of St. Mark's Basilica. The steel giant claws lightly grabbed it, and suddenly the flames splashed.

The famous dome, known as the'snow white cake', collapsed instantly under the weight of the white dragon, and the smoke filled it.

Bai Long couldn't help himself in excitement. It craned its neck and screamed at the sky, shaking everywhere.

Countless wizards covered their ears, trembling all over looking at the monster that appeared suddenly.

The wands in their hands were even scared to fall off the ground.

is that a lie?!

Normal fire dragons cannot be dealt with by ordinary wizards!The Big Mac in front of you...Did you grow up eating Jinkela?

Yes, it must be a dream!

"Everyone is steady!!" He Wen, the Minister of Magic, shouted loudly.

But who can be sure of seeing this scene?!

Many wizards immediately apparated and fled, without even turning around.

There are more wizards staying, not because they don't want to run, but they have to help Muggles...but they won't apparate!

Bailong looked down, and sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

It didn't care about these little bugs, but spread its huge wings, its paws were running a few steps in the devastated square, and flying along the river at low altitude.

Its goal is... the Holy Grail!!

Only by destroying the magic item that Merlin left behind can it truly be free.

Instead of being tied to the cup forever!

At that time, it had fought underground for a hundred years with a red dragon, almost ruining Britain.

Merlin used the most powerful magic to bind them together in the Holy Grail, and could never escape.

Seven hundred years ago, a group of dark wizards secretly studied the Holy Grail and wanted to borrow their power.

Bailong took the opportunity to confuse the wizards, destroyed part of the magic, and ran out.Hearing that Merlin was gone, his excitement drowned Sardinia.

But then... it was once again bound by the power of the Holy Grail under the water of Venice.

It is fed up with this kind of life and just wants to destroy the Holy Grail.

Bailong could feel the goblet nearby, but could not sense the specific location, so he had to search for it himself.

The long wings blew strong winds, the river rippled, and the huge waves surged.

The white dragon dashed across the city, and the broken stones continued to fall off and fell into the canal, sending out a series of endless rumblings.

"The voice is loud!" Minister He Wen pointed his wand at his throat.

He loudly said: "All Aurors follow me and drive this white dragon out of Venice!!!"

Dozens of Aurors appeared, and they followed the minister to hunt for the white dragon.

Everyone raised their wands, and the chaotic spells pounced on the white dragon, landing on its thick scales.

Suddenly the flames spread!

The white dragon was unscathed. It opened its big and hideous mouth, sweeping out like a waterfall of water.

The Aurors apparated and fled in all directions.

With a wave of the white dragon's tail, the tall building was razed to the ground.It swooped again and again, and the houses fell one after another.

The whole Venice was caught in a tsunami.

Enjoy, human!

Get excited, wizard!

Just when Bailong wanted to completely submerge the city, it suddenly raised its head and looked towards Piazza San Marco.

It smelled the breath of the red dragon.

That unique scent... It's death, you can't smell it wrong.

Bai Long sniffed vigorously, and couldn't help but shudder.

It's so delicious!

It escaped the Holy Grail that year, but the Red Dragon did not, and was always bound by it.

Where the red dragon is, it is where the Holy Grail is!

The white dragon spread its wings and flew high and ran towards the distance.


……Five Novel Network www.5hxs.com

The Grand Canal in Piazza San Marco.

There are several magic ships floating, and those ships are dark with long masts.

Venice has the world's best large magic ship, which can carry many people.

At this moment, many Muggles were standing on it, discussing the monster in horror.

The old Imam was standing among the crowd, showing off his piety, so that Allah sent Noah's Ark.

He also claimed: Allah will allow death to come and subdue that monster.

The old Imam hadn't finished speaking, the Muggles on the boat screamed at the same time without exception.

It turned out that the large and small boats under their feet began to be out of control and retreated quickly like arrows.

Soon someone discovered that the water level was dropping and the water in the Grand Canal seemed to be suddenly pulled away.

A blue-white flame rose from the underwater.

A man and a woman, holding a goblet, slowly emerged.

Both of them were beating with a lot of blue and white light, squeezed by the wind and rain, and evaporated in an instant!

All the Muggles and wizards stared at them.Many wizards recognized the two.

Stark and Granger are famous, but before yesterday, many Italian wizards hadn't seen photos.

With the wanted order of Secretary-General Martel, most of the officials of the Ministry of Magic knew the two.

At least when you see a real person, you can get the number right.

The way William and Hermione played was very strange, but these wizards turned their heads before they could speak.

There was a roar in the distance.

I saw a white line on the foggy water surface, moving from east to west.

Baihong crossed the river, and the waves gradually rose as it advanced.

The white dragon went and returned!

It rushed forward quickly, a straight line in its body shape, and a huge wave was pulled up under it, and the wind and rain moved away.

Arriving near St. Mark's Square, the wave has reached seven or eight meters, covering the sky.

All wizards and Muggles are in despair, and want to survive this kind of tsunami attack, it's just a dream!

Can only expect a miracle!

At this moment, William hugged Hermione's waist and apparated her.

They did not leave, but appeared on the Bridge of Sighs.

At the height of the huge waves, the Bridge of Sighs will surely be washed down, and the two will undoubtedly die.

are you crazy?!

Many people covered their mouths and looked at the two people in the front in horror.

William held the Goblet in his left hand, a huge magic power poured into his body from the Holy Grail.

The Holy Grail is like a tool to replenish the magic, allowing his magic to flow continuously.

At this moment, William felt that he was extremely powerful, and he could do anything!

The last time I felt this way, I was in Gringa and received the blessing of Phoenix Fox.

William knew where this force came from.

In the Holy Grail, another red dragon is restrained.

Merlin left the magic, and could temporarily pour the magic power of the red dragon into his body through the holy.

The task of William and Hermione is also very simple, trapping the white dragon into the goblet of fire again!

William moved his wand forward and whispered, "Flame Starts!"

The goblet of fire spewed out a large amount of blue and white flames, and under William's control, it turned into a giant fire dragon.

The fire dragon was so powerful that it rushed forward along the river and collided with the huge waves.

The wave did not submerge the fire dragon, but evaporated into a cloud of white mist when it touched.

Whether it's a wizard or a Muggle, each one is swaying.

Everyone pinned their expectations on William and Hermione.

Hermione held up the Holy Grail, and she muttered words as if singing.

With her singing, the clouds gathered into a whirlpool in mid-air, and in the center of the whirlpool, there was a blue-white ray of light connecting the sky and the earth.

William held the other corner of the goblet of fire, pointed his wand at the sky, and shouted:

"Stonehenge...Fly here!"

Everyone raised their heads. In the sky, huge boulders are like locusts, and they are falling down quickly, as if... a meteorite descended from the sky!!



(Seeking recommendation votes, everyone.

Thank you "Love Penglai Mountain Huiye" and "BB Sang" for their rewards.)