Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 579 Is this content that carbon-based organisms can come up with?

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!A few days before the start of school, Anne and Treney finally returned.

Annie looked mysterious and seemed very satisfied with the trip.

After returning home, she will share her adventures with William and Hermione.

But every time I got to the beginning, I couldn't help but laugh first, and didn't say the last sentence.

After four or five times in a row, Hermione, who was seriously curiosity aroused, almost couldn't hold back to beat the little girl.

Tereni's face is not very good, according to her statement:

The combat effectiveness of the Royal Navy's aircraft carrier group is really amazing.

Her words are not credible. Wizards like to brag, and many people still regard helicopters as aviation planes.

However, William was curious about what Tereni had transformed that gondola into something that could attract the attention of the Navy.

Watching the news at night, there are really reports on TV.In the show, the BBC host was excited to tell everyone that he had found a boat under the sea.

That is a picture with lower pixels than the moon landing photo, giving a special effect of fifty cents.

The host also contacted a retired lieutenant of a certain army group by phone.

The retired army lieutenant pointed out that it was a royal shame that the Royal Navy could not even catch an invading submarine.

If it is an army, even if the enemy is hiding in the castle, it can be leveled.

The lieutenant almost made it clear to Prince Charles:

"Prince prince, just wait for your order, our army brothers will rush into Buckingham Palace and capture the enchantress."

Unfortunately, William waited for a few days, but did not hear the news of the usurpation of the sledgehammer.

September 1st,

William, Hermione and Annie packed their bags and went to the 9¾ station.And Tereni stayed in the cabin temporarily.

She will probably play in the UK for a while and will leave after the Triwizard Tournament is over.

When entering the station, the Hogwarts Express had already stopped there.

The crimson steam locomotive was emitting billowing smoke. Looking through the smoke, many Hogwarts students and parents on the platform seemed to be dark ghosts.

William and Hermione were quickly watched, and many parents of students wanted to shake hands with them.

That guy, that scene is quite big!

Fortunately, it rained suddenly, and the heavy rain hit the crowd, and William and Hermione were able to get out.

Walk along the train corridor, towards a certain box.

Cedric, Qiu, and Luna had arrived early, chatting in the carriage.

But most people don't understand, Qiu is talking human words, and Cedric is in Na Ababa.

He took another bite of the mandela, and began a month of closed-mouth life.

Shut up without shutting up, just buzzing there.

"What is he talking about?" William sat down in the seat, looked at Qiu suspiciously, and asked her to translate.

"He's saying...this month is a good opportunity for him to practice silent casting." Qiu replied.

"When the mandela grass is contained, you will be proficient in silent casting, killing two birds with one stone."

Glancing at Cedric's proud face, William couldn't help but smile:

"Don't just think about good things. In your situation, Professor Snape will definitely ask you questions, like a mad dog.

Last year it was Gryffindor, this year it was Hufflepuff...you are going to be miserable and become Hufflepuff's sinner."


Professor Snape found a silly badger who couldn't speak, and he would definitely deduct points.

If Hermione could not speak, William would definitely ask her frantically during the Ancient Magic Text class.

This jointless exercise is simply fun.Miss know everything can't speak, it's a source of happiness.

Cedric, who wanted to understand, suddenly panicked, he actually forgot about it.

"Silence is the greatest sorrow of mankind." Luna said in a singing voice.

She held up the Quidditch limited-edition edition of "The Devil's Tune", covering her face.

Although Old Lovegood only went to the finals, it did not prevent him from using his imagination, diverging his mind, and writing some Quidditch secrets.

It is said that sales are pretty good.

At least when I went to see Bertha before the beginning of school, William found that the wizards of St. Mungo whose "heads are disturbed by magic" were almost all in hand.

Isn’t that the case?

Soon, the twins opened the door and walked in, Harry and Ron following behind.

Ron hurriedly squeezed into the window and shouted eagerly: "What the hell is it? What will happen at Hogwarts?"

"You will know," Charlie said, waving away, "Don't tell Percy, I mentioned it.

You know, this is'top secret information, which can only be released when the Ministry of Magic considers it appropriate'."

"What the hell is it?" Harry also asked.

"Professor Dumbledore will tell you... well, behave better, you know? I heard that, Fred? And you, George?" said Mrs. Weasley.

She stood under the train, through the window, she saw William sitting in the carriage, with a mother-like look on her face:

"Oh, William... Thank you so much for saving Harry and Ron who were kidnapped.

Last school year, you and Hermione saved them both.

There is also the restricted area on the fourth floor of the previous year and the first year..."

Mrs. Weasley counted it down, good fellow... if you didn't know, she was startled.

Almost every year, William saves Harry and Ron.

She really didn't know whether to say that William was great, or Harry and Ron were in love with each other.

"The two of them may have saved the solar system in the last life, and they will only know you in this life."

"You are polite." William smiled.020 reading www.020ds.com

The piston of the engine made a loud hiss and the train started.

In sight, Mrs. Weasley, Bill, and Charlie all apparated and left.

"Tell us quickly, what happened at Hogwarts!" Ron put his luggage in annoyance.

Harry ignored it, but looked at the carriage:

William, Hermione, Anne, and Luna huddled on the other side.

Cedric was sitting by the window here, and Qiu was sitting next to him.

The twins are going to play a prank, Ginny is standing and not looking for a seat... seems to be waiting for him to sit first.

Then, the only competitor is Ron.

Harry didn't hesitate, and immediately seized the opportunity to sit next to Qiu first.

He sniffed hard, a unique fragrance.

Harry felt like he was going to be drunk.

Ron found that Harry was sitting next to Qiu, with a little space in the middle, and wanted to squeeze in in a hurry.

Harry watched all directions and listened to all directions. As he grew up, he did not give Ron the slightest chance of success.

He decisively shortened the slit in the middle.

Ron took a look, then tried to squeeze between Ginny and Harry.

Ginny learned everything and immediately took up the gap.

In desperation, Ron had to sit beside Ginny sullenly.

"What the hell is it, all of you seem to know, just keep it from us?" Ron looked at the twins.

Fred refused: "No, I can't tell you. Didn't Percy say it-'Top Secret Intelligence'."

"Yeah, I don't think you are ready to listen to that." George said with a grin.

"Then how did you two know?" Harry wondered.

"William told us, we almost knew before the summer vacation." Fred winked his eyes.

Ron couldn't wait to look at William again.

But he was holding the "Daily Prophet", lowered his head to discuss something with Hermione, and ignored it.

What are we discussing?Naturally, the reporter arranged his words.

To say that they were silent at the gate of Gringotts was a death threat from the Ministry of Magic.

"Forget it... tell you, poor Ron." George looked unwilling.

"This year's students will fight the fire dragon, and the winner can kiss a classmate at will."

Harry was stunned, his eyes could not help but drift towards Qiu.

Is there such a good opportunity?

Don't talk about the fire dragon,

He killed Voldemort for you!

"Harry, don't listen to him nonsense." Ron said irritably."They also told me that I have to fight against trolls in school.

If you can meet the fire dragon, I will give you a hundred gallons... although I don't have one."

Harry was disappointed.Is he missing that one hundred gallons?What he lacks is an opportunity to confess.

Luna laughed suddenly.She let out a string of sharp and piercing laughter, awakening the three cats sleeping on the windowsill.

Only Bobo Cha did not wake up, even curled her ears, and continued to snore.

It has long been accustomed to Luna's magical laughter of...'fairy one second, witch one second'.

"Are there any interesting reports?" Annie picked up "Singing a Devil" that fell on the floor.

William leaned over.

The Mystery of the Great Fireball of Albania

"The recent fire in Albania has triggered a war of curses from various countries. Stark and Granger, who were the parties, denied that they had nothing to do with them.

The author personally went to the site to investigate and found that the Auror who had witnessed the fire, they said, there was a light flashing in the sky and a sound similar to a cannon was also emitted. A few minutes later, a strong blue and white light beam appeared in the sky.

Then, shock waves can be felt within a radius of several hundred kilometers.The scorching energy from the explosion ignited the branches, and the trees seemed to be cut off directly from the roots...

If the comparison is not difficult to find, this is very similar to the Muggle nuclear bomb...Of course, it does not rule out the landing of the spacecraft of aliens."

William found that four or five consecutive contents were all about him.What is the mystery of Fifty Night's gambling, the mystery of the appearance of the Dark Mark.

It's hot.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he and Hermione have supported Luna.

William looked down again and was quickly attracted.

"England's national team's shady defeat unveiled!"

The title is so eye-catching!

"We all know that the England national team had a 42-game winning streak before the game.

But why would they be eliminated, who are clearly invincible?

the reason is simple.

The mascot of Bulgaria is Veeva!But why is it Veeva?There is an unknown shady inside.

According to internal information, the England seeker claimed that Veeva made him malnourished.

Anderson, the captain and goalkeeper, has one focus and two basic points, and he sucks the seeker into a soft-footed shrimp in the competition..."


Old Lovegood... Is this content that carbon-based organisms can come up with?



(Seeking recommendation votes, everyone.)