You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!There is a kind of school called someone else's school.

Other people’s schools have a strong academic atmosphere, strong humanistic care, single rooms, independent guards, and even mixed sex.

Not to mention the high scholarship, at least one professor can use it for seven years without being scrapped.

This kind of stability is even more commendable in the eyes of a student who has replaced four Defense Against the Dark Arts professors.

Anyway, compared with other schools, Hogwarts's Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor is just like a one-time, a daily consumable.

Hearing William's introduction like this, let alone the little Annie, even Harry and Ron were stunned.

It turns out that there are objective reasons for the poor performance of the two brothers.

It was all dragged down by the school and couldn't fully realize the talent.

The two began to criticize the quality of the school's teaching, especially an unknown teacher.

It seems that he is the mouse shit in the soup, the nasty coriander in the big bowl of noodles.

Seeing them so angry, William mentioned it casually:

In Ifamoni School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, students all resorted to walkouts or sit in the auditorium to seek their own demands.

Every time the school will give in.

Both of them lit up and nodded thoughtfully.

So this is a good school!

William flashed quickly, this kind of topic is not something he can participate in as a prefect.

He firmly supported Dumbledore's leadership and shared fate with all the professors at Hogwarts.

As time passed, the Hogwarts Express finally slowed down and stopped at the dark Hogsmeade station.

After getting out of the train, William looked up at the sky.

It rained heavily in the sky and fell on the ground.

The pouring rain was rushing and violent, like a bucket of cold water constantly pouring on the students' heads.

The old bacon all took out warm-up badges and waterproof badges. After seeing them, many first-year freshmen also followed suit.

The little wizard who didn't buy it was extremely annoying.

Several waves of little wizards were looking for the senior sister who handed out flyers.

Believe her evil!

Hagrid came from the other side of the platform and shouted: "The freshmen in the first grade, come here!"

Hagrid saw William and the others, waved vigorously, and said excitedly: "One mother with seven babies...Flam-tail snails are good for nurturing."


It seems that Hagrid's hybridization project has succeeded.

But the fried snails... it’s a strange name, don’t know how it tastes?

The crowd moved a little bit, and everyone walked across the dark platform.Outside the station, more than one hundred carriages were waiting for them.

William, Hermione and Annie climbed onto one of them.

But the carriage did not go, all Ye Qi turned their heads and stared at William with pupilless eyes.

The expression seemed to say: You smell wrong!Is there a horse outside?

"No strange smell?" Hermione leaned against William's neck and sniffed hard.

Annie also lay on her brother's back, sniffed into the robe, squinted and said, "Weird... it's exactly the same smell as Hermione."

"Yeqi probably sensed the breath of a rune horse." William explained.

Fleur helped him steal...Ah, yeah, a rune horse was taken from Mrs. Maxim.

It is now placed on the safety list by William.

Ye Qi probably sensed the breath.

William slammed the door shut, and after a while, Ye Qi finally started to walk.

After a violent turbulence, the long caravan set off along the trail of Hogwarts Castle, splashing water all the way.

The carriage passed through the gate with winged boar sculptures on both sides, and drove along the spacious lane. Due to the strong wind, the carriage shook violently.Yuyu Novel

Through the window, William saw Professor Snape near the playground.

He was wearing strange clothes—what he called a life jacket for the time being, and he commanded the house elves to repair the lake embankment loudly.

The ground was so slippery that he staggered and almost fell in a puddle.

This picture is inexplicably funny.

The heavy rain hit his head, and through the light of the magic wand, you could even see the dripping water turning black.

William seriously suspected that Professor Snape's hair was originally blonde, but it turned black if it was not washed for a long time.

Moreover, when you wake up tomorrow morning, you may find that the creatures of the Black Lake have surfaced, turning their white belly.

They were all poisoned to death.

Soon, the carriage stopped under the stone steps in front of the two oak gates.

The students all got out of the car and ran towards the castle.

A plastic balloon filled with water suddenly fell from the ceiling and exploded above the student's head.

The foul liquid spilled all over the floor, and Ron was poured on, muttering in his mouth, stumbled, and fell onto Harry next to him.

The two of them rolled toward the Slytherin students like bowling balls.

Malfoy sneered and jumped up when the two rolled over.

However, he overestimated his jumping ability and tripped directly. Losing his balance, he fell to the floor severely.

The second water bomb fell again, and the people around were screaming and pushing each other, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

William's wand shook, and the water bomb above his head seemed to hit an iron plate, and it suddenly stopped.

Slap gently.

Pepigui's screams came, and he bounced toward the sky, tearing open a rain curtain, but not straight forward, but twisted like a fish and snake.

Many little wizards looked stunned, and some clapped.

William had taken Hermione and Annie into the castle quickly.

The auditorium is still so splendid and decorated for the new semester banquet.

Hundreds of candles floated above the table, shining golden plates and goblets shining brightly.

Hermione and Annie walked towards the Gryffindor table, while William and Qiu sat at the Ravenclaw table.

Professor Dumbledore has returned from Venice. He is wearing a dark green gorgeous robe, and the rows of rings on his hands are shining.

Because it was too flashy, it looked like rhinestones.

The principal's two slender fingers touched together, his chin was placed on the fingertips, and his eyes looked at the ceiling above through the half-moon lens.

The ceiling is enchanted, and the outside scenery can be seen.

The black and purple clouds rolled over, and as another thunder sounded outside, a forked lightning flashed across the ceiling.

William felt that their home lacked such a ceiling.

Professor Flitwick is wearing a deerstalker hat and holding a big pipe in his hand.

He was talking about tobacco with Professor Sinista, his astronomy teacher.

I haven't seen him one summer vacation, and Professor Flitwick seems to be addicted to smoking.

The two of them were still blowing the smoke ring, which caused Professor Sprout's dissatisfaction.

Tobacco in the magical world, that is also a magical plant... Such a cute, just like this, you burned it?

At this moment, Professor Snape opened the door and rushed in.

He walked quickly to Professor Sprout and whispered a few words to her.

Professor Sprout's face became extremely ugly.

It turned out that the heavy rain caused the Black Lake to rise and flooded her small greenhouse.

Her tens of thousands of cuties... are gone.



(Seeking recommendation votes, everyone.)