Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 619 I'm on the second floor, Stark is in the atmosphere!

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In addition to being unable to become a magical creature, Animagus is similar to the Patronus Curse in other respects.

For example, its form also depends on the wizard's size, temperament, feelings, inner portrayal... and many other abstract concepts.

Therefore,'Cedric vowed to say that he will become a badger, but he will become a dog' this incident...can explain a lot of problems.

Features of the dog:


High vigilance?

Nothing...just mouth licking.

Cedric was still struggling.He insisted that he was a wolf... handsome Arctic wolf.

It's not in touch with Erha!

The wolf and the husky do look alike, but the difference is still obvious.

Let's not talk about anything else. Can you stop seeing Qiu, wag your tail and stick your tongue out?

Say you are not licking a dog?

However, since Cedric was strongly opposed, William believed that...Lou Wei could taste and taste.

Let Cedric become a'wolf' and stay here for a night.

Tomorrow morning, if Cedric is all right, then he must be a wolf.If the butt hurts, it must be a dog.

simple and clear.

After tossing in the middle of the night, Cedric finally barely mastered the skills.He was sweating profusely, as if experiencing a dystocia.

"Let's go." William looked at Cedric, "Can you go, do you need me to change a stretcher for you?"

Cedric shook his head and said, "No, it's just that the whole body is hot and weak.

I'm going to take a bath in the prefect's bathroom.

Are you two going?"

William and Qiu both shook their heads quickly and expressed their rejection.

Cedric was a little disappointed... It seems his luck has run out.

It would be nice to have someone go with him.



The night is deep, the sea and the sky are bare, and the waves are violently washing the coastline.

A wizard wrapped in a black robe suddenly appeared, and he walked to the edge of the rock.

On those rocks, there are many jagged cavities for footsteps, which can lead to the rocky cliffs below.

Rock climbing from here is very dangerous, especially with a storm tonight.

The wizard hesitated for a long time, seeming to weigh the pros and cons.In other words, he simply does not want to go on.

But a certain force urged him to climb straight down the wet cliff.

Halfway through the climb, a wind blew off his hood, revealing a face of vicissitudes.

That face was unremarkable, but strangely, there was a handsome face on the back of his head.

Tom felt the cold wind, but he didn't mean to stop, he was still ordering the man to climb down.

During the World Cup, he has been searching this area for almost three months.

This is also impossible.

In the summer of the sixteenth year, he killed his father, got a Slytherin ring, and blamed his uncle.

Then, made a diary as the first Horcrux.

At that time, although he was not sure how many Horcruxes could be made by one person, he also thought about the carrier of the second Horcrux.

Therefore, it is logical that Tom can find the ring.

But the Horcrux in the back, no matter the number, the carrier, or the storage location...he knew nothing about it.

I can only find that orphanage by thinking about my future psychology.

Unfortunately, the orphanage has long since disappeared.Tom searched for several months and found a clue on the coastline that he had visited as a child.

The ring has been taken away by Tom, he only needs to get the second Horcrux to start the plan completely, and then look for that existence.

As long as he finds that existence, he can fill in the missing time and reach the peak... stronger than Voldemort himself.

When he thought of this, he couldn't suppress his inner excitement.

However, it is not so easy to break through Voldemort's magic and enter the cave smoothly.

Although the future self is stupid, his decades of magical attainments are definitely beyond the reach of the sixteen-year-old Tom.

He came several times, but failed to break through... This time he finally found a way.

Tom knew that Dumbledore and Stark were also looking for Horcruxes, but he was obviously one step faster.

Heh~ The two can only eat ashes behind his ass forever!

He was proud, but suddenly felt that he was out of balance.

Under the storm, the cliffs were soaked by rain, and the wizard suddenly slipped.

His body was wobbly, and his hands were in the air; when he fell, he grabbed the cliff with one hand, and immediately grabbed the other hand together, just like that.

The sea below was so deep that it made the man dizzy.

The wind blew, and he hung on the end of the rock, swinging around like a stone on a sling.

"Wand!" Tom reminded patiently."Hurry up and use magic."

The wizard clasped the rock wall with one hand, and drew his pocket with the other.

After a while, he cried and said with a sad face: "Fall...Fell, master!"


"Why don't you fall by yourself!" Tom angrily said.

"You idiot!" He gradually turned demonized and couldn't help but cursed.

The wizard gradually lost his strength and hung his arms straight in the air, trying to twitch.

He wants to climb upwards, but every time he uses his strength, he can only increase his turbulence.

Two seconds later, a gust of wind blew and he fell.

First, the back of the head hit the rock, the body bounced, and the lower body hit the pine tree growing along the cracks in the rock. The head was stuck in the crack of the rock again, and the back of the head was braked.

After so many times, he rolled down like a yo-yo, and fell into the sea gorgeously.

Ah ah ah ah ah!127 novel www.127xs.com



After a heavy rain overnight, the water in the Black Lake rose a lot.

Thanks to the maintenance at the beginning of school, Professor Sprout’s greenhouse is still strong this time.

But Durmstrang is miserable, their boat has not been completely repaired, and there are still holes in many places.

The most embarrassing thing is...the anchor is gone!

The big ship without anchor swayed on the black lake, bumping back and forth, like a spinning top that could not be controlled.

With such a horrible encounter, all the students could not fall asleep in the middle of the night.Everyone panicked and felt that the ship was sinking.

But no one went to Principal Karkaroff.

Headmaster Karkaroff is a weird man, who never liked being disturbed by others while he was sleeping.

I don't know how to get up. He still has a habit: I kill in a dream.

Once, a student woke him up and almost got a heartbreak.

Fortunately, the ship did not sink, but broke even more.The storm stopped the next day, and everyone quickly hid in the castle.

Principal Karkaroff still did not appear.

It was not until the morning that everyone discovered that he was missing.

The first thing I discovered was not Durmstrang's student, but Snape.

Karkaroff came to him every day, and he was found more frequently recently.

But today did not come.Then, either he got the content of the first project, or he ran away.

In the end, the well-wishers provided clues, and the students found him on the hospital bed.



"What is going on with you?"

In the Potions Office, Professor Snape asked in a low voice.

"Those damn horsemen attacked me!" Karkaroff said angrily.

"You insulted them?" Snape squinted.

"I just told the truth." Karkarov rolled his goatee with his fingers.

"Then how did you come back?" Snape asked, "Why did you show up at the school hospital?"

"It must be Hagrid and Maxim." Karkaroff said uncertainly.

"They probably found me, but they didn't want others to know. They went to see the first project, so they left me in the school hospital and ran away."

Snape frowned, and Karkaroff could justify himself, but he always felt something was wrong.

"Then did you see the content of the first item?" he asked impatiently.

Karkaroff pondered for a long time, seeming to recall the events of last night.

After an unknown period of time, he slowly shook his head and said, "No, I remember clearly...I was following Hagrid and Maxim.

If it weren't for those horsemen, I would definitely find a place."

"Then it will be troublesome. The game will be played tomorrow." Snape gleefully said: "Anyway, Slytherin is just two students, I am not too worried..."

"I'll look for it in the Forbidden Forest again," Karkaroff said hurriedly.

"The Forbidden Forest is so big, where are you going to find? Those horsemen are looking for you now, it's almost the same!"

"What should I do then?"

Snape was silent for a long time, and suddenly said, "You can go find a big shit to buy information... He must know the content of the first item."

Karkaroff was stunned.

"However, you have to be careful and prepare more Kanon. He will definitely not let go of this opportunity..."

Chance to kill you...

Snape didn't say the last few words.

Hogwarts Auditorium,

At the Ravenclaw table,

"Stark, I want to buy information! Regarding the first item..." Malfoy glanced around and said hurriedly.

"Oh, yes." William said with a fox smile:

"But this price is very expensive...a lot more expensive than the quota you buy."

"money is not the problem!"

Malfoy gritted his teeth.

He regretted it, and knew he would not be a warrior!

William picked up the black tea and took a sip.He had seen Karkaroff coming.

He had already prepared, handed over a document and said with a smile:

"Principal, do you want to pack it? Or buy the information pack in quantity?"

"What is packing? It means buying the right to know nine warriors at once, and I will give you a discount!

But if you only buy one information package, you can only tell one warrior the content of the project.The Warriors also have to sign an agreement and can't tell others.

If you buy more than five places, it will exceed the package price. I suggest you package it more cost-effectively."

Karkaroff was said in a daze.

Mad, he bought an information package, can't tell everyone, but only one student?

Even if you buy five information packs... enough?They have nine warriors!


He suddenly understood why Durmstrang had more places than other schools.

He thought he had taken advantage, Stark was on the first floor and Durmstrang was on the second floor.

It turns out that they are in the atmosphere!



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