Hogwarts of a certain magic

Chapter 633 I always thought you were a serious person!

You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!William sat down in the chair, looking at the glowing meditation basin, thinking about the memories just now.

Thinking of those things during summer vacation, he always felt something was wrong.

But there is still a lack of a key clue, which prevents him from analyzing what is wrong.

This clue is similar to the firebolt and invisibility cloak that Sirius gave anonymously last Christmas.

A few gifts are nothing, but William and Hermione have grasped this detail and fully inferred the two truths of "Scaly is a small dwarf" and "Big black is a black"...

She shouldn't have called Hermione back to the dormitory tonight, and leave her in the responsive room, and the two can check each other's deficiencies.

She is best at finding anomalies in complex details.

Dumbledore sat on the chair and beckoned to make Harry sit too.

After Harry sat down, he fixed his eyes on the penis.The contents of the basin turned into a silvery white state, swirling and rippling constantly.

"It's called the Pendant Pen." Dumbledore explained.

"Suck the extra thoughts out of your mind, pour them into this basin, and take a good look when you have time.

In this state, it is easier to see their shapes and their connections."

"You mean... this thing is your mind?" Harry said, staring at the rotating silver substance in the basin.

"Exactly," Dumbledore said, "I will show you."

Dumbledore drew his wand from his robe and inserted the tip of the wand into his silver hair.

When he pulled out the wand, there seemed to be some silver substance stuck to the tip of the wand.

Dumbledore put the memory in the meditation basin and stirred it gently, turning the sand table like a gold digger.

The silver substance gradually turned into William's face.He opened his mouth and spoke to the ceiling with a little echo.

"Professor Dumbledore, Hermione and I ran into Voldemort and Wormtail in the forests of Albania.

He was no longer a shadow, he had a body, he caught Bertha and tortured her.

We fought once, and I killed that figure... he turned back into shadow..."

Harry listened in a daze to the words in the meditation basin.

William fought Voldemort again?

"Harry," Dumbledore said slowly, "William said your scar hurts again?"

William also woke up from his thoughts, turning his head to stare at Harry's scar.

"Yes," Harry swallowed, "Professor—I'm in the common room, but I—I watched..."

He hesitated for a while, as if thinking about how to describe it... it didn't sound like crazy talk.

Dumbledore said, "Understandable, go on."

"Well, I seem to have a dream," Harry said, "I dreamed of Voldemort."

"Which Voldemort?" William interrupted.

Dumbledore squinted his eyes with a look of inquiry, and he was also curious about the question.

"Tom, the sixteen-year-old Tom, the one from the diary." Harry affirmed.

"Of course!" Dumbledore nodded."and then?"

"He was drinking... a green potion, which looked painful. When he drank it, he was still cursing Voldemort, me... and William."

William raised his eyebrows. He thought Tom was a serious man.

Unexpectedly, I also learned Zuan's bad mouth in private.

"And then?" Dumbledore continued.

"Then he drank the medicine and crawled towards a lake... Finally a lot of corpses dragged him in."

"My scars started to hurt. The pain was so severe that it fainted me."

"Well, that's it." Harry said.

Dumbledore looked at him and said calmly, "Except this time and the one in the summer vacation, have your scars hurt this year?"

"No, I—how do you know it woke me up during summer vacation?" Harry asked in surprise.

"You are not the only one who wrote to Sirius," Dumbledore said. "After he left Hogwarts, I also kept in touch with him.

Dumbledore stood up and paced back and forth behind the table.

From time to time, the tip of the wand was placed on the temple, and the shining silver memory was drawn out and added to the meditation basin.

The thoughts in the basin spun rapidly, and nothing could be seen, only a vague silver white.

William was thinking too, and he asked: "What does that hole look like?"

"It's very big and dark... it's all surrounded by water." Weichang Novel Network www.120weichang.com

"Where is the water outside?"

"Rocks, big rocks."

Dumbledore stopped pacing, looked at Harry, and murmured, "Rocks... cliffs! William, it looks like we are going in the wrong direction."

William nodded."Yeah, we always thought we were in the sea."

"What?" Harry asked confused.

But neither of them answered him.

Professor Babling found a body for Tom and cast a spell in the body that only vampires can perceive.

Finally, it is determined that Tom is active in a sea area.And near that sea area, there is the orphanage where he lived when he was a child.

The two always thought that the other Horcrux was hidden in the sea.Dumbledore went into the water and searched several times without finding it.

But Harry's dream... a cave... most likely is at the seaside.

Seeing that the two were silent, Harry asked carefully: "Principal, do you think...that dream...is true?"

He really didn't want to hear Dumbledore say "really", which meant that he and Voldemort had a special connection.

The thought that he would be in touch with Voldemort made him feel sick.

Dumbledore stared at Harry and whispered, "It's possible, it's possible. Harry—did you see Tom?"

"No," Harry said, "I only saw the potion, and the lake...but-I couldn't see it originally.

He has no body, right?But... Then how could he get a goblet?"

"Yes," Dumbledore murmured, "how could it be..."

William knew that Dumbledore's question was different from Harry's.

Of course Tom can take a goblet, after all he is attached to someone else.

Dumbledore’s question was... Why couldn’t Harry see Tom?

To put it more bluntly: In what way did he dream of Tom?

Are you standing next to Tom, or overlooking this scene from above?

Harry's answer is: he can't see Tom.

This just shows... Harry is watching from Tom's perspective!

In other words, at that moment, Harry and Tom's thoughts remained connected.

"Professor? You—do you know why my scar hurts?" Harry finally asked.

Dumbledore looked at Harry carefully for a while, and then said, "I have only one speculation, only speculation.

When Tom approaches you, or when he has a particularly strong desire for revenge, your scar will hurt."

"But... why?"

"Because of that unsuccessful spell-the death spell, it connected you to him." Dumbledore said.

"This is not an ordinary scar."

Harry nodded, then stood up, ready to leave.He looked at William again and realized that he had no intention of leaving.

At this time, Dumbledore's old voice came:

"William, if you stay, I still have something to tell you."

William hummed, and didn't move at all.

Harry walked slowly out of the office, looking at William from behind as he closed the wooden door.

He remembered again about the battle between William and Voldemort that he had just heard in the Pensieve.

He hadn't even heard Hermione mention it!

Harry couldn't help but slander:

The forest in Albania was really burned by William and Hermione!

Say it wasn't the two of you!

The walking destroyer!



(Seeking recommendation votes, everyone.

Thank you for the reward of the "Moonlighter is Dead" boss.

The boss brought an office party to dinner, drank a lot of alcohol and got a headache.)