You can search for "a magical Hogwarts novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Since it is necessary to weaken the strength of the visitor, in Voldemort's understanding of the village tyrant, only fresh and delicious, magical blood can be considered weak.

William also had a countermeasure, he brought a variety of small'drinks' with him.

The blood of the civet with the French flavor; the blood of the rune snake from the Albanian forest; the blood of the basilisk in the secret room; the blood of the Busbarton love horse rune...

And so on...the list goes on.

Look at how many homeless animals he has adopted for free these years!

If there is a Scamander Cup Prize for Protecting Fantastic Animals, it must be awarded to William.

Such a kind person is so tearful!

However, this blood is valuable.He thought about it and chose the least valuable animal.

-Deep-fried snails.

That's right, there are five snails left, four males and one female, killing each other again.

In order to protect his daughter's safety, Hagrid sent him to foster care with William.

Also named: Dog Leftovers.

The cheaper the name, the better the life.People in the magic world are also superstitious about this.

It's just that Hagrid didn't know that his daughter was sent to William... His seemingly amiable uncle stretched out his claws at her.

William first gave his daughter a powerful sleeping pill, and after he became unconscious, he gave her a hard and thick needle.

It sounds a bit unsuitable for children, and the scene is indeed bloody.

Can it not be bloody... He drew a liter of blood, and his face turned pale.

Hagrid's'daughter' thus became William's research object.He is eager to discover twelve uses for fried snail blood.

(Dumbledore: You bastard hinted at me again!)

Now William has discovered a purpose, and that is-to open the door.

He took a bag of green blood from the safety sheet and threw it on the wall.

The surface of the rock was suddenly covered with shiny, green drops of blood.

A dazzling white arch outline appeared on the cave wall, and the rock stuck outside the arch suddenly disappeared, revealing a black doorway.

"Let's go." Dumbledore walked in first, holding his wand.

Fox burst into flames and flew in the air as a searchlight for everyone.

It is the death squad in William's eyes.

In the war years, Fox was the little engineer who was at the forefront and used to mine mines.

It is naturally suitable for this job.

After approaching the cave, a few people found a large black lake, the lake is extremely wide, endless,

Far away, in the middle of the lake, a hazy, green light shone, reflecting in the dead lake below.

"There is something in the water." William observed for a while and reminded."Don't touch the water."

Hermione grumbled, holding her wand and carefully following William behind him.

The three of them walked forward around the shore of the lake, their steps, stepping on the narrow rocks by the lake, echoing.

The structure of the entire cave is very simple, except for the rough cave walls, only the endless, smooth, mirror-like black lake surface and the mysterious green light shining in the middle of the lake.

There is nothing else.

Obviously, the Horcrux was on the island in the center of the lake, and they needed to cross the lake.

But the three of them circled around and found no means of transportation across the lake.

Swim must not swim past, after all, there is something underwater.

"Did the Apparition pass?" Hermione asked in a low voice.

"I think Voldemort has prevented this. He wouldn't want to see the wizard Apparition coming in." Dumbledore raised his wand and pointed it in the air.

"I can feel that there is an anti-apparition spell set here."

William waved his wand, and a stone turned into a bird.

The bird flew towards the black lake, and then fell down quickly.

With another bang like an explosion, a big white guy jumped up from the surface of the pitch-black lake and directly caught the little bird.

It disappeared again, splashing large and deep ripples on the calm water.

"There is also a no-fly curse, you can't fly over the lake." William whispered.

The goose feathers can't float, and sink like a flower... Where is the Black Lake, it is clearly the Liusha River.

"What's that?" Hermione was startled, she looked up from a distance, but the water was calm.

"The corpse," Dumbledore explained.

"Voldemort put a lot of corpses into the bottom of the lake. He is best at this kind of dark magic. During the Wizarding War, he even made an army of corpses."

"Then if we use a boat, won't we be attacked?"

"Yes, those guys in the water will definitely attack us."

William squinted his eyes for a moment, and said, "There must be tools for crossing the lake nearby."

Even if the Horcrux was hidden here, before Voldemort died suddenly, he would definitely come back to check the Horcrux from time to time to prevent it from being stolen.

Then he himself needs to cross the river.

William suddenly felt like he was ignoring something.Three K Novel Network

That feeling is wonderful, just like intuition.

"Do you feel it? William?" Dumbledore asked, squinting.

"It's just an intuition... Maybe I feel wrong." William said slowly.

"Can't ignore intuition, William." Dumbledore smiled gently. "That's data that is processed too quickly and beyond the ability of the human brain to understand. Sometimes it works better than any magic."

William grumbled: "Then there should be an expulsion curse's kind of like a Muggle expulsion curse, it will make us overlook a certain place."

"Yes, that's right." Dumbledore said with interest. "We might call it the wizard's expulsion spell."

"This is obviously another little magic invented by Voldemort, effective and very interesting.

If we don't pay attention, we will ignore what is in front of us and miss it directly.

This round, I can give him an O score."

William felt the magic carefully.The wizard's expulsion spell... is indeed an amazing magic.

This thing is more effective than any protection spell.If it weren't for a wizard with superb magic skills, it would be impossible to feel it.

Just as Muggles can't see the entrance to the Broken Cauldron Bar, the Wizard's Expulsion Curse has a similar effect, but it is aimed at the Wizard.

Coach, I want to learn this!

Sure enough, coming here really benefited a lot.

Dumbledore posted on the rock wall, "I think I have found the place we just overlooked."

The three of them walked towards a corner, and Dumbledore's hand was not stroking on the rock wall, but slowly moving in the air.

It seems to want to find and grasp something intangible.

"Found it!" he said."Come here, you two."

William and Hermione walked over and were slowly groping.Then he touched a metal object and grabbed Hermione's hand to make her feel it too.

Immediately, the eyes of the two of them could also see the iron chain floating in the air.

This is what they just ignored.

The chain was clearly in mid-air and was not hidden, but several people deliberately ignored it.

This is the function of the wizard's expulsion spell.

Dumbledore raised the chain and tapped it with the tip of his wand.

If in the eyes of other wizards, he seemed to be an empty counterattack.

Soon, the chain body of the green copper chain emerged from the depths of the lake and coiled in a pile on the ground, making a resounding echo.

At the end of the chain is a bronze ship.The boat glowed green like a ghost and floated towards the shore of the lake.

But the boat seemed very small and could only take one person.

There are three of them.

"Can we sit down?" Hermione asked. "It seems that it can only sit on a wizard. Can it hold the weight of three people?"

"Hermione, Voldemort doesn't think about weight, he only thinks about how much magic power has passed through his lake." Dumbledore shook his head.

"In other words, this ship may have been cursed and can only ride one wizard at a time." Hermione guessed.

"No." William pondered for a moment, and said categorically, "This boat can at least sit on two adult wizards."

"Hermione, don't forget Tom. To find the Horcrux, he drank the potion on the island...that is, the Horcrux is under the potion."

"Yes, you are right!" Hermione raised her eyebrows, and immediately responded.

She slowly said: "Voldemort will definitely not drink potions, so if he wants to check Horcrux, he will bring a sacrifice to drink potions."

"Yes." Dumbledore admired: "You two observe very carefully.

I really haven't seen it for many years, such as an outstanding student like you."

Hermione couldn't help grinning, and said with a frown, "But we have three of us."

"Hermione, Voldemort doesn't think you will be counted. You are not an adult and have too little magic power." Dumbledore said softly.

"He never thought that a 15-year-old girl would come to this place.

I think your magic is negligible compared to my magic and William’s."

Hermione's magic power is too little, but William's magic power is comparable to that of a normal adult wizard.

Fox's blessing added a lot of buffs to him.After several years of growth, his magic power has increased significantly.

Therefore, the three of them can definitely sit on it.

Dumbledore and William sat on the boat, and Hermione just sat on William's lap.

No way, William was also uncomfortable.But in order to destroy the Horcrux, he always has to sacrifice.

But soon he slapped.

William had just jumped into the boat, and the water was turbulent and boiling, and the boat overturned.

When he was caught off guard from falling into the water, William suddenly remembered, how is he alone... there is a zoo on him!

He was pitted by himself!



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